~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

Bee said:
Tadpole said:
Ooh this thread has grown! Hiya to everyone who has set a date.

I would go for giving them a glass of something - we will provide some champers for the toasts. And maybe wine for the meal as OH's dad has said he will donate towards it.

I had an idea for tables the other day - I am going to have pot plants. Small, seasonal ones. Instead of cut flowers, as there is a plant wholesalers near me and I was looking around and just thought how nice real plants would look. Thought about possibly having lavender and then giving them to people afterwards.

So anyone have any idea what plants are in season in April/May time??

I've just read that in a wedding mag :lol:

Google it and see whats in season ;) Google is my answer to everything :lol:

Heh heh. I'm so on-trend! :lol:

I google everything so will definitely go that route but I know less than nothing about plants so will go and have a chat with the gardening types in the wholesalers. And I can't get them too soon as i have managed to kill nearly every plant I have ever owned!
abcd1234 said:
Whats everyone else doing for flowers?? I was thinking of having a big thing for me abd very simple flowers for bridemaids :think: then something for the reception head table.

I thought I would have little baskets for the bridesmaids. And I may put in something other than flowers but will have to ahve a think about it. Not got a clue what i will have for my bouquet yet!
ooo.. i was a bridesmaid for my aunt when i was 12ish. instead of having flowers we had little parasols!!! my little sister (4 at the time maybe) was a bridesmaid as well and she had a mini one.

Ive not even thought about flowers! i don't know if im going to have a bunch or not. I think i might have a little bundle :think:

My nan always seems to walk off with any center pieces for weddings we go to! she would love to go to a wedding with potted plants :wink: :lol:
Its a lovely idea though huni. as for what is in season - ive no idea, but nowdays i recon you could get just about anything!
Sarah- what about bluebells or thistles. both of these are blue and are about at that time of year. if you have a clever florist they can do you just about any type of flower in whichever colour you like!

i bought my dress yesterday, its gorgeous!!! it was a complete bargain and i saw it by accident. me and OH were in Norwich on our anniversary and i spotted it in the window, i managed to get rid of him for a bit and went and tried it on. its just what i dreamed of. it was usually £750 but for this month only was going for £100!!! BARGAIN!!!


Happy planning xx
suzie1011 said:
Sarah- what about bluebells or thistles. both of these are blue and are about at that time of year. if you have a clever florist they can do you just about any type of flower in whichever colour you like!

i bought my dress yesterday, its gorgeous!!! it was a complete bargain and i saw it by accident. me and OH were in Norwich on our anniversary and i spotted it in the window, i managed to get rid of him for a bit and went and tried it on. its just what i dreamed of. it was usually £750 but for this month only was going for £100!!! BARGAIN!!!


Happy planning xx

That dress is absolutely GORGEOUS!! And what a bargain. :D

I've seen the dress I want but am gonna wait till Jan/Feb to get it as I have a wobbly tummy that I want to try and firm up first. Am going swimming tonight. (Failing that Ginormous pants - which I will change before 'the night' :lol: )
Bee said:
Bluebells would be stunning!

Thistles aren't blue though ;) They are purple :D

My thistles were definately blue, you can get both, I had Ivory and Navy with thistles and cream roses.
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Just ordered the save the date cards of this ACE website ( www.moo.com )

First thing Ive ordered, feels really weird now lol!

Damn if they change the date now :rotfl:
Im on the tightest budget ever :lol: We are just gonna hand them out to people I just ordered 100 mini cards for £9.99 I couldnt resist. With ours on a Thursday aswell people need to remember so they can book a day off :D

ahhh... now ive had another option suggested. Turns out we won't be able to get my dads bowls club on a thursday, but OH's mum suggested a marque in her garden!! it would be lovey but im not sure if its going to be more expensive. Why oh why can't weddings be easy! why does there have to be so many options.

Slightly off topic, but if money was no issue, what would you do?
We where driving along the sea front earlier today, and i said to OH how great would it be to hire and close of the whole of southend pier!! 2 and a bit miles hired just for our wedding!!!!
put a huge marque down the end, dress up the inside of the trains to take guests down to the end of the pier!!! ooo it would be great, and if there where nice sunsets (which we sometimes get), and it was a lovely calm day think of the pictures!!!!!! im sure you could even arrange to get married down there so the whole thing could be at the end of the pier!!! how great would that be!!!!!
Sam&Alice said:
Slightly off topic, but if money was no issue, what would you do?

Exactly what we're doing now!What we're planning is the wedding i've been planning in my head for years, luckily i dont want a big wedding so that limits the cost a bit, The only thing i'd change is having a much bigger honeymoon and bringing someone else along to look after Tally somedays so we get us time, and i'd have a wdding palnner, it's too much hassle and stressdoing it myself lol
WE're not having save the date cards, just going to do invitations instead, we're only having abotu 40 people at the actual wedding so can tell them all hte date easily

I've voted on your thread abouyt them in adult, sos for short rep[ly someone is screaming
lilysmummy- i took a look at the website and they are fab, i've already ordered some :D

we've been looking at church fees and i nearly fainted. because we're got a big guest list really we need a big church but this will cost us £700, which i refuse to fork out that amount as our reception is going to cost just over that too! we are going to see if we can squeeze everyone into a smaller church or... (cut some people off the list to just evening :oops: )
looks like we are going to go for st Marys, its a lovely church and we know the vicar as my OH used to work within the church community.

we have also just ordered a professional..er...man...to play the bagpipes for us. we aer both of scottish heritage and as the boys will all be wearing kilts we thought it was appropriate. its a surprise for the guests tho. the only people who know about it are me, OH, My parents and the bridesmaids
clairedoran said:
Sarah&Braydon said:
clairedoran said:
Awww ladies, i'd get married once a year if I could! I LOVE weddings.
Gonna be addicted to this thread, checking on how your all getting on.
I used to use a wedding forum before I got married, it was great for ideas! Used to get all excited when one of the members were getting married and I loved looking at all their pics after the big day. DH thinks i'm mad :D


ohhhh wot was it called ??

http://www.weddingchaos.co.uk/wedding-forum/ :D


how long were you on there for, I used to be on that one!

I dont miss planning my wedding, we only a small affair but it was eveyrhtin I could ahve wanted and more!
I love the sound of bagpipes!! what a lovely idea to keep it a suprise!!!

Im about to start calling up about wedding breakfasts next week - are there any tips as what i should ask for / about? We are just calling nice resturants in the local area. They need to have access for a large wheelchair, be ok with babies, its for 15 people (one of which will be my little 6 month old, so food for 14). Im after paying per head - how much are people looking to spend on theirs?
We are looking at about £23 per head for 3 courses.

We are going to do the paperwork on Friday, (for the reading of the banns, is it?). My friend was laughing at me as I have a colour-coded 'to do' list with deadlines and comments. :lol:
Ours is £40 a head plus £20 drinks and £15 for the evening buffet. It's quite a bit but i know i'd never have another wedding again and my parents are helping towards it.

I think my friends buffet is something like £3 a head
Well thought i'd join in - we keep putting the date off through one thing or another, but we will do it

I have found my dress but cant find it anywhere any cheaper and really don't want to spend a fortune on it

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