What's everyones nicknames for their LO?

i call blake all sorts lol he has so many nicknames, mr snuggle bum, blakey, picachu (pokemon character) sp?
I quite often call Oliver "Moschops" .... it was a cartoon dinosaur from the 80's when I was little :oops: :lol: :rotfl:
Zodiac said:
I quite often call Oliver "Moschops" .... it was a cartoon dinosaur from the 80's when I was little :oops: :lol: :rotfl:
aww I loved moschops, I call Es 'Evil Edna' when she is being really grumpy :lol:
We call Millicent 'Mills', 'Millie' (less often, her grandparents use it more), 'kleine Maus' (that's German for 'little mouse') and 'Äffchen' (German for 'little monkey', but only I call her that)
Bethany is Bean. Poor sod, lol, she's 7 and still gets called bean :lol:

Izzie is Iz, IzWhiz, or spuddy buddy (beacause she looks all spuddy and she's my buddy)
Sam Sam, Mr Sam Sam, Sammy Snufflepig, Fester (as in Uncle Fester because he looked like him when he was born)
Paris is trouble, madam, stroppy knickers and munchkin

Harrison is boy, fatty bum bum, rat bag, monkey, monster, terror and sean calls him little git :lol:
Oliver gets called 'O' Osters O-miseter....sometimes i desperately wanna call him a little s&*t but refrain and call him monster!!!!!!

for zachary we cal him Zachie Zachie

and for Georgia we call her Georgie Porgie or pudding pie
Jacob is Bean, Scooby Doo, and Woofy

For some reason we started to call baby No2 due in june 'Plum'...but when the scan showed it was a boy, the nickname changed to 'bean two' :o OH has also started to call baby 2 'Scrappy Doo'....so we have Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo lol

We call Lucy 'Poo', not sure how, maybe from lucypoo, or Pucy as we sometimes call her. But it gets embarrassing sometimes, it just slips out! After a fitness class the other day (her first creche session) she was crying when I went to collect her, with the sorriest looking face :( I just said 'ohhhh poooo' in my sympathetic tone. Poor love :( lol
Theo is :

Mr wiggle Munch

(ok, ok I admit it... I like Funny words... Poor Theo). hehe
I call Aimee 'lil madam' as she was a right lil madam when I was expecting her so the name has stuck. Ewan calls her many names but mostly 'rollie bug' as she is ALWAYS rolling about now. :D

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