What's everyones nicknames for their LO?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
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I've seen quite a few people use nicknames for their son/daughter.

What nickname has your LO acquired?
If they have one, how did they get it and when?

Ellie has always been called 'Bear'. It sounds crazy but when she was born, she had so much hair! DH said it was as black as bears fur so that's where the name came from. She responds to it and we've been out and about before on several occasions when I've shouted "bear" down an aisle and she's come running. We've had some pretty weird looks at times :lol:

Lydia is known as 'Diddy'. Her elder cousin Molly [my niece] asked if we were going to call Lydia "Liddy" for short and we said no. When she first met Lydia, she immediatly said "she's diddy!" meaning she's tiny, which was the case. So she was Lydia to Diddy Liddy then just Diddy. She even signs cards to Molly as Diddy, it's pretty cute. Lydia doesn't like it when me, DH or Ellie call her Diddy; only Molly is allowed to, lol.
Oh loads, Mrs Little Mis, buddah baby, Cookie pie, squidge, we call her everything except her name
TP!! She was just Tally, then it turned in to TallyPoo and that got shortened to TP, my mum sometimes calls her wigwam as a piss take and i have heard her called Teep before, and my friend calls her Pooh.

I also call her Snuggle Bunny a lot as i've always snuggled up to her in bed at night.
Sausage and madam.

Sausage is used most of the time, I said to DH the other day we better start using her proper name when we speak to her otherwise she's going to think her name is actually sausage :lol: .

I have no idea why we've started calling her this as my mum has started calling her sausage also :?
Hazel said:
I said to DH the other day we better start using her proper name when we speak to her otherwise she's going to think her name is actually sausage :lol: .

OH was saying the other day he thinks she's going to think her name is TallyPoo and Tally is just a nickname, not as good as thinking you're called sausage mind
jack has loads :lol:

i call him noodle, spongebob, treacle and muffin!! :rotfl:
angel, aideybum, aideypops, boo, butthead, baba..

he actually answers to aideypops though :oops: thats my mums fault :lol:
Callum is called CJ, Munchkin, his dad has always called him twinkle toes :rotfl: :rotfl: It's funny to watch a grown man shouting that out!
Flod, Flodlington, Flop, Conifold, Flodmeister, Consternator...
spud, spudster, spudlet, spudwelike...or madam portainia ...dont ask!
Most popular one is Sausage...!! Hes going to wonder who the bloodyhell Corey is in a few years when we start calling him that!!

My mum calls him her pudding.
this is embarassing to admit, but i call Josh :
Joshie Woshie Doo Daa and Poo Bum 8) :oops:
Oh she has loads! Poo face, stinky (both when she has pooped) princess, bear, Teddy, Lo Lo, Lols, puddin cant think but all sorts lol

Joseph has Joeseppy, Joemotts, mottser, sausage when he was a baby

Dillon has Doon, Doonmeister, dooney, Dill spoon

Lucy has princess, witch(hahaha only joking) Lu lu, babydoll, puddin

I dont think I ever use their real names lol! Unless they are in trouble!! :evil: haha
lea m said:
I dont think I ever use their real names lol! Unless they are in trouble!! :evil: haha

Same with us!

We rarely call Ellie by her real name, she just goes by bear.
As I said in my first post, Diddy doesn't like us to call her Diddy [only Molly my niece can :lol:] but we still do. Ocassionally when we call her Diddy she'll turn round and get her 'stress head' and shout "I'm not Diddy to you - I'm Lydia!!" :lol:
ClaireJ said:
lea m said:
I dont think I ever use their real names lol! Unless they are in trouble!! :evil: haha

Same with us!

We rarely call Ellie by her real name, she just goes by bear.
As I said in my first post, Diddy doesn't like us to call her Diddy [only Molly my niece can :lol:] but we still do. Ocassionally when we call her Diddy she'll turn round and get her 'stress head' and shout "I'm not Diddy to you - I'm Lydia!!" :lol:

:lol: Thats like Dillon with Dooney! Only I can call him that or he goes mad hahaha
Ds has loads, The boy, boy, Cam, Cammy, Cambo, Cameroony, bub, bubba, baby bubba, noodle, monkey boy, basically if I shout out something silly he answers :lol:

Esme gets poo face alot :oops: but also lill girly, Es, Essy, esmerelda, maymay, maisy, sweetypie, cheeky girl, lovely girl.
Phoebe gets called Phee or Pheebs mostly.

For a long time she was 'Boo' after the little girl from Monsters inc. Someone pointed it out to us when she was small that she looked just like her with her pigtails in and it stuck. I still say it now but that's mainly if she's upset or poorly. It's kind of her 'baby' name now so it's kept for snuggles and tears lol!

She hates fifi and growls at you if you call her that.
Maddison gets called Moo and MooMoo which she answers too and family call her it too :oops:

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