The two week wait

Thanks Elspeth, I'm sure I will too.. sometimes it helps to vent!.. I hate 2WW's!! lol xxx

Hey - an update, I couldn't wait and did an early response test on Saturday - 3 days before AF and a BFN. However, I'm now 1 day late, but it feels like I will get AF. You know just similar to every other month? Cravings for chocolate, sore boobs, - bit of cramping. I'm not holding out much hope especially due to the BFN! How are you guys getting on? Xxx
Glittergirl84 you're not out until the witch arrives. Last cycle the witch was 2/3 days late for me :( I think Im now 7 or 8 dpo (I've forgotten). I literally had to go and buy myself so many mars bars, it's all I want to eat. My OH made fish last night and I swear to god, I just could not eat it. Made myself 3 hard boiled eggs haha.

Had mega hot flashes last night, I couldn't sleep because of it. I'm off work today because my cold has just esculated so much I've had to get my asthma checked out. Did a clear blue early response yesterday and got a bfn. I think it was just way too early to test though as not due af until next wednesday.

Fx you get your bfp now that you're af is late :)
Morning ladies!

How's everyone coping now? I tested (9dpo) I thought I could see something instantly but it didn't dry so clearly. Keep trying to tell myself it's too early then the other part of my brain screams it just isn't your month!!

Glitter, I really hope af doesn't show for you. Af & pregnancy symptoms can be so similar!

Sarah don't dwell on yesterday's test it was super early. Your food aversions are a good sign!

Kumber and keely how are you? Xx
I am not doing so great. I was round my (pregnant) friends house last night and she was egging me to test, not that I needed much persuading! Well I took a test and it was a very faint positive. I posted pics in the "Am I pregnant?" section of the forum. But I took another test a few hours later and it was negative so feeling upset about that. Silly how I can miss something I never really had.

I think I am now 6dpo so I know it's too early to realistically test, BUT it's my first time TTC and I don't really know my cycle all that well. I had a bit of mid-cycle bleeding (very light) about 11 days ago so not too sure.

But yeah... meh.

Hoping all you lovely ladies are doing well xx
That's really gutting hun:( have you retested to double check? Just incase you're further than you think xx
I am not doing so great. I was round my (pregnant) friends house last night and she was egging me to test, not that I needed much persuading! Well I took a test and it was a very faint positive. I posted pics in the "Am I pregnant?" section of the forum. But I took another test a few hours later and it was negative so feeling upset about that. Silly how I can miss something I never really had.

I think I am now 6dpo so I know it's too early to realistically test, BUT it's my first time TTC and I don't really know my cycle all that well. I had a bit of mid-cycle bleeding (very light) about 11 days ago so not too sure.

But yeah... meh.

Hoping all you lovely ladies are doing well xx
Dont be disheartened just yet, 6DPO is way too early to tell.
You're not out until the witch arrives xxx
I'm at a whopping 3DPO with no signs or symptoms to speak of. I did cry like a baby at the end of Blue Lagoon and OH thought it was hilarious.... men. pff. We have to go to the doctor for OH this morning so I just wanted to pop in quickly before we leave.

Hope you ladies are doing well! What DPO's and what symptoms do we have going on in here? (I'll read through older comments while I sit in the waiting room)
Thank you girls for your comments x I have retested this morning and still a big BFN. Think I got a dodgy test. No point in moping about it any more, you can't change the past so I will officially declare myself 6DPO and waiting to test :)

Salley - my symptoms so far are gas/constipation, sore boobs and nips and as of this morning horrible greasy skin. My face is like an oil slick and my glasses are literally sliding off my nose (urgh, sorry) - I've never had skin this bad before so hoping it's a good sign.
That's so rubbish HKM. Hopefully it's just a sign of what's to come for you!

Salley, I have really tender boobs - they feel heavy and bruised. Cramping on and off. My skin is awful, you could do dot to dot on my face!! Wet/creamy cm and last night it was yellow. Feel exhausted and emotional today! Xx
HKM, different always brings hopes of a good sign! No fun being backed up, are you taking anything for it?

MrsS, I've read yellow can be a good sign! I feel your struggle with the emotions. I'm always emotional during tww and a couple days into AF.

It sounds so promising for you ladies! Hope it's your month! :dust:
Ahhhh HKM that's absolutely pants :( keep your chin up, you're so early in testing, you might have only implanted yesterday as it can take up to 5 days after ov!

I'm 6dpo too and I've had bugger all. No ic today because I forgot but it would be a bfn anyway. I'm getting a frer or superdrug early test on Friday and I'll have to hold off all weekend. No idea how I'm going to do that! It's a good job I'm going away really!

Sounds like everyone's having loads of positive symptoms, keeping everything crossed!

Glittergirl, good luck on your retest!
It's heartbreaking isn't it, when something that is so natural doesn't happen naturally for you..
we've been actively trying for 5 months now, which doesn't sound very long to some people but it feels never ending ATM.. can't bare to see BFP's on here which makes me feel terrible because I'm generally happy for people but it just makes me feel even lower.. doctors here are useless, they give you the same textbook responses.. I'm going to give it until Christmas then make an appointment xxx
Keely, It really is such a stressful time and everyone says don't stress! I've cried because I've seen ladies get their bfp and I got AF. I'm happy when it's ladies I've gotten to know but it's still gutting to see that crimson tide and know someone else has a little human growing in their belly. 5 months feels like 5 years when you're not getting the result you want. I hope you get your bfp soon (even if I do get a little jealous when you do lol)!
Hi ladies. Sounds like we are all driving ourselves crazy doing tests when it's a bit too early.

I couldn't resist doing an IC yesterday evening ( 10 dpo) but bfn. Feel really deflated now. I'm battling going and splurging on a dozen tests and testing again and again. But I won't as I can't afford it. Planning to get a first response test and test again tomorrow morning.
This is really getting unbearable.
I don't know what to do with myself.


Glittergirl, what's the news with you?

MrsS, sound like good signs you've got going on.
All I've got are sore boobs.

HKM, that's so confusing and disappointing, but sounds like it's early days still so fingers crossed.
Morning ladies! Well I have absolutely no new symptoms. I'm no longer backed up, all normal in the bowel department :eh: which I'm taking as a bad sign.

Decided I'm going to test on Sunday morning which will be 10dpo if my calculations are any good.

Any new symptoms for any of you? x
Sorry for your bfn Elspeth :( hopefully it's just a shy bean, I'm crossing everything for you that you get your bfp with the frer!

Boooo! The evil witch AF has arrived! Is it too early for a glass of wine?!! Good luck girls! Xxxx
Ohh no! I'm so sorry GG, best of luck for next cycle :dust:

So sorry to hear that Glitter :( and it's never too early!!
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