The two week wait

Yes, beware of getting your hopes too high! Fx for you. :)
Hey ladies, how are we this morning?

I feel ok today, pretty normal.. still Abit headachey - Salley did you notice any sudden changes after you had those pains? I was half expecting to wake up with more symptoms which makes me think it wasn't implantation. Trying not to over think it but it's hard as you know! Off to visit my parents today so hopefully it'll keep me distracted xx
Hi girlies, I hope you're all having a fab weekend! I've had a read of all the posts from the last few days and it's great there have been 2 BFP's in this thread already :)

Salley I'm sorry your OH was a bit of a plonker. They don't always understand how emotional this whole TTC business is for us do they?!

Keely it sounds like you've had some good symptoms! You're right it's so hard not to over think and over analyse everything. Hope you're taking your mind off it today :)

I think I'm 8dpo now. I have nothing to report other that still sore boobs, my constipation has turned to diarrhoea (sorry!!) and my bbt went from 36.0 yesterday to 36.6 this morning. I'm rubbish at charting my temperature so not sure if that's normal for me or not?

Wishing all you ladies a lovely relaxing weekend xx
Ohhhh and I also just remembered. Yesterday and today so far I have had so much watery CM. Sorry for the TMI but I went to the loo at work yesterday and thought I'd wet myself. (I hadn't!) luckily I live close to work so I could pop home and change my knickers :blush: it's clear/slightly milky.

It's not quite as bad today but I'm staying at home close to my pants drawer, just in case!!
Ohhhh and I also just remembered. Yesterday and today so far I have had so much watery CM. Sorry for the TMI but I went to the loo at work yesterday and thought I'd wet myself. (I hadn't!) luckily I live close to work so I could pop home and change my knickers :blush: it's clear/slightly milky.

It's not quite as bad today but I'm staying at home close to my pants drawer, just in case!!

lol that made me giggle!

Lots of CM is a good sign!.. although lots of ladies have been dry and got BFP's too so it varies so much!.. its so frustrating!:)

Keely I had no clue I was pregnant, no symptoms at all. I'd just get those sharp pains and stop in my tracks. It did happen multiple times one day and prior to the sharp pains I had dull aches like my period was coming on. Fx for you!

HKM, I commend him for apologizing after the fact. He gets emotional about all of this too. Our first official month ttc he was destroyed that we didn't get a bfp, I was having all sorts of symptoms including nausea and sore everything.
Morning girls..

So this happened this morning...



Don't quite know what to think at the moment.. I think I'm in shock, I took them at 5am this morning and needless to say I couldn't go back to sleep!

Is this a positive!?!?!.. I don't know why one would be so much darker then the other??

I haven't said anything to my OH yet, Im so scared of getting my hopes up!

I think I will test again tomorrow before I say anything!

I feel sick!.. I felt completely normal yesterday and was convinced it was going to be negative!


It's a clear line. Definitely a positive. I can relate to how your feeling. That feeling of shock.

Congratulations!! :)

Aaaah Keeley congratulations it definitely looks positive to me!!!! That is so fantastic! You'll be poas all day hehe. :hug:
Thank you! I'm going to hold out until tomorrow morning.. and in the meantime drive myself mad!! lol xx

Oh my god keeley! Amazing! Why don't you take a clear blue to be sure?! Xxx I am having a really low few days a few friends babies born and pregnancies - I need to snap out of it and get some distractions on the go!
That's the most liney looking line I've ever seen! YAAAAY! GO BUY A DIGI!

Sorry, am clearly a bit over-excited today. Ahem.

Glitter, I'm sorry you're down. What are you going to do to distract yourself?
So inspired by Keeley I took a frer too. Digital said negative but im still 3 days to go before af.

Glitter hun. I know the feeling but don't get down about it, how long until af is due for you? Xx
That's the most liney looking line I've ever seen! YAAAAY! GO BUY A DIGI!

Sorry, am clearly a bit over-excited today. Ahem.

Glitter, I'm sorry you're down. What are you going to do to distract yourself?


I have a digi and a normal clear blue one but I've drunk a lot since the first test so my wee will be very diluted now!! I may do one tonight if I get impatient! I'm 10DP0 today, My LP is usually only 10-11days so not technically late yet! So anxious AF is going arrive! xx

So inspired by Keeley I took a frer too. Digital said negative but im still 3 days to go before af.

Glitter hun. I know the feeling but don't get down about it, how long until af is due for you? Xx

Sarah, that's positive!! Definitely a line there!! xx

I did a digi Keeley and it said not pregnant so I'd hold off on your digi just now. I feel sad for wasting mine lol. I held onto it all month too, got on the defensive when OH was like that line is too faint you need to do another one :lol:
Lol I haven't even told my OH yet!!.. I will if/when I get positive on the digi!.. like your OH's he will need to see it in black and white!! Lol xx

Sarah and Keely that's amazing! Congrats to you both!

The witch got me today, so looks like I'm out. X
I think I'm going through start a thorough exercise and clean eating plan from tomorrow to distract myself! I need a good dose of man the f up!! I'm normally so positive for the next cycle after AF but it just seems to be dragging me down a bit more this month! Thanks guys for the support and fingers crossed for positives you guys! Xxx

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