This is the end for me. WARNING TMI

I'm really sorry to hear this hun, :hugs:
I lost mine over 3 weeks ago now and I'm still bleeding and cramping (period cramps) even though I passed all the tissue in the first week (had a scan to confirm).
It's such a painful and heart breaking experience, I'm really gutted for you.
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my bleeding is very light now! in fact it slowed down yesterday morning. But I have had a scan to confirm everything has gone - you probably should get checked and have a scan to make sure everything has come away etc.

take carex
earliest they could get me a scan is tomorrow morniing at 8.15am x x x
:hugs::hugs:Take care Tabbi. My thoughts are with you. XXXX
i'm feeling really sick, dont want eat atm...apart from red peepers.
They examined me last night and told me my cervix is fully closed and that its still high up...they kept saying it might not be a m/c it might be your having a period whilst pregnant...i'm like WHAT!
When i had to explain i'd lost a huge clot and showed them the picture as I flushed it, they seem to think it might be the baby, but my cervix is completely closed and high so they are a bit lost as to what is happening, still bleeding alot with small clots and got really bad pain (not taking any meds for it). just cooked tea, waiting for it to cool down before serving...yumyum.

finding it hard to walk due to the pain though, How are you Iwant3 today? you any better? x x x
just read this hun. Hope Ur ok. Just wanted to let u no I had bad bleeding at 10 weeks. Lasted for 7 weeks. Turned out to be a hemorage. Hope its the same for u xxx

Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using Tapatalk 2
didnt you have a bleed in your uterus anyway that was being monitored? maybe it was something to do with that. i read about subchorionic bleeds when i had one before and some ladies remained pregnant but would bleed all the time sometimes gushing with clits. so maybe thats what they meant when they checked your cervix. i hope you get some answers tomorrow at yohr scan

i am ok bleeding quite light and no pain. have my second blood test tomoz to make sure hcg going down.

let us know how you get on tomoz? take care
didnt you have a bleed in your uterus anyway that was being monitored? maybe it was something to do with that. i read about subchorionic bleeds when i had one before and some ladies remained pregnant but would bleed all the time sometimes gushing with clits. so maybe thats what they meant when they checked your cervix. i hope you get some answers tomorrow at yohr scan

i am ok bleeding quite light and no pain. have my second blood test tomoz to make sure hcg going down.

let us know how you get on tomoz? take care

Same to you hun, let me know how your blood test goes, I hope you all the best for tomorrow, as for my scan I'd rather think the worst then I'm not in a total state but if by some miracle its still there at least it good news, doubting it though.

Still bleeding and its heavy, more so since this morning. I think its defo the end and from how mu mum and sisters m/c happened/ended its the exact same, so no hope from me x x x
Don't rule out hemorage hun xx

Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using Tapatalk 2
i know what you mean. i made up my mind on friday that it was the end even though at that point i only had brown cm and minor cramps.

will be thinking of you x
Obviously don't want to give out false hope, but didn't a lady on here have a similar experience and find she had lost one of twins? May be this is what is happening? Best wishes all is ok. xxx
Obviously don't want to give out false hope, but didn't a lady on here have a similar experience and find she had lost one of twins? May be this is what is happening? Best wishes all is ok. xxx

Yep, think it was evie x

Tapping ;) x
So sorry hun i know how you are feeling 100%! I had to ho back and forth for scans as they didnt know how far gone i was (was not planned so i didnt have dates) then on the last scan i knew i was mc so was fully prepared. i started cramping and having the clots, some the size of my fistfalling out.. went hospital and saw a gyno.. he said i had eithet had the mc, having a mc or having a threatened mc. i was walkinv about and could feel these clots just falling out. the cramping will stop when everything has left your system. dont give up hope hun, i didnt.. waoted to have a period and tried again. lots of hugs xxx
Iwant3 you were right i've got and had since the start a subchorionic bleed turns out the hospital is rubbish and failed to see it.

I am having normal period again and will continue too. at my scan I saw baby with a heartbeat, wriggling round I was crying my eyes out, I honestly thought i'd lost it so did the hospital. but they sent me to a private clinic and they were amazing. I'm further gone hence lack of morning sickness, but my placenta is low so I am having a consultant and weekly scans to keep an eye on baby but i'm at a high risk of still birth and later m/c. baby is 11 weeks 2 days.

I'm on bedrest for the foreseeable future. thank you for all your support. I'm sorry for those who have lost there baby's.
But I want to just thank everyone of you for everything x x x
Thats amazing!! Now let everyone run around after you and get rested up xx

Tapping ;) x
Tabbi thats fantastic news!! So pleased for you, bad the hospital
Missed it, but im glad everything is fine with baby, congratulations must be such a reliefxxx
Aww I feel I could cry for you that's the best news!!
Sorry - I didn't read the other posts first! Just the first page...

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