Some retail therapy is always helpful, along with the chocs.
I have not been recording my symptoms as much lately either, more cos I don't see the point, always the same outcome
I do notice them still though. I honestly don't think I could only come on here once a day, eeek...I am addicted.
So 8dpo for me, I have been so preoccupied that I haven't been looking for signs this cycle. A couple of things have just happened though that made me notice like my dog jumped on me yesterday and boobs hurt when he did it...doesn't really mean anything as I often get sore boobs and only other thing is I felt a little queasy this morning, think that was cos I was a bit hot.
Sooo, made a decision today after I have found out the manager and assistant manager are lying to me. They deducted money from my wage for a Monday that was a training day. I have Mondays off so didn't need to go in, the Tuesday was a training day too. They told me they deducted the money cos everyone stayed late on the Monday to make up for not going in on the Tuesday. I know for a fact they are lying and everyone left at 1.30. My friend who works there told me. My boss told me everyone stayed til 5. So I got deducted a days pay even though it was my day off!! I am handing in my resignation this week, its the last straw. I have had enough of the jibes about how fertile the assistant manager is (when she knows I have had miscarriages) and digs about disabilities (my son has autism). Its a horrible place and its time to go. I don't think it helps ttc and I just hope it won't be long before I find something else.
Sorry for the essay just need to get it out, have been so upset since leaving work today, I work so hard, I am the favourite of a lot of the children and I do all the weekly planning which is a managers job with no extra pay. I am done with it all now xx