hey ladies. can i join (ive just discovered this thread!)

Although, mine is going to be no where near as 'elaborate' and beautiful as you lot!! we are on a tight budget
We have decided to change the date from may to 17th July 2009, but we still need to go in and pay to def have it.
My dad is organising and paying for the hall & buffet

- it will fingers crossed, be at his bowls club. Sounds sad, but its a lovely hall. Also its ideal for OH's dad (who is paralyzed and is in a HUGE electronic wheelchair). My dad is paying for it, so its all down to him if you catch my drift. He knows whats important to me.
we have decided on rings - well kinda. OH can't make his mind up.
Ive got NO IDEA what my dress is going to look like. I think ive decided im not going to go for a full dress, but something more casual. shorter, not as big or fancy. Any ideas, im really stuck. I think its harder when i can't try things on as im the completely wrong shape and every photo on the net is a size 8! try and find a picture of a casual size 16-18 dress
We have decided that we are going to go for the cheapest of cheap registry office actual wedding though. I don't see the point in paying loads of extra money to have people watch me sign papers! Its going to be us, the kids, my mum, dad, brother and sister, and OH's mum, her fella, 2 brothers and his dad (plus his dad needs to have carers there). We are going to spend the money on the reception instead!!
We are still undecided on a meal though (wedding breakfast?!). We can't decide if we should have one, and if we do where abouts!!
ooo... and what are you lot doing about cars? another area we can't make our mind up on.
one more thing, we can 't decide if we should;
a) put some money behind the bar, or
b) we where thinking about giving everyone a glass of champers / orange as they walk in to the reception.
if we do put money behind the bar, do we limit it to a drink each, or a fixed amount and when it runs out it runs out, or pay for beers, wine and soft drinks (not spirits?)
im quite templted to say screw the whole thing and it will just be me, OH and the kids!!