What am I doing wrong!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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We are putting Isla in her room now as DH is a rubbish sleeper and keeps waking her up. When I put her down at 12/1 ish she sleeps for 3-4 hours. I give her boob and she drops of on me, then I think about winding, she wakes up when wind her. Then like last night and the night before she was awake 2/3 hours!!

She falls asleep several times in this period but wakes up 2 mins after I pit her down, regardless of length of me holding her.

I end up giving in and bringing her in to our bed and she is still asleep now.

I don't think she has grasped night and day yet.

So, am I meant to wind her in the night or do I leave her to sleep? I have the Moses basket in her cot to get her used to being in there, and we have a monitor.

Thanks ladies
From a very tired Emma x
Some babies don't need winding through the night because their half asleep they don't take in much air. Charley gets winded half way through a feed then when he's finished he's normally nearly asleep so I lie him on my chest for 5mins so if he is gonna burp he'll do it then but he normally doesn't then I'll put him in his cot!
Isla's sleeping better than charley! The longest he'll sleep for is 3 and a half hours!!
If zach is asleep, I don't wind him and he is fine, just try it and if she wakes then she might need winding, if not you get sleep. Good luck xxx
I read that breastfed babies don't need winding as often as bottle fed babies. I feed drake and pop him on my chest for 15 minutes. I'll pat his back gently and if he burps then great but he rarely does as he's blottoed. In those 15 minutes he goes from active sleep to a deeper sleep so he don't wake up when I put him down. He's never had a night in bed with me yet! (done loads of research about their sleeping patterns lol)
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if noa is not too sleepy during feed i wind him halfway trough, but if he is very sleepy i just put him back in his basket x
Thanks guys, I'll refrain from winding if she falls asleep and try and wait longer before I put her to bed. I've just managed to express 3oz so I can get DH to try and feed her too. All I want is to sleep normal hours!

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