What am I doing wrong?

I agree about sticking to the routine even if it seems to have stopped working because he will hopefully get used to it and start following it again, we did this with N and some nights it works some it doesnt, but the nights it works are becoming more frequent!
That's good to know bunny. He seems to fall asleep for about half an hour then wakes both day naps and night time, had another crappy night plus one boob is really sore now for some reason!
Would my boob look any different? Only thing I've noticed is my nipple is a bit red, I know it's not mastitis though, had that before!
Havent had it myself but from friends i know nipples go read and its painful to feed

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Mine were red then bright pink!! Started one side too.. Get some canasten cream on it just in case.. Don't have to wash it off before feeding.. If its left to spread my god it hurts!!!! Go docs Monday and get baby treated too or it will go back and forth.. I hope it's not thrush babe it's agonizing when it gets into ur ducts!!
I think it could be thrush, my right boob is really sore now, dreading my next feed as it's on that side, Kynon doesn't seem to have any symptoms though yet, although I have though he was teething, maybe he has thrush instead. I'll go doctors Monday and get checked, thanks for the advice x
Oh dear :( well if it is then you've caught it early, make sure they give u treatment for him too as the first doc I saw didn't give me anything for lily when he should have! We've had it twice :( second time I knew what it was and caught it in time to treat it quicker and it was fine.. The first time I thought I was just sore and it spread so fast and was agonizing, I dreaded feeding her and cried when I did.. Almost gave up on bf coz of it but I was adamant to push past it and I'm so glad I did!xx
I am dreading feeding on one side, bit like it's on fire. Hopefully I can get into the doctors tomorrow before it gets worse. And to make it worse Kynon thought he would have an hour long feed tonight, greedy boy!
Hi there, i dont know if other ppl have mentioned tbe following already but theres lots of replies that i am too tired to read atm! Maybe try warm bath with bedtime bubble bath, put hot water bottle in crib about 20 mins before bedtime then take out, little bit of snack milk about 3 oz does charlie, I have a fisher price seahorse that plays nice songs and noises and underwater sounds and has a yellow light on, lasts for quite a while too so you dont have to keep turning it on. Erm...maybe have the landing light on, swaddle up tight and cuddle for 5 mins or so... maybe try one of those comfort blankets just next to the side of their face so its rubbing against his ear and cheek (obvs remove when fast asleep or when you go to bed) I've noticed that charlie likes to have his bumpers from his old co sleeper bed in with him, perhaps if you roll up some blankets and put either side of him, maybe a few in between the space between him and the side of his bed so its nice and cosy?

Sorry that you are having trouble with him, nothing worse when all youwant to do is sleep but sounds like youre doing a fab job eith him, just keep persevering, I know its hard but try to remember he doesnt mean it and its not forever, easy for everyone ekse to say I know but its true :) my auntie says that when charlies a teenager ill look back on these sleepless nights and wish i could go back, when theyre little they wont stay in bed and when theyre bigger they wont get out!! Xx
I am dreading feeding on one side, bit like it's on fire. Hopefully I can get into the doctors tomorrow before it gets worse. And to make it worse Kynon thought he would have an hour long feed tonight, greedy boy!

Sounds like thrush to me babe.. Have you been to docs??
I've got an appointment today so hopefully she can help me!
Thanks pretty penguin, I think we're both having nighttime settling issues, think I've tried most of them at some point! I think he is just greedy and using me as a comfort too, last night was another terrible night and even today he's been grumpy and not wanting any naps! Least it's not forever, although my nephew is still a bad sleeper and he's nearly 5 now! Oh we have the same light show, he loves it but stays awake!
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Well we do have thrush! Hope the cream works quickly! JM no he won't take a dummy we tried them again today, he did chew the cherry one a bit so I'll keep offering it. He sucks his thumb some of the time though.
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You've caught it early enough so hopefully it won't go into ur breast.. Have they given him treatment too? Don't forget to change ur pads as much as u can, use his bibs/muslins once then wash on high temp along with ur bras and anything else that touches ur skin in that area.. Also sterilize any dummy's that have been in his mouth or throw them out like I did once we got it for the second time lol!! It's so important to catch it early anyone who has sore nipples should get looked at just in case and baby should ALWAYS be treated too! Even if they have no signs of it.. And vice versa.. I can't stress enough how much it hurts when it goes too far!!
I found the cream stopped it getting worse and cleared it all up in a couple of days.. The gel I got for the second time (for me and to rub on roof of baby's mouth) worked so fast!
Thanks for the advice, I hadnt thought about bibs and bras etc. Going to be a pain washing boobs every time I feed at night though!
He's still not asleep now, we've had lots of screaming tonight as I decided an hour of feeding is enough and he was just comfort feeding! Prob end up feeding him again before he does sleep as he's on 2 hourly feeds again at the moment! Roll on 6 months when he can start having solids too and I might start getting a break!
Ur doc should have told u about all that :( the first doc I saw said lily didn't need treatment but I saw someone else the next day and she said he was daft to say that lol!

Hope he settles for u soon babe :( won't u consider food before 6mos? Give ur boobies a break lol!x
Doc gave us both medication but didnt mention the washing etc.
Going to see the local breast feeding advisor tomorrow, briefly spoke on the phone and she said it's really normal for 4 month old babies to behave like him and I def shouldn't try weening early, she said people mistake this age for them being ready for food and they arnt. I'm glad she said that as I also don't believe in weaning early, esp. with Kynon being early. I've been doing a lot of reading on it lately as he seems so hungry, and unsettled, it's one of those unfortunate things Ill probably have to man (women) up to and just let him feed whenever he wants for now! Survived the last 4 months on rubbish sleep so I suppose I can go a bit longer! On the plus side I'm eating whatever I like and loads and still losing weight!

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