Hey ladies
Sorry first chance i have had to get on other than a sneaky peak earlier! Well to update AF came yesterday, was light at first and came in full force today.....I knew this wasn't my month from the start due to getting sore boobs from OV and they didn't let up, not a good sign for me.
Well I went to the doctor's yesterday, was so anxious!! I haven't seen this gp before and afterwards wished I had just waited for my own doc! She had no warmth or empathy at all, She made me feel like some sort of geriatric spinster!! She told me I wouldn't get further help from the nhs due to my age.....which i knew and wasn't what i was asking for. I asked about going for the 3 day and 21 day bloods so she has referred me....although i get the feeling she thought it was a waste of time. She pointed out i need to be proactive (cause im obviously just sat round waiting for immaculate conception!) and suggested IUI as its not that expensive! We talked a bit about my MC, I almost felt like she was blaming that on my age too, it was all so damn negative and matter of fact! All she was short of saying was why are you bothering?? I mean maybe that's just her way, I'm not saying she was nasty but a little bit of empathy would have gone a long way. I'm the sort of person who HATES asking for help, I also hate discussing my personal life, it took a lot for me for to go there and do that and the experience has just proved to me why I dont bother with doctors! I walked out of that surgery feeling so disheartened and depressed, I had to go to my mums straight after so had to try hold it all in and then when i got home last night i just burst out crying. I feel a little better today and trying to get back more of my positivity, also quite pis&sed she made me feel like that, I shant be going back to her ever!!!!!!!!!! If i do i'll be prepared.....