Iwant3 you were right i've got and had since the start a subchorionic bleed turns out the hospital is rubbish and failed to see it.
I am having normal period again and will continue too. at my scan I saw baby with a heartbeat, wriggling round I was crying my eyes out, I honestly thought i'd lost it so did the hospital. but they sent me to a private clinic and they were amazing. I'm further gone hence lack of morning sickness, but my placenta is low so I am having a consultant and weekly scans to keep an eye on baby but i'm at a high risk of still birth and later m/c. baby is 11 weeks 2 days.
I'm on bedrest for the foreseeable future. thank you for all your support. I'm sorry for those who have lost there baby's.
But I want to just thank everyone of you for everything x x x