The two week wait

CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?
I think I'm about 5dpo roughly. I never use opk sticks and use cm etc to tell when I'm in OV mode. My cm is white and creamy too but there's not a huge amount. I've got thrush type symptoms (tmi) which I remember having first time around. Trying to NOT to symptom spot is completely pointless :lol: do you know when you OV exactly? I have a 29 day cycle so AF not due until 2nd. I'm going mad though.

I use OPKS so I just always class the day after my positive as O day.. I get Ewcm 1-2 days before the positive usually, I don't usually get much O pain so can't rely on that. xxx

5dpo, poas aaaaaaaaaaand.........

Nothing :lol: got a bit of a conundrum though as af due on the 1st but I'm going out on the 30th for a Halloween night out. First night out in over 2.5 years (I think it's nearer 4), so reeeeeeeally wanted to get a few drinks down me. Now thinking perhaps not such a good idea.

Also, getting some frers or Super drug tests on Friday, eeeeeeeeek!

Hi ladies, just popping into say hi :wave:

I'm also in the tww, 5dpo (I think) - gosh I don't know how you ladies cope with this month in month out, I'm climbing the walls! FX for all our BFP's x
Think a lot of us are at 5DPO :)

I don't cope, it drives me insane every month!

I'm still soo crampy today, feeling cold & tired - would love to be back in bed right now!!

Hey ladies,

I see we're all coping fabulously :lol:

I'm 8dpo. Still resisting testing! My boobs were aching yesterday, I couldn't sleep they felt like they were on fire. Not as bad today so far just achy! Cramping a lot today though so not sure. Tried to feel my cervix and it was high and squishy. Not a clue what cervix positions mean! I'm off work just now so not wanting to wish the time away but really want to know xx
I caved. Poas this morning clear blue early response. Bfn. I knew it would be. Just bleh. I wish I was back in bed. So tired and dizzy. Got cramps still.
Sorry to hear about your BFN Sarah :( BUT you still have plenty of symptoms so you're defo not out this month! Keeping everything crossed for you x

Is there a symptom spotters anonymous I can visit... because I'm addicted! I have really sore nipples, some slight cramping and feel really thirsty. Still constipated (sorry TMI!) but not as badly as the last few days. I know you shouldn't wish your life away but these 9 days can't go quickly enough...
:lol: I think there is a thread over on 'Am I Pregnant' called symptom spotters anonymous. I tried talking there but they seem to have their own thing going on with some regulars. I found here where we are all roughly the same dpo and all as desperate to poas much more helpful to splurge all my symptom spotting rants. I don't even know what is expected and what's not anymore.

I've had headaches on and off all day and now feel so, so sick. Uuuuurgh

:lol: I think there is a thread over on 'Am I Pregnant' called symptom spotters anonymous. I tried talking there but they seem to have their own thing going on with some regulars. I found here where we are all roughly the same dpo and all as desperate to poas much more helpful to splurge all my symptom spotting rants. I don't even know what is expected and what's not anymore.


Sorry you felt like that about the thread hun:( I've found it very helpful and supportive. I think the problem is it gets so busy a lot of comments get missed! I like to pop into a lot of threads to get to know as many girls stories as I can!

Sorry you got a bfn. How many dpo are you?

Hkm, the tww is awful. I've had far too many of them and they never get better! I hope yours goes super quick. You have good symptoms!

Hope your headaches and nausea and good signs kumber! Xx
Hi ladies.

Just checking in as well.
The weekend went soooo slowly for me.

Now I'm back at work I was hoping that would help the time pass. Sadly not.

I'm similarly climbing the walls. DH has no idea how crazy I am!
I've downloaded the ovia app. Great to fuel my obsession.

I'm 9dpo. Getting sore boobs now but that would be normal at this stage of my cycle. I'm fixating on every little twinge in my pelvis, I'm actually not sure what is real and what I'm imagining anymore.

