What am I doing wrong?

Knopk have you tried putting something that smells of you in his cot? Like your jumper or something? Youve probes had loads of suggestions so sorry if this has already been done x
Knopk have you tried putting something that smells of you in his cot? Like your jumper or something? Youve probes had loads of suggestions so sorry if this has already been done x
Oh hun I have tried absolutely everything, settle and leave doesnt work for him. He will workhimself up in such a state thathe wont stop screaming.

Ask me what I havent tried. He wants the BOOB
:hug: oh dear Hun, must be doing your head in x
It is and I can only wait I guess for himto grow out of it, HVs shrug their shoulders and tell me to wait until 6 months. He has to start nursery at 10 so I need to sort it by then
Would he still kick off if he was put to bed by someone else? If issac is taking a paddy sometimes i can't calm him but my mam can and i asked my hv cos it was making me feel bad... she said its probably because he can smell my milk, just a thought xx
Would he still kick off if he was put to bed by someone else? If issac is taking a paddy sometimes i can't calm him but my mam can and i asked my hv cos it was making me feel bad... she said its probably because he can smell my milk, just a thought xx
He still kicks off, one of the first things we tried is for my DH to give him a bottle and put him to bed. He is one stubborn baby.
The only thing I havent tried is controlled crying
Would he still kick off if he was put to bed by someone else? If issac is taking a paddy sometimes i can't calm him but my mam can and i asked my hv cos it was making me feel bad... she said its probably because he can smell my milk, just a thought xx
He still kicks off, one of the first things we tried is for my DH to give him a bottle and put him to bed. He is one stubborn baby.
The only thing I havent tried is controlled crying

I don't know how controlled crying works? But i hate Issac crying it upsets me
Would he still kick off if he was put to bed by someone else? If issac is taking a paddy sometimes i can't calm him but my mam can and i asked my hv cos it was making me feel bad... she said its probably because he can smell my milk, just a thought xx
He still kicks off, one of the first things we tried is for my DH to give him a bottle and put him to bed. He is one stubborn baby.
The only thing I havent tried is controlled crying

I don't know how controlled crying works? But i hate Issac crying it upsets me
its a harsh method and not recommended until 6 months, not sure I can
Sarah, i'm so glad it worked & i'm glad you read the link, even if u dont follow it, still some really good tips there! I didn't realise my LO was over-tired, I was one of those mums guilty of trying to entertain LO when crying, rather than offer him sleep.

I'd say the caffeine may be a bigger factor than you think (dont know anything about it tbh) but im thinking whatever you consume goes to them...right?

I never leave Kayden to cry it out, he has a wee whinge sometimes, when he's full blown crying i lift him & cuddle him til he's sleepy then lift him in & he settles.

Hi Sarah,

I have had 4 babies, and only the last one slept well at night!

He cluster fed all early evening, we fed at kiddy teatime like 4pm, then at 6pm he would want another feed, (boobs), and then we would bath straight after, (it would wake him up too), then for some reason, the bath triggered hm thinking it was feed time as soon as he was dry and in his PJ's, so we fed straight after bathtime and then he played for about 1hour and then went to bed. The amount of feeds we got in really helped and he would sleep till 7am! , it's not as good now, he is up at 5am onwards, but I'm happy with that. So maybee try to shunt Kynons whole early eve pattern forward if possible and feed before bath and see it it triggers more noshing straight after, feed stacking to fill him up.

We won a baby cd that has heartbeat and seashore waves on it, and have played it as bedtime background sounds since a few weeks after he was born, and we still do!!! He is 12 mths now and I leave it on when I climb into bed, (he is in our room), and I don't even nottice it now !!!

My kids make lots of noise when doing teath and creaking the landing outside Devons door at bedtime, and shouting!! so the cd is everything to us.....

Also it's about 4 mths we got a problem putting him down on his own in thne cot at bedtime, so we brought a cot music thing, best thing we did, it has lights and movement and music (fisher price rainforest thingy), eats batteries every 3 mths , but great...

Wishing you lots of luck and sleep X
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He def cluster feeds at night, think it's one of those things I have to accept, he's sleeping now though to fx for another good night! He's managed two big naps today as well as I've kind of forced him to go down instead of 'entertaining' him. We've had a quieter day today and another long bath in the big bath, JJ he is just like your LO feeding before and after bath and it waking him up!
We tried a sippy cup tonight and he was more willing to try and take breast milk from it than a bottle although he didn't have much he didn't scream at it!
Knopk - I really feel for you and hope something changes soon, I can't bear Kynon crying either so I've been cuddling him then straight back down, he did give up in the end and fall asleep, but there's no way I could leave him distressed at this age either. I've made Kynon wait longer between feeds today so he's fed for longer and gone 3 hours instead of two.
Great news about the sippy cup Sarah! well done and fx for a good nights sleep

If it's getting past sleep time for Devon, we have to use the pushchair for a walk to sleep or just rock it in the hall, like were out!! then any sleep time I can use for housework catchup jobs etc!! He goes off much easier in the pushchair than a cot!
Kynon seems to sleep better in his pram too, that's where I put him in the day then I can just wheel it back and forth a bit when he wakes.
Great to hear its working hun. Yesterday I didnt try at night, my DH came from work, read him a bed time story (which was accompanied with squeals and giggles), then I gave him food and off he went. He does tend to wake up afer 30-40 mins but i am working on re-settling.
I try to move further away from him during the night but he will wriggle his way right next to me so I end up in the middle with him next to me,poor DH doesnt have space anymore!

Decided yet again to put him in the cot for his morning nap. He was sleepy and all that, now wide awake. I just know he will be cranky later! Cheeky little monkey
Kynon wakes after 30-40 mins too, apparently it's something to do with sleep patterns, I've been wheeling the pram about and putting white noise on when he does this and he's been going back off for another hour!
Well Kynon is back to his old tricks, I've had two good nights followed by one crap night and one really crap night last night! He won't go down again and last night I saw every hour, I'm knackered today but he isn't! I stuck to the same things that worked two days ago, I think he just wised up!
Don't be disheartened honey :hug: keep trying.. Stick to what your doing for a while if u keep changing routines etc it will confuse him more.. It's worked before for him hopefully it will work again! Your doing great don't worry!
Thanks JM, sometimes you just don't know what to do with them, hopefully tonight will be a better one!
I know exactly how u feel babe it's hard work physically mentally and emotionally but it does get better! :hug:

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