This is the end for me. WARNING TMI

Tabbi - I've read it properly now, that's lovely news! A real little miracle you've got there xxxxxxx
sorry to hear your loss..same thing happen to me a week ago..very bad cramps at first then when i went to the toilet , saw clots coming out while urinating..can't take the pain so my husband rush me to the hospital..i was expecting it since i've done my UTZ and it shows no baby..its anembryonic i had my D&C that night...
based on my experienced the cramps didn't will just ease a bit then another doctor said contraction won't stop unless the clots will all come out...hope u'll fell better..god bless...visit ur doctor soon
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just read ur #35 post...good to hear have a low lying placenta..its really possible to bleed in that case...hope u and ur baby will be healthy always..take care of that gift....
lovely news! so happy for is still very horrible and scary going through that bleeding - but at least you know baby is unharmed by it :)

If you read about that kind of bleeding it seems very common and lots of babies are born after the mother having some awful bleeds during their pregnancies!

Good luck on bedrest - I wouldn't know what to do if I ended up on bed rest - with my job and my children! arg!

take care of yourself and get extra fluids and iron into you to help replace the bloods you have lost :)
Tabbi.. Im keeping my fingers crossed that ur lil baba will fight through this!

Thinking of you, so happy that scan shown your baby moving about with a lil heart beat :)

REST AND TAKE CARE :hugs: xxxxx
Oh WOW... Tabbi that is great news i'm nearly in tears here i'm so happy for you xxx

WOW take it easy now and i'm keeping everything crossed that little one is supergluing itself in there xxx
Oh my, is this good news!! Tabbi, I am sure you give lots of other women hope! Please take the doctors seriously with the bed rest though! Can only help the LO get more and more at home! TAKE CARE! XXX
Omg that is amaizing congrats so so pleased to hear such a positive outcome x
I too hadnt read the full thread when i commentes this morning, since read it and thats amazing!made up for you hun x
A pleased for you Tabbi xxx take care xxx
Thank you all, I still am getting my head around it, one minute i'm told there near enough 100% that I m/c yet the scan proves baby is there and growing strong.

Its going to take me some time as 'd accepted the fact it was gone. Thank you for all your support. I've been told over 80% of women who have this bleed are not informed about it and therefore can not take steps to help e.g bed rest, its such a same. I hope this helps others who have a bleed as bad as mine, go get checked out (wouldn't of if it wasn't for you ladies) and find out at the first chance to know whats going on down there. Couldn't of done it without you ladies, I honestly couldn't of, so a HUGE THANK YOU for everything x x x
this is such good news Tabbi i'm so happy for you, and what a nice surprise to hear you're futher along that expected! xx
Aw hun your post brought tears to my eyes I'm so pleased you received good news.
Great news!! So pleased!! Sticky baby dust for the rest of the journey - and get everyone running around after you!!
Iwant3 you were right i've got and had since the start a subchorionic bleed turns out the hospital is rubbish and failed to see it.

I am having normal period again and will continue too. at my scan I saw baby with a heartbeat, wriggling round I was crying my eyes out, I honestly thought i'd lost it so did the hospital. but they sent me to a private clinic and they were amazing. I'm further gone hence lack of morning sickness, but my placenta is low so I am having a consultant and weekly scans to keep an eye on baby but i'm at a high risk of still birth and later m/c. baby is 11 weeks 2 days.

I'm on bedrest for the foreseeable future. thank you for all your support. I'm sorry for those who have lost there baby's.
But I want to just thank everyone of you for everything x x x

Fantastic!!!!!!! Such good news. Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

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