Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Thank you Ragdoll, fingers crossed for us all.

I got a letter from the hospital today, I was excited before opening it hoping things would be moving on but I only opened it to find out the swabs they took show I don't have Chlamydia. *yawn* tell me something I don't know already. Took them almost 2 months to tell me that lol. No other info in the letter so who knows how long I have to wait for HSG or Ultrasound.

Our landlord is allowing us to get a cat, finally I can have something to love lol.

How is everyone doing here?
Hi ladies I'm back. Sorry to see the boat is still full, I was hoping there might have been some people making it ashore.
Aw lovely Millie, I want a cat too!
Start my nasal spray tomorrow so I hope to be off this boat soon!
I'm back on here too after my m/c. Month 22 and waiting for a date for my operation in Febuary time as she thinks my scarred tube could be swollen causing problems.

Aww Millie cats help a lot I dunno what id do if it wasnt for mine xx
It sure is a horrible boat to be on!
Kinda used to it after this long I guess.

Blueflower - are you allowed pets?
I think it's really going to distract me and keep me busy for a little while, or at least I hope. It's nice to have something to look forward too.
Yes we have our own house now with a garden so we just need a little pet to keep us company! Need to get a cat flap put in though! DH thought he was allergic but I made friends with next door's cat and he got used to her!
Blueflower - our place came with a cat flap :D that's good that your DH isn't allergic, pets are good for company.

Ahhhh it's just so nice to have something to look forward to and take my mind off all the crap that comes with long term TTC. We do have to wait until after October 11th but it's just awesome that I can finally be excited for something!!
I have allergies but have allergy tablets and my inhalers and got 3 kitties :) They are indoor kitties though.

Love them sooo much. xxx
Aww 3 of them? You are so lucky!
OH said I could only get one :(
Oh haha OH said we could have 0. Then one day I said I'm getting one and he agreed. On the way I said btw there is some black ones too as well as the one we are getting , i said we would get one of those too. Hah.

Then for the 3rd he said no way and I just messaged saying btw I've said we are getting that cat tonight. Ha ha ha ha ha I'm awful. He loves them now! Xx
14dpo today for me. I tested at 13dpo yesterday afternoon and have stuck my pictures in the Am I Pregnant section if anyone would like a browse.
Hi ladies I was on this boat went awol but I'm back on it, hope you're all well, Millielaura I'm so sorry about your loss hun, lots of hugs,xxx
Congratulations on your bfp Snowbee, it's so nice to see someone get off this fucking boat! I really hope there'll be more of us soon :-) xx
Thanks ladies :) Yes a natural one, shocked really as I've not had a period since June after being really regular for months. Weird. Really hoping this is a sticky and that you guys will all come with me as this boat sucks big time. Going to my gp next week as I'm pretty sure my mc last year was due to low progesterone, not telling the fertility clinic yet in case I still need them (plus my gp is nicer).
congrats snowbee! :D

I got my appointment letter for HSG today and with AF due in about 8 days I should be able to book it then I think. I am scared but happy things are moving along.

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