Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

I'll have to try talk to them. I'm never great at conversation lol.
I'm sure it could feel awkward, we will see.

Thanks Unicorn!
No idea when they will be booked OH hasn't got his SA in still yet, if only they didn't lose the results on the first place. :(
It's frustrating that your OH's tests are holding you up but it may be worth having them done again anyway, if they were done a little while ago, because we've found that they can change quite a bit! Xx
Hi ladies, got my first lot of blood work tomorrow (FSH, LH and a few others..) OH is having SA and I am having progesterone done and an ultra sound scan before being referred to infertility clinic for secondary infertility.
If I am not successful before the referral what can I expect to happen at clinic? xxx
We saw a consultant privately so I can only talk about our experience with him but he analysed the test results and talked about a treatment plan. I hope you have a positive experience xx
That's awful Erinesque but I've heard people at church say the same thing, they just don't get it.

Does your mum really think people get pregnant easily Millie? Di she have you quickly? Does she think you don't want children? Its so hard knowing what to say to people, I find myself just avoiding the subject but its like missing out a whole chunk of who I am. I can't imagine my life without children but people are now already assuming its too late for me, its awful. As if our hobbies are a substitute for a family? I don't know what we'd do instead. Get lots of pets?! A friend I hadn't seen for ages heard me saying how gorgeous my baby niece is and said "doesn't it make you want to have your own?"!!!

Don't use the word 'fault' Millie its nothing you have done, it's more like a curse! Hopefully only a temporary one though. It has to be.
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My OH can't handle the pressure. It's getting worse every month. Up until tonight (presumed ovulation day, or day before) I've been "pretend relaxed", he wasn't aware of what time of the month it was, he still couldn't perform. It's now ended tonight in complete frustration and tears on my part, again. I don't know what else I can do to make things easier.
BlueFlower - it was my other halfs mum that said it but yes :( both our parents forever hinting and we just haven't spoken about it so we should so they can stop! My mum had 4 children including me and close together so I assume she never had problems conceiving.

Sigh, today is a bad day. AF came a day early, always know when she is here because the pains come and it's the worst. Had a small bleed part way through my cycle, which has never happened before, so I really though that it was my month. Guess I need to be worried about that too now.
Why don't you say something like "yes we do want children, we'll let you know when there's anything to report but please don't mention it until we do as we don't want any pressure." Then if they forget you can remind them of your request.

My mum couldn't have biological children so when she told me to hurry up and make her a grandma I said "you should be the last person I would expect to hear that from!" and she stopped! It never occurred to her I would have trouble too. Cruel really. :(
BlueFlower - oh no, at least she knows know. I think it sounds like a good idea to mention it thank you.
Kitty - sorry to hear that honey. Could you maybe leave it now until he makes a move and perhaps try a different position?

xMillie - do you know when you had your bleeding? And what was it like? I have had it before due to ovulation, hormone imbalance and possibly failed implantation. Plus I am sure I have had cysts burst. Xx
It was on CD11. I got a sharp pain and then when I went to loo there was a splodge about the size of a 10p on pantyliner, dark red/brown sorta colour and I've never had that before so I really just hoped it was a good thing but I don't think it is...

I guess I'm worried also because my last smear results sent me for a colposcopy and I was told I have mild dyskaryosis and things can change either for better or worse. So now I'm super concerned so maybe I should go back to them.

This whole TTC is meant to be a happy time but it's been nothing but upsetting for me.
Does a cyst bursting cause a bleed then? I had 2 cysts due to follicles forming whilst on down regulation so I was given Ovitrelle to disperse them. Had a bleed only a week later which was confusing but would make sense if it was the cysts rather than AF.
Hi ladies
I have just seen this thread so thought I would join if it's ok?
I have been ttc since April 2014.
Came off my pill then and didn't have af until 10 months later (induced by norethistorone)
Previous to this I had a scan which showed I had cysts and was diagnosed with pcos.
Had 2 natural periods since this but now currently on day 67.
I have had day 3 and 21 bloods, internal scan (everything showed normal except the cysts) and a hsg.
Currently on a 15 day course of provera as I need a second lot of 21 bloods.
Appointment with the consultant booked for 9th November to look at my results and see what treatment I can have.
xMillie - have you had HSG yet? If not I would recommend you book the day off work , it will probably be done early in the morning but you will need some time for yourself that day. I know some people are really good and can go to work after but I personally needed the day .

Welcome amy_clueless- I hope that your appointment will be productive and they get you on treatment right away, it seems a long time away for the appointment, have they said it takes that long for the results?
Hi Ragdoll, thank you. I do not work so it's not a problem. I am very scared though! :(
Waiting for a date at the moment so no idea when it will be would love to get it over with though D:
xMillie- that's good , it's understandable feeling scared , I won't lie , the HSG is not pleasant but it's saving grace is that it's relatively quick. My appointment was 8.45 and I was done by 9. People obviously feel discomfort differently but you may get cramping afterwards in which case a hot water bottle is helpful. In terms of when it is they will give you instructions, you have to call when your period starts and they work out the window they can do the HSG in. Double check when you book if your swabs are recent enough- when I booked initially in July they said my March swabs were recent enough and it turned out they weren't so they cancelled my HSG the night before . I've only just had it done the other day ! It delayed me by a couple of months so I wasn't best pleased !
I'll do anything for answers, hopefully I'll get some!!

That's good that is doesn't take too long, oh no. I have no idea how long I have to wait for the appointment it's already been an extra month because they couldn't find OHs SA results. Our doctors did have them though so they should have been forwarded and hopefully things can start happening again!
xMillie - have you had HSG yet? If not I would recommend you book the day off work , it will probably be done early in the morning but you will need some time for yourself that day. I know some people are really good and can go to work after but I personally needed the day .

Welcome amy_clueless- I hope that your appointment will be productive and they get you on treatment right away, it seems a long time away for the appointment, have they said it takes that long for the results?

Thanks for the welcome ragdoll. The reason for it being so long is so I can finish my course of provera and then wait for my period to kick in and then wait for day 21 to have my bloods. So gives me time for all of that to happen and then get the results back ready for the consultation

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