I think I'm about 5dpo roughly. I never use opk sticks and use cm etc to tell when I'm in OV mode. My cm is white and creamy too but there's not a huge amount. I've got thrush type symptoms (tmi) which I remember having first time around. Trying to NOT to symptom spot is completely pointlessdo you know when you OV exactly? I have a 29 day cycle so AF not due until 2nd. I'm going mad though.
CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?
I think there is a thread over on 'Am I Pregnant' called symptom spotters anonymous. I tried talking there but they seem to have their own thing going on with some regulars. I found here where we are all roughly the same dpo and all as desperate to poas much more helpful to splurge all my symptom spotting rants. I don't even know what is expected and what's not anymore.
CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?
Hey Salley!
I'm 5DPO, this 2WW is dragging! I'm so crampy at the moment it's driving me mad xx
CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?
Hey Salley!
I'm 5DPO, this 2WW is dragging! I'm so crampy at the moment it's driving me mad xx
Hey Keely! 2WW always drags.. I'm not having any symptoms but it would be pretty amazing to get a bfp this month considering I thought I'd be away during my fertile window (got bfp opk on the day I returned and the following morning - - lucky). Fingers toes and eyes crossed for everyone!
Also just wanted to say, I hope your symptoms are good signs Kumber and Sarah and HKM.
But also wanted to say that in my first pregnancy absolutely no symptoms that I recall in 2ww. I tested 14 days po but threw away the test when it didn't show a positive line immediately ( oh how naive I was!). Tested again 3 days later when I was getting definite pre menstral cramps but no period and came up strongly positive.
2nd pregnancy again no real symptoms but for some weird reason I just knew I was pregnant in 2ww?? Got a positive at 10 days po.
Symptoms are good but don't worry too much about not really having any symptoms either.
Baby dust to all. Xx