~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

I love this thread! :D abcd - your dress is absolutely beautiful, I really like the bodice.

Lilys Mummy - that is one impressive venue! It will be spectacular! :D
oh my gosh i cant believe i've only just found this thread. OH is gonna be chuffed to shut me up about weddings...or it may just fuel me more but never mind :lol:

Names Suzie and Robyn

Date 18th August 2010

Place its between St Nicholas, St Marys and St Pauls (not that i reckon many of you will know where that is in (not-so-)Great Yarmouth lol

Reception Northgate Community Hall

Theme SWEETS AND CHOCOLATE!!! me and my OH both have really sweet tooths so we thought it was perfect! colour theme is chocolate brown and mint green

i went dress shopping with one of my bridesmaids the other day but havent found what i like yet (that doesnt cost £1000s)

im all excited!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Awww ladies, i'd get married once a year if I could! I LOVE weddings.
Gonna be addicted to this thread, checking on how your all getting on.
I used to use a wedding forum before I got married, it was great for ideas! Used to get all excited when one of the members were getting married and I loved looking at all their pics after the big day. DH thinks i'm mad :D

I thought abotu trying to find a wedding forum, just for ideas on how to not spent an unholy amount of money lol, i havn't looked yet though.

Aparently the photographer is now booked!! Daves cousins friend is doing them, she did his mums wedding in August and the pics are beautiful, plus cos she's a friend we should hopefully be able to get them on CD and she'll give us copies of everything in black and white and colour and lots of other nice extras lol, plus it's only £200-£250 BARGAIN!!

We've been looking at honeymoons too, think we're going to have a weekend away just us as Tally will be one and my mum will take her for 2 nights, we're thinking aobtu Venice atm and Dave's looking up 5 star hotels :p thats all his job though so i pray he actually organises it!

Going to look at bridesmaid dresses tomorrow, gotta decide on the colour scheme, i'm pretty set on an emerald green but we both love a royal blue too, i'm just concerned the blue would be too cold :think:

I've gotta start looking at florists like NOW! But i keep getting side tracked by the little things, i've pretty much planned the reception centre pieces, i've bought some round mirrors to set them on and i was hoping to have rose petals and crystals with candles in, plus the favours are going to be little organza bags with heart shaped chocolates in.

I still cant find a decent picture of the church, it's ugly from the out side but absolutely gorgeous inside, unfortuanately the only pics i can find are of the outside lol.
Right then i found the best photo i can find of inside the church, it's not the best but you can kinda see the mosaic type tiling on the back, needless to say it's not a poor church lol, it's jsut a new build so not pretty outside. This is also a pic of Tally actually being drowned (i mean christened).

And this is the outside main entrance of the reception, aparently the bring out a red carpet for you lol, it's a 4 star hotel and we gt a free room (should think so the amount it cost)

And this is a view we get of clifton suspension bridge (photo has the hotel in the back ground lol) aparently we can walk up and have photos taken with the bridge in the back ground!

And one of the room done up, i'm not certain but i think this is the room we've booked but our head table will be by the window.
abcd1234 i love your photos. the church is gorgeous! unfortantly we dont have anything quite as elaborate where i live.

i found pics of the three churchs we are deciding on.

St. Pauls


st Marys


or st nicholas


My OH used to work for the church and so is really friendly with all the vicars etc. the rev. he used to work alongside runs St Nicks which is huge...a little too huge if u ask me! but he's retiring! we're totally stuck :(

any ideas which looks nicest?

Sarah&Braydon said:
clairedoran said:
Awww ladies, i'd get married once a year if I could! I LOVE weddings.
Gonna be addicted to this thread, checking on how your all getting on.
I used to use a wedding forum before I got married, it was great for ideas! Used to get all excited when one of the members were getting married and I loved looking at all their pics after the big day. DH thinks i'm mad :D


ohhhh wot was it called ??

http://www.weddingchaos.co.uk/wedding-forum/ :D

susie1011 - I love the look of the middle one and the last one!
thanks Sarah :hug:
i loved it even more when i found it half price in a sale :cheer:
hey ladies. can i join (ive just discovered this thread!) :D Although, mine is going to be no where near as 'elaborate' and beautiful as you lot!! we are on a tight budget :lol:

We have decided to change the date from may to 17th July 2009, but we still need to go in and pay to def have it.

My dad is organising and paying for the hall & buffet :wink: - it will fingers crossed, be at his bowls club. Sounds sad, but its a lovely hall. Also its ideal for OH's dad (who is paralyzed and is in a HUGE electronic wheelchair). My dad is paying for it, so its all down to him if you catch my drift. He knows whats important to me.

we have decided on rings - well kinda. OH can't make his mind up.

Ive got NO IDEA what my dress is going to look like. I think ive decided im not going to go for a full dress, but something more casual. shorter, not as big or fancy. Any ideas, im really stuck. I think its harder when i can't try things on as im the completely wrong shape and every photo on the net is a size 8! try and find a picture of a casual size 16-18 dress :wall:

We have decided that we are going to go for the cheapest of cheap registry office actual wedding though. I don't see the point in paying loads of extra money to have people watch me sign papers! Its going to be us, the kids, my mum, dad, brother and sister, and OH's mum, her fella, 2 brothers and his dad (plus his dad needs to have carers there). We are going to spend the money on the reception instead!!

We are still undecided on a meal though (wedding breakfast?!). We can't decide if we should have one, and if we do where abouts!! :think:

ooo... and what are you lot doing about cars? another area we can't make our mind up on.

one more thing, we can 't decide if we should;
a) put some money behind the bar, or
b) we where thinking about giving everyone a glass of champers / orange as they walk in to the reception. :think:

if we do put money behind the bar, do we limit it to a drink each, or a fixed amount and when it runs out it runs out, or pay for beers, wine and soft drinks (not spirits?) :think:

im quite templted to say screw the whole thing and it will just be me, OH and the kids!!
Ooh this thread has grown! Hiya to everyone who has set a date.

I would go for giving them a glass of something - we will provide some champers for the toasts. And maybe wine for the meal as OH's dad has said he will donate towards it.

I had an idea for tables the other day - I am going to have pot plants. Small, seasonal ones. Instead of cut flowers, as there is a plant wholesalers near me and I was looking around and just thought how nice real plants would look. Thought about possibly having lavender and then giving them to people afterwards.

So anyone have any idea what plants are in season in April/May time??
We are giving everyone a glass of fizz when they arrive then they can buy their own drinks from then on. There will be about 50 farmers I cant afford to pay for their alcohol :rotfl:
Our wedding breakfast package comes with a drinks package.

Everyone gets a glass of bucks fizz upon arrrival, two glasses of house wine with the meal and a glass of champers afterwards. Costs £20 a head though :?

Going bridesmaid dress shopping tonight!!!! My two big bridesmaids are coming to a shop with me and my mum and we'll try and find the style for them. Going to be green though definately.

I've also ordered the organza bags for the favours (Ebay is GOD!! got 100 for £3 more then 10 were in clintons)
Ordered all my table confetti and petals for centre pieces and the mirrors should be on their way.

Gotta find some cheap vases for the centre pieces too, cant find any i like atm let alone ones that arnt expensive

My shoes are on order, and so is my garter!!


Whats everyone else doing for flowers?? I was thinking of having a big thing for me abd very simple flowers for bridemaids :think: then something for the reception head table.

Sam- you're getting married the day before us!!! great time of year i reckon :wink: I cant really help with dresses, mine's a quite traditional one, but i didnt want over the top huge and sparkly as it's not me

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