The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Amy, is that a faint line on that hpt ? i know there is one on your opk ... still early days yet! so hang on in there ( fingers crossed )

Emma, Sounds like you did ovulate sunday then hun wahooo. ( Goodluck )

Lisey, I never had any symptoms untill at least 10dpo with all my pregnancy's & the most commen symptom was needing to urinate loads & lots of creamy cm plus hard cervix :)

Off to tesco's girls so catch you's all later xxx

With my son, we werent trying. I was on the pill :shock: but from counting back I knew almost straight away. I just knew I was pregnant.

With my last pregnancy, symptoms started at 7-8dpo. I am not expecting to feel anything just yet so no symptom spotting just yet...but I will, just give me 5 days LOL!
Enjoy tescos, make sure you treat yourself to something nice xx
Quick reply as at work, but Starr I can tell you're going to be my guru. I don't think i explained myself very well - I meant that OH bday is 20th Nov, which is when I think I ov :D So definitely a good bday for him!!!! ahahahahahah!!!

As for the rest of you lovely ladies you have all been so welcoming, I'm so happy I joined the forum as I very obviously have a lot to learn!!!

Will post more replies later

Yeh there's a line star but it's only an evap I get them alot coming close to af x
Bellarina, Sorry its still bfn, you dont have to wait long now 1 more day till you see gp. I dont know if she will give you somthing to start your AF again ( i know they can ) but maybe she will suggest doing a beta blood test. Just hope you get some help cause if your not pregnant these long cycles arnt good, did you ever try the ( agnus catnus ) ? xx

Amy, aww bless your little boy, you must be a proud mummy ;) X

Emma, Did you do another opk, what was it like yesterday/lastnight ? X

Hi Star,

Yes I did an OPK last night and it was a faint one. Also rechecked the night befores OPK and it definetly wasn't as dark as the ones I had on the Saturday so fx I did ovulate Sunday.


Found a picture of what my test looked like on Tuesday night. What do you think? My Saturday OPKs were a lot thicker and darker.



  • opk.jpg
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Hi Ladies.
Lisey, had a lovely time at tescos " Not" hate food shopping LOL! got that dvd though :) X

Emma thats quite good isnt it, its the same colour as the control line & it dont matter if its only on the edge & not as thick cause i have read this so many times that as long as the line is the same colour as the control line or darker than thats all that matters. I cant explain why you had this tuesday night & your ones on saturday was darker than this .. the only thing i can suggest is that your ovarys tried to ovulate & never so the surge stayed high till the sunday. Maybe you ovulated early hrs monday morning & could explain this tuesday nights opk, maybe your surge was still high & took a while to drop. OR maybe you had two ovulations 24hrs after each other. The good thing is there now negative so you know you have deffo ovulated & you covered all days cause sperm lasts for several days. Goodluck. x

Amy, lets hope its not a evap & it gets darker hun, fingers crossed. X

Jolly81, Lol! if i can help then i will do my best :) X
Thanks Star, maybe you are right about two ovulations as my OPKs went from being very positive on Saturday to faint line on Sunday, then slightly darker faint line on Monday and then like the picture above on the Tuesday. Like you say, even if ovulation didn't happen until the Tuesday, BD on Saturday and Sunday nights should cover it. OPK last night was another faint line. Hopefully around this time next week I will know what happened with either AF arriving or a BFP! xxx
Thanks Star, maybe you are right about two ovulations as my OPKs went from being very positive on Saturday to faint line on Sunday, then slightly darker faint line on Monday and then like the picture above on the Tuesday. Like you say, even if ovulation didn't happen until the Tuesday, BD on Saturday and Sunday nights should cover it. OPK last night was another faint line. Hopefully around this time next week I will know what happened with either AF arriving or a BFP! xxx

Ooooh exciting, I hope its BFP and that AF is gone for many months xxx
Hi ladies how has your weekend been ?

So who's testing soon ? what cd days are you girls on ( update) us ;)

Tomorrow is my scan ( follicle scan ) i am excited .... had ovary pain last night it really felt like ovulation pain :/ am just hoping i never ovulated early this cycle, however we did the deed on friday night so i should be covered if i did ovulate yesterday. If i aint & tomorrow scan goes well, then i will get a hcg trigger shot to pop the follicle which will happen 48hrs after eeeeeeek.

Good luck Starr - hope it all goes well, give us an update xxxx

I'm on CD17 so still a way off testing.

Jolly x
Aww thanks ( Jolly ) i will update here when i get back :)

I have a journal too that i update everyday in journals section, if you want to have a read ;)

Cd17 eek ( Goodluck hun ):dust::dust:
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Thanks emma. Goodluck hun, :dust::dust: have you had any symptoms ?

Nothing that really sticks out apart from a bit of pressure and odd twinges. x
Odd twinges eek. Are they on your left side ? xx
Yeah, I get them every now and then. I never know if it's endometriosis or ovary pains. x
Star, how comes the twinges need to be on the left side? I have read a few people saying my naive mind I thought you would get the twinges on the side you ovulated from?? xxx
Hey good luck for tomorrow star let us know how u get on xx
hi girls can i join in please?? im on cd 25 today and my fingers crossed for a healthy LP, not sure what to expect as this is my 1st 2ww! glad to be here tho........finaly! is 14 days from now too soon for testing? providing af hasnt arrived before then that is xxx

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