The two week wait

Sorry the witch got you ladies! Fx for next cycle.

9dpo and still no symptoms to speak of. I'm tempted to test tomorrow but I don't want a bfn disappointment. Going to do my best to hold out until at least 12dpo. FF expects AF on the 7th, putting me at another 38 day cycle. I really need to look into ways of regulating my cycles.. Good luck to those of you still waiting to test! :dust:
I'm 3DPO today, no objective symptoms other than a really hard, gassy belly!!

My OV tests have JUST gone light this evening after being positive for days!

I'll have to see what happens in the week.

I'm going to test with a frer when I'm 9dpo
10DPO and I resisted temptation to test this morning. I thought strongly about it during my morning pee but I didn't! Still no symptoms of anything going on in my body. I've had some mild cramping on my left side but that's it. It's very odd that my boobs aren't sore, they're always sore after ov/before AF. I keep groping myself waiting for them to be tender, nothing. I'll test in two days, I think I can hold out for two more days.
Ooo FX'd Salley! Sounding good. Really hope it's your time! xxx

I have mixed emotions on it. I really want a bfp but I'm not thrilled that I'd be due early July, my ex husband was born early July. I'm one of those weirdo's that believes in zodiac behaviors. It would be a nice birthday present for me though, I'm a late July baby. (see, mixed emotions) Fx anyway, OH and I have been waiting long enough. :)
I'm one of those weirdos too! My birthday is July 16th, my OH's the 19th & little bub FX'd all goes well will be due around the 11-15th July! I am a big believer in zodiac signs too - me and OH are both cancerians and both very similar but very different too! xxx

I tested, bfn. Should have waited my two days.. That poas urge just kept nagging.. It wasn't fmu so I'm not counting myself out just yet.
Sounds like early July is perfect for you Keely! All the same zodiac, that would be pretty cool. OH is a Scorpio (mid-Nov) and I'm a Leo. We're supposed to be going away for his birthday but he's fighting pneumonia, might have to cancel the trip.
Oh no that's terrible! I hope he recovers soon xxx

As for BFN, definitely not out yet! FX'd xxx

We just got home from a follow up appointment with his GP, he still doesn't sound good so the doctor is putting him on more antibiotics. If he's not doing better in 3 days we have to go back. I hope he gets better soon. It's "walking pneumonia" so he's able to get around and all, just has a persistent fever/cough and now oral thrush from taking the antibiotics. Poor OH.
im waiting to test i had my firts period after coming off the pill unsure if it means ive ovulated ect but i logged it all in ovia so who knows haha
have such sore breast and nipples and heartburn which ive never had before i was waiting for a while after my partner has had a major accident but since he came home a week after lets just say we can still try haha
Not that I have much hope buttttt I am waiting now and it's seems so long away!!!
Well I'm 4DPO and thought I'd bump this thread. Anyone currently in their TWW want to join me in the waiting game?

OH and I only dtd on O day so I don't know how great my odds are this cycle. FF still gives me a "Good" rating for conception so who knows. Maybe we'll get a Christmas surprise. :)
Not 100% sure on which day I ovulated, so think I'm either 10 or 11 DPO, according to ovia app I AF should be making an appearance on Friday and I'm sure she probably will as I'm getting typical AF cramps this morning! Looks like all the symptoms iv had in the past week were my mind playing tricks on me
Same here! I thought I was having all sorts of early pregnancy symptoms, but now I'm almost positive AF is just around the corner. She should be arriving by Wednesday.. but I honestly still do have the slightest hope that maybe she won't come..? Even though I've had 2 BFNs this cycle.

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