The two week wait

Congratulations Sarah. I see a line.
This is all getting very exciting.

Sorry the witch arrived HKM.
I might have declared myself out too soon... I had a streak of red this morning when I wiped, but since then all I've had is dark red ewcm with a tiny bit of blood. I've been wearing a pantyliner all day and it's still completely clean. Also, normally on first day of AF I get terrible cramps but I've had nothing. Im only 8/9dpo today so would be early...

Any thoughts?

Also I've had a fresh breakout of spots today and my skin is feeling very oily again. Also had a horrible restless nights sleep with crazy dreams. AND my temp stayed at 36.6 this morning - high for me.

Why are our bodies so confusing!!
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Yay Keely! I knew those were implantation cramps, congratulations!

Sarah congratulations to you too!

So exciting to see bfp's!

I'm 7dpo still no symptoms to speak of, still holding out hope sperm met egg this cycle. I'd usually have sore boobs if AF was coming on so I take no symptoms as a good sign.

Good luck to those of you still waiting to test!
I was shocked! I wasn't sure if it was implantation or not! I didn't want to get my hopes up!!.. There was definitely something different about this month!.. still feel pretty 'normal' though, just a bit crampy and sleepy!!

FX'd your not far behind us with that BFP! xxx
HKM I thought it was a bit soon to count yourself out. When was af due was it not next week sometime? Could still be implantation bleeding. fX for you :D
Hi ladies! :wave: how have you all been? I've been away all weekend so haven't had a chance to catch up, will do so tomorrow.

Congratulations to the bfps, apologies as I don't know who to direct them to!

No news from me, no af but still bfns on ics. Not holding out much hope for this month, 9dpo and not a sniff of a line. Af due on Tuesday, I expect her to arrive between tomorrow and Wednesday.

Hi Kumber. 9dpo is still quite early. I did a test at 8dpo and got nothing, not even a squinter. then 10/11 dpo there was the faintest line. Not done another test yet cos I'm worried it was a fluke or something. Youre not out the the witch arrives. She may be too busy to bother this month fx for you :)

Ive had stabbing pains and cramps all morning :( makes me freak out. Had sore boobs yesterday but they are not too bad today, just heart burn but i didnt think that was a thing until later in pregnancy. On top of everything OH still not believing until he sees it in writing lol.


Fx everyone :) and congratulations again KEELY!!! :dust:
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Kumber, as Sarah says, it's no over until the Witch sings! (or something like that..)

Sarah sorry you're having a bit of a worry. Maybe pop to your GP to put your mind at ease? Lol these men can be funny creatures can't they.

As for me, my reddy brown spotting yesterday has turned into a very small amount of pink discharge today, which is only there when I wipe. Now on day 9/10po so not too sure if this is early AF or something else. Trying not to get my hopes up as I suspect my cycle still hasn't fully settled down since I came off depo in April (some people say it can take over a year :() but may do a cheeky test when I get home...

Baby dust to all xx
8DPO, have some twinges of crampy feelings which could just mean AF is approaching--or a result of me not having my morning bowel movements (sorry tmi). Still no other symptoms to speak of, getting closer to a respectable testing date, I think I'll hold out until Nov. 7th though, that's what FF recommends and it puts me at 15DPO--more than late enough to get a bfp if there's one to get.

Last year on Halloween I lost a baby (not for OH) at 12 weeks, got me a little emotional today. A full year and no signs of another bfp since. Sometimes I wonder if OH and I are just not meant to have a baby together. Taking every bit of strength I have to be positive and hopeful this month. And that's enough emo, sad talk..

Baby dust to everyone still waiting to test! :dust:
Hi Salley, I'm so sorry to hear about your previous MC :( today must be so hard for you. :hugs: you're perfectly entitled to feel emotional about it on today of all days.

I can imagine why you would think like that on the difficult days, but it will happen for you... for all of us :)

I'm so sorry for your loss Salley, I hope you're ok.

At 9dpo I'd expect to see something cus I only have a 10-12 day LP. I'm full of cold so I'm all fluffy headed and feeling like absolute poop.

8DPO, have some twinges of crampy feelings which could just mean AF is approaching--or a result of me not having my morning bowel movements (sorry tmi). Still no other symptoms to speak of, getting closer to a respectable testing date, I think I'll hold out until Nov. 7th though, that's what FF recommends and it puts me at 15DPO--more than late enough to get a bfp if there's one to get.

Last year on Halloween I lost a baby (not for OH) at 12 weeks, got me a little emotional today. A full year and no signs of another bfp since. Sometimes I wonder if OH and I are just not meant to have a baby together. Taking every bit of strength I have to be positive and hopeful this month. And that's enough emo, sad talk..

Baby dust to everyone still waiting to test! :dust:

Ow Salley, I'm so sorry your feeling down :hug:

It's horrible isn't it, TTC can be a real bitch!

Throwing lots of Positive vibes your way xxx

I'm so sorry for your loss Salley, I hope you're ok.

At 9dpo I'd expect to see something cus I only have a 10-12 day LP. I'm full of cold so I'm all fluffy headed and feeling like absolute poop.

Kumber my LP is only 10-11days and didn't get anything at 9DPO either, FX! Xxx

Thanks for the support ladies, I'm OK. Just a nagging thought in the back of my mind. Had a glob of creamy cm, thought I'd wet myself. Hopefully that's a good sign for bfp.
The creamy CM was definitely a sign for me, it was the first month I'd had anything like that. My fingers are firmly crossed for you! Xxx

Thanks for that Keely, hopefully I'm not out yet!

Creamy cm is a great sign, I'm crossing everything for you Salley and sending big hugs too :hugs:

Congratulations Sarah on your BFP.
Wishing you a happy healthy 9 months. X
Another ic and a bfn. Just waiting for the inevitable witch :witch: how is everyone else, any more signs and symptoms?

Hi ladies. I am definitely, officially, 100% out. My 2 days of spotting turned into heavy AF this morning. Again, a huge congratulations and H&H 9 months to all those that got their BFP's this month! For those who are still waiting... I'm keeping everything crossed for you :) going to have a few days off thinking about TTC now but I'm sure once the witch has cleared off I'll be back here stalking. Big hugs to you all and thanks for keeping me sane in the tww xx
Sorry the witch came HKM, I'm going into December testing with you as mine has just arrived too. Fingers crossed for us for next month :hugs:

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