The two week wait

kumber have you poas yet? I did another CB early response one this morning another bfn :( Still think im only 9 dpo. Went straight out and bought frer because i dont trust those cb. No doubt I'll spend a fortune on sticks only to be out again this month. :wall:
Due on in 8days. This TWW is killing me! Symptom spotting like a bitch! Xx
Sorry to hear that glittergirl. That's really rubbish. I hope you enjoyed several glasses of wine tonight.

So Sainsburys didn't have any frer so I just bought their own brand, couldn't face going in to town.
Waiting to test tomorrow and enjoying ignorance is bliss.

Boobs are really sore at the sides and cm has been noticeably more today.
Hope they are good signs.

Sarahmc, when are you going to test again. Everything crossed for you.
kumber have you poas yet? I did another CB early response one this morning another bfn :( Still think im only 9 dpo. Went straight out and bought frer because i dont trust those cb. No doubt I'll spend a fortune on sticks only to be out again this month. :wall:

I did an ic a couple of days ago but haven't since. Have a decent hold now actually so might add well! I'm on a 5 hour hold so why not :lol:

Morning ladies. I need to stop POAS. It's making me really sad. I think I'm out this month for sure. Currently 10dpo so I know technically classed as still very early to test but not even a squinter on a frer this morning. :cry:

Did you test kumber. I hope someone gets a BFP.
I don't think your out Sarahmc.
It's very possible that you implanted late, or that the level is still too low.

I tested and I thought there might be the slightest hint of a line. Nothing to see on the photo i took within 10 mins. More to see now but these Sainsburys tests seem to be notorious for evaps so not getting my hopes up too much.
Need to find a frer!!

I tested last night but nowt. Didn't expect there to be though. Getting some frers this morning

Morning ladies,

How is everyone? I've had a couple of days away from the forum to try and perk myself up a bit.. decided to just follow this thread for now.

It's been a weird cycle for me this one, at 4DPO I had lots of creamy CM which I don't think I've ever had.. my boobs have been on and off tender the entire 2ww which is really unusual for me, been a bit crampy but don't think I've had any indication of implantation yet... have been very constipated for the last couple of days but I think any possible 'symptom' is just progesterone playing with my mind!

8DPO today and feeling super tired and head-coldy.. my face and head feel so warm but I don't feel warm within myself.

Have told myself to prepare for a BFN that way I won't be so disappointed (dont think its going to work!)

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So I drove around three supermarkets/ chemists this morning before work looking for a frer.

Finally summoned the courage to do it.

Got a faint but definite line.

Yay. Shaking and very happy. :)
Just wish I didn't have to go back to work.

Everything crossed to ladies still waiting to test.
Congratulations Elspeth!

Welcome back Keely, hope you're ok. Keeping my fingers crossed for you with all those symptoms, I hope you get your bfp this month! It's horrible being let down by the disappointment of a bfn or after arriving, even when you're prepared :(

I got my frers today, last packet in Superdrug, woohoo! Either going to wait to use them until after is overdue or not use them at all and save them for next cycle. They're a nightmare for me to get my hands on, they're like peeing on gold :lol:

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5DPO, OH and I had a little morning delight and it hurt my cervix? Pain just radiated from my cervix to my bum. Very weird. Doing another pop in post, going to read up on how you ladies are doing after our morning drive. Hope all is well!
Congratulations Elspeth!

Welcome back Keely, hope you're ok. Keeping my fingers crossed for you with all those symptoms, I hope you get your bfp this month! It's horrible being let down by the disappointment of a bfn or after arriving, even when you're prepared :(

I got my frers today, last packet know Superdrug, woohoo! Either going to wait to use them until after is overdue or not use the at all and save them for next cycle. They're a nightmare for me to get my hands on, they're like peeing on gold :lol:

lol, I'm like that with my clear blue ones, I don't want to waste them - I've had the same ones for months! I have only used IC's so far .. was tempted to test tomorrow but I think I'll wait.

