getting worse!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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my LO sleeps all day and is awake all night!! but he used to sleep from 11 for bout 3 hours then awake for a few hours then sleep 4 another 2/3 hours!! but he seems to be having less sleep and the longest strech is about 1 and half hours each time with a long awake time in the middle!! is this happening to anyone else!! im soooooo tired :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Oooh, Ouch!

Im afraid my DS dont do that - thank god. Poor you :hug: :hug:

Have you tried keeping LO up during the day, might give you a day or two of hell, but then will be so knacard will sleep at night..?
i have tried bit it didnt seem to work :evil: at the mo im trying to sleep when he does but its hard sleeping in the day!!
Eakk. Someone else made a post about this, Sally I think... or a username just like that.

Might be worth looking in that thread too, see if theres any other ideas.

Best thing to do is sleep when they do!! I know it can be hard tho! :hug:
Have you tried waking you LO to feed every 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the day? They may only manage sleepy little feeds but it will disrupt the longer daytime sleeps. The theory being that if they get the nutrients they need during the day, they will not need so many feeds at night. Make sure (if you don't already) you have a good bedtime routine and stick to it. Feed, bath bed with lights low etc. After bedtime keep the interaction to an absolute minimum- although it's really hard when your LO refuses to even try to sleep.

How old is your LO? If your LO is very young this is quite normal to be awake for hours at night. It will gat better. Kathryn suddenly stopped staying awake for quite as long between feeds at night once she hit 6 weeks and at about 12 weeks, learned how to go back into her cot awake after a night feed and settle to sleep herself within a few minutes (with a dummy). In those first few weeks BBC iPlayer became my best friend- I would sit and watch all kinds of stuff with Kathryn settling in my arms. I didn't dare try putting her down some nights as that was the cue for her eyes to ping open and the whole settling cycle to start again. In the mean time... have a load of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank u 4 the advice!! my LO is 3 weeks old!! i hope your right flowergirl roll on 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :)
Oh Hun, you are still in the really early days. It will get better and that first night your LO skips the 1am(ish) feed you will feel like a new person! :D

My advice- if you haven;t had enough of it already is definately to start the bathtime routine before bed. I was amazed how quickly Kathryn cottoned on that it was long sleepy time and wished that I'd started to introduce it earlier (I started at about 7 weeks I think). I follw no other routine really but stick to the 6pm feed, bath, bed religiously!

Good luck - and if it's any consolation- we ALL know how tough it is for you at the moment xxx

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