what is it with people today? (long account of my morning)


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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DH and I both had dentist appointments this morning, his was at 10.30am and mine at 12pm. So I drove him to his appointment, and normally I wait in the reception with the kids for him to finish.

DH got out of the car first and went in whilst I parked up, and then I followed with the kids. When I got inside he'd already gone upstairs and in the dentist's room.

The receptionist said to me "You can go upstairs", so I said "I'm only waiting for my husband".
So she said "don't you have an appointment today?" so I said "yes but not till 12".

So anyway she started saying she would see if the dentist could squeeze me in after he'd finished with DH. Now, Lydia was hungry so I didn't particularly want her to have to wait around for me as well. The idea was that after DH's appointment, I would take him and the kids home so that Lydia could have some food, and then I'd go back for my appointment.
I told the receptionist this, and said I wanted to stick to my original appointment, but she just ignored me,
She barked "sit down" at me, and then hurried off upstairs. She came back a moment later and said "the dentist will see you after he's seen your husband".

So I said "I really would prefer to have my 12pm appointment"
When I said that she glared at me and shouted "Well you could have told me. Whatever, it's your face, off you go then" and held the door open.

At this point Lydia was crying because we were being made to leave and she likes playing with the little toys in reception. I was so pissed off.

So anyway, we decided to sit on some steps outside round the corner from the dentist surgery. It was a sunny day and too hot to sit in the car. We were there about 10 minutes before an elderly lady came along with a guide dog. Lydia loves dogs and was delighted, and said to me "that's a nice dog! It's a white dog." (it was a very pale yellow). At this, the lady started screaming "She is NOT a bad doggy, she's a special doggy" rather hysterically.
I was like WTF? :shock:
So I called over to her "Nobody said it was a bad dog".
So she shouted "that horrible child said it was a bad dog".
I said "erm no, she said it was a nice white dog".
This woman was having none of it. "No she didn't, you're lying",she screamed.
I said "I know what she said, she's my 2 year old daughter".
Then the woman just said "ok" and went off.

Later when I went back to the dentist for my appointment, the receptionist blanked me as I walked in. When I got into the dentist's room, I said to him "Your receptionist certainly is feisty".
At this, the dental nurse muttered under her breath and left the room.
The dentist said to me "I know exactly what you mean, I could think of worse things to call her, but the thing is that she's the dental nurse's mother so I dare not say anything". :oops: :shock: :lol:

I've had an interesting morning.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: love the last bit about dental nurse's mam. Serves her right.

:evil: to the old lady with the dog tho. What a horrible woman, talking to a little 2 year old like that.

Blinking heck, Some weirdos round your way then! That guide dog woman sounds just like a tenant I know!

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