Wheeeeee - Into the 2WW!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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Who's here in the midst of those 2 weeks after O and before the dreaded expected visit from Miss :witch: ?

I used to like it when AF wasn't here, now it's all I can ever seem to think of!!

AF due 29 March (probably).


:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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Weeee.....new thread of 2ww! New chance! Lets hope some more people get some BFPs this month! We had some last month:)

Personally, I don't think this is our month, even though we have bd at the right time and everything, but I just want this cycle to be over, cause after that Im off to see the specialist and hopefully get some answers! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Anyway, love hanging out with you ladies, and I like to see the development with everyone:)

Good luck ladies!
:cheer::cheer:YEEHAA for the TWW:cheer:

Good luck lovely ladies!
eek....we're all so close! This is going to be really exciting!! I guess we're not going to test before af is due this month either?? Hope so!

LIST: 2ww girls, when we are due (fingers crossed):

16 of March: Positivity
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Cherry binky :bfp: :yay: :bfp: :yay:

22 of March: Kedi326 :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

26 of March: Tractorgirl + Drummers_wife :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

27 of March: Dita_Parlo's wedding anniversary :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
27 of March: Cosmicgirl + Tinkerbell3 :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
28 of March: Esperanza84 + Tinselcat :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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I'm here too, either 1 or 2DPO so AF due 27th or 28th really hoping it's 3rd time lucky though and she stays away.

Sending you all lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xx
I can see the weekend around the 28th being an exciting one again this month!!

Indeed Tinkerbell, 3rd time lucky as they say!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I have put you down for the 27th of March so that Cosmicgirl has a poas-buddy ;)

Fingers crossed for a 3rds time lucky hun!

lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Good luck girls! My wedding anniversary is the 27th March so hope you're all celebrating too! (Although not with a glass of champagne! :wink:) :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
We sure will use the romantic vibes in the air that night! ;)
good luck ladies....i wont be joining you this month....but maybe next month, we shall see. depends when af decides to show up to be honest....then i can think about whether to try in 1st or 2nd cycle after mc ...

cant wait to try again :) xx
You are welcome to join us whenever you want samsgirl! Im sure I will hang around for some time, so will probably see you around:)

Lots of luck!
oooh, i'm in the 2ww! but AF is due by wednesday. i done a FR test yesterday and was screaming out NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!! so i've accepted that i'm out this month and af will arrive shortly. i know she is on my doorstep as all my usual signs are here :( cycle 11 - cant believe it! xx

best of luck to all you girlies, maybe the end of the month is lucky!! xxx
So sorry to hear that positivity! I know the feeling! In my 13th cycle. But will see a specialist soon!

Here's to next cycle!

PS: You're not out untill the witch is there for real! ;)
thanks hun! i hope it happens for you too! ttc'ing for this long is no joke is it!? im back to the doctor in the next week to speak to them about it! xx
Morning all - these 2ww come round quickly, don't they! I'm about 2dpo and AF is due about the 26th or 27th. It's my birthday on the 27th so a nice bfp would be a good pressie! Going to book a doc's appointment for hubby and I anyway in the next couple of weeks as our 6 months is now up. Can't imagine they'll do much anyway because of my age. Anyway, fx for everyone on here. I want BFPs from everyone in here this month, or else!! xx
hi tractorgirl! Welcome:)

Would be lovely if you got a bfp on your birthday! Fingers crossed for you hun! I have put you down for the 26th of March! Keep us posted!

Lots of luck! :dust:
Yeh that would be a great birthday present!!

Spreading the :dust: around here even more!!

Cosmicgirl, any symptoms? :)

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