The two week wait

Fx for you ladies waiting for AF. Hopefully she strikes swiftly if she's going to strike.. Expecting her and getting a delayed start is torture!

sunnydays we're not far apart! Good luck keeping your sanity! I'm usually good until about 8dpo then I start getting that poas urge.
Fx for you ladies waiting for AF. Hopefully she strikes swiftly if she's going to strike.. Expecting her and getting a delayed start is torture!

sunnydays we're not far apart! Good luck keeping your sanity! I'm usually good until about 8dpo then I start getting that poas urge.

After my chemical last month, I am absolutely no way testing until af is late. If she is 2 days late I will test. (I say now)
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I'm also patiently awaiting AFs arrival... today is CD 30 for me. I've already tested twice and gotten negatives but I'lll test again on Wednesday if she's not here by then. Ahhh this waiting is terrible!
Currently 8dpo and it's killing me!! Won't test till the weekend. Fx'd
I'm 7dpo and wait is driving me mad this month. Symptom spotting and getting frustrated with myself for it. I want it to be positive this time as I know we all do. Baby dust to all.
This morning I had some cramping and when I went to toilet and wiped I had some light pink mucus followed by a streak of red blood, was gutted as thought AF had arrived 3 days early, but I have had nothing at all since
Only just in the dreaded TWW!! Haha 1dpo and not sure how my odds are as we only dtd two days before O day xx

TTC #1
Hi Ladies, I am too in the 2ww but this morning had some spotting... cd 24 and it's standard procedure for me to see spotting up to 5 days prior to AF... I really felt positive about this one too but it looks to be just another in a loooooong line of unexplained negatives. I have acupuncture, take extra Vit C, Vit b6, Folate and EFA's to try and boost my progesterone as recommended by my acupuncturist and to keep my temp high/stop the spotting so early. I was even on Agnus castus for 3 months, which appeared to do absolutely nothing for the spotting. I have a clockwork 28-29 day cycle... so frustrating. Sorry just feeling blue today :(
I'm in the 2ww as well!!
Today is 4DPO.
I won't be testing until 10DPO. Or later if I can help it!! But I get so obsessed with the darn HPT... :moon:

Good luck to you lovely ladies :love: :dust: :love: :dust:
Hi Ladies,
5dpo for me, no signs, will wait to test until 14dpo...seems so far away!
Any news Becks? Did you a pregnancy test? xx
Hi all! I am a few days late but did a test this morning and it came out negative. I feel very tired and a bit bloaty but not much else at the moment. I am going to retest in a few days if AF doesn't appear. It could be late/ missing because of stress as I have had a stressful week but a small part of me is hoping!
Hi all! I am a few days late but did a test this morning and it came out negative. I feel very tired and a bit bloaty but not much else at the moment. I am going to retest in a few days if AF doesn't appear. It could be late/ missing because of stress as I have had a stressful week but a small part of me is hoping!

Good luck!! Hope you get the result you want.
Hi Ladies,
5dpo for me, no signs, will wait to test until 14dpo...seems so far away!
Any news Becks? Did you a pregnancy test? xx

Hi Laura...AF arrived a day early so I'm out until next month :wall2: hoping this month will be it, if we conceive this month would be due the week of our first wedding anniversary :)

Fingers crossed for you and everyone else in the 2WW
Hi Ladies,
5dpo for me, no signs, will wait to test until 14dpo...seems so far away!
Any news Becks? Did you a pregnancy test? xx

Hi Laura...AF arrived a day early so I'm out until next month :wall2: hoping this month will be it, if we conceive this month would be due the week of our first wedding anniversary :)

Fingers crossed for you and everyone else in the 2WW

So sorry Becks! Hope this is your month and that you have a great wedding anniverysary!

7 dpo for me and the 2ww feels like hard not to continuallly think about it! No signs to report either...
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Hey ladies ....I'm 1DPO so officially back in the 2WW :wave:

Hopefully with Xmas and new year to keep me occupied I won't have much time to analyse every little symptom this month:roll:

Looking forward to spending the next 2 weeks with you all :dance:
Well im due on any day now, part of me wants to grab a test incase im not on to do on Friday.... But i dont wanna buy it and then come on but i dont wanna wake up friday and not of come on and not have a test to pee on first thing......what to do?!

Im starting to have faint pains/cramps which make me believe im coming on and an odd feeling in my pelvic area which i dont normally notice, maybe cos im waiting, im noticing more
On 3dpo. I usually have mild cramps at one side the days around ovulation, now it seems to spread to both sides. I'm kinda new to all this, only on my 3rd cycle, so are others feeling that too? Best wishes to all you kind people!
I tested today 10/11 DPO and got a BFN! AF due in 4 days. I'm CD 24 and looking back at my ovia app my symptoms and BBT are exactly the same this time as last month so iv resigned myself to being out again this month
I'm 3dpo and hopeful! Would be a great way to start the new year!

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