This is the first month I've felt anything other than completely normal at 8DPO.. definitely feel 'off' this month but I'm probably just getting ill !!

How many dpo's are you? How you feeling? xx
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Congratulations Elspeth! H&H 9 months. :cheer:

Keely, totally get the 'stepping back' feeling for the forums, but welcome back. Hopefully your cold-like symptoms lead you to a BFP. Fx for you sweetheart!

kumber, sorry you got bfn's :( Good luck holding on to your golden frer's. :)

sarah, 10dpo is still early. Hoping you get a bfp!

I think I'm caught up.. seems like everyone is approaching the finish line for either yay or nay this cycle. I'm just dragging on behind you all. OH actually flat out told me I wasn't pregnant yesterday, hurt my feelings a bit. I told him that was rude to say and he apologized like a good man should. He did have his argument of why based on what Google has to say about fertility in men--he's had a low grade fever for a while and thinks that killed off his swimmers. I'm still holding out hope, I'm way to early in the 2WW to throw my hands in the air. So nice to have a place to vent. Wishing for the absolute best to all of you ladies whether or not you get your bfp's this cycle, keep going strong!! :D
Keely, I'm the same as you. 8dpo and feeling totally normal. Definitely out this month I think which is a shame but hey ho!

Salley, that's horrible of your hubby. Step away from Dr Google Mr Salley!! I hope you're ok and he doesn't say something like that again. How many dpo are you? My luteal phase is only 10-11 days so I know fairly early which is lucky.

Yea, I'm OK. I was a little peeved at him for saying it, but he did at least have the decency to apologize. I'm 5DPO. My luteal phase varies between 12 - 14 days. I almost want a bfp so I can go "HAH! In your face" to OH. lol
Keely, I'm the same as you. 8dpo and feeling totally normal. Definitely out this month I think which is a shame but hey ho!

Salley, that's horrible of your hubby. Step away from Dr Google Mr Salley!! I hope you're ok and he doesn't say something like that again. How many dpo are you? My luteal phase is only 10-11 days so I know fairly early which is lucky.

My LP is only 10-11 days too, sometimes it is a good thing :)

Salley - Kinda jealous your OH looks at stuff like that though! At least his interested!.. My OH just does the deed and thinks that's his part done!! lol He has no idea how complicated it all is lol..
OH makes me do opk's every cycle. He'll ask me "did you test today?" every day. We both want this so badly we've even talked about getting our hands on clomid--Dr. Google says it helps men's motility and count as well as helping women ov. My cycle is so all over the place, it's difficult to keep proper track of what's happening. This month we didn't really monitor anything because I was away for a few days for my brother's wedding, I didn't even want to know if I ovulated. As soon as I got home OH said "take a test" and we got a positive opk so we dtd that day and the next. It was lucky we caught ov with me being away, I can't help to think it's a lucky month and we'll get a bfp. Of course I still have it in my mind that we weren't successful because I've learned my lesson about getting my hopes to high, the let down is horrendous.
Aw it's sweet that's his so involved and he understands everything, it's good to have that support.

I've just walked my dogs and had a couple of sharp stabbing shooty pains right hand side of uterus area, I was being dragged along by the dog so couldn't really pin point where exactly it was. These are the first strong painful cramps I've had, they've gone now though, could it have been implantation? Isn't it supposed to last longer? I just had a few sharp pains then nothing. Argh! NOT going to get my hopes up, could have been anything! xx
Keely, in my last pregnancy I had very sharp pains that only lasted a few seconds, but doubled me over in pain. Could definitely be implantation. At the time I thought it was AF coming along, but definitely a stronger cramp than what AF typically produces for me.
Well that's sounds promising!.. These weren't ridiculously painful but made me wince a little and think what the hell was that! Lol.. no sharp pains since but some mild cramping in the same area. Not going to get my hopes up, time will tell I guess!! xx

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