It's great to have company here.
Not going to POAS tomorrow as I have a lot going on at work and I'm fairly sure it would just come up negative.
Maybe Thursday or Friday if I can hold out til then.
Also just wanted to say, I hope your symptoms are good signs Kumber and Sarah and HKM.

But also wanted to say that in my first pregnancy absolutely no symptoms that I recall in 2ww. I tested 14 days po but threw away the test when it didn't show a positive line immediately ( oh how naive I was!). Tested again 3 days later when I was getting definite pre menstral cramps but no period and came up strongly positive.

2nd pregnancy again no real symptoms but for some weird reason I just knew I was pregnant in 2ww?? Got a positive at 10 days po.

Symptoms are good but don't worry too much about not really having any symptoms either.

Baby dust to all. Xx
CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?

Hey Salley!

I'm 5DPO, this 2WW is dragging! I'm so crampy at the moment it's driving me mad xx

Hey Keely! 2WW always drags.. I'm not having any symptoms but it would be pretty amazing to get a bfp this month considering I thought I'd be away during my fertile window (got bfp opk on the day I returned and the following morning - - lucky). Fingers toes and eyes crossed for everyone!
CD23, 1DPO figured I'd pop in here.. how's everyone doing?

Hey Salley!

I'm 5DPO, this 2WW is dragging! I'm so crampy at the moment it's driving me mad xx

Hey Keely! 2WW always drags.. I'm not having any symptoms but it would be pretty amazing to get a bfp this month considering I thought I'd be away during my fertile window (got bfp opk on the day I returned and the following morning - - lucky). Fingers toes and eyes crossed for everyone!

Maybe your lucky streak will continue and it'll be a BFP! :)

Feeling deflated today, just dreading it not happening again this month, I know I'm going to be devastated.. getting so tired of it.

Not much happening today still cramping on and off constantly.. had lots of creamy CM yesterday but not much today.. not expecting any obvious symptoms only 5DPO today.


I can only hope. Definitely feel your frustration on this not happening already. We've been NTNP 2 years and actively monitoring everything for 6 cycles (this cycle excluded because I knew I was going to be away--didn't even want to know). We're going away to Aruba next month for OH's birthday and if we don't have a bun in the oven by the new year we're considering fertility doctors. Which means we have to take out personal loans to afford a fertility doctor. Really hoping it doesn't come down to that. Our other thought was to try clomid blind but the "clomid girlies" thread warned that it's possible to take too much clomid and I should at least have the follicle testing done (which I still couldn't afford). It's getting to a "I don't know what to do" point. This shouldn't be so difficult for people in their 30s.
Also just wanted to say, I hope your symptoms are good signs Kumber and Sarah and HKM.

But also wanted to say that in my first pregnancy absolutely no symptoms that I recall in 2ww. I tested 14 days po but threw away the test when it didn't show a positive line immediately ( oh how naive I was!). Tested again 3 days later when I was getting definite pre menstral cramps but no period and came up strongly positive.

2nd pregnancy again no real symptoms but for some weird reason I just knew I was pregnant in 2ww?? Got a positive at 10 days po.

Symptoms are good but don't worry too much about not really having any symptoms either.

Baby dust to all. Xx

I was the same with my 3 previous pregnancies, not one sign! With the boys that went full term, I had nothing the whole way through. It was very weird!

I'm hoping that symptoms will indicate a girl :eh:

Fingers crossed I've implanted as I'm 5dpo!

It's heartbreaking isn't it, when something that is so natural doesn't happen naturally for you..
we've been actively trying for 5 months now, which doesn't sound very long to some people but it feels never ending ATM.. can't bare to see BFP's on here which makes me feel terrible because I'm generally happy for people but it just makes me feel even lower.. doctors here are useless, they give you the same textbook responses.. I'm going to give it until Christmas then make an appointment xxx
Keelygracey. I'm sorry your feeling so down and frustrated by it all. Totally understandable, ttc becomes so all consuming.
And everyone has good days and bad days. I'm sure you'll feel more positive tomorrow.
It will happen for you hun.

Everything crossed that this is your month.

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