The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

If the bleeding lasts longer than a day or two perhaps you should ask to be seen sooner, hope everything is okay for you my cycle buddy x
I hope everything is okay too! depending on how much i bleed tonight, i will speak to my doctor tomorrow x
I hope everything is okay too! depending on how much i bleed tonight, i will speak to my doctor tomorrow x
Hope everything is ok hun, its hard not to worry but try not to! Hope its sort itself out soon....FX its due to the very beginning of a healthy pregnancy! FX :) x
right well its just pink when i wipe, no blood is falling onto the towel i put on at all (i didnt think i would really need a towel but i wanted to see what was there)

i will see if i am still red in the morning but it looks like its just some sort of Ov bleeding/very early implantation bleeding...
Butterfly/star - I'm not using any monitors/opks right now. We're loosely following SMEP so we're just BDing every other day and then when I get ov symptoms we'll notch it up to every day for 3 days. As this is our first month im still trying to understand my body a bit better. Also, having just moved house I wasnt too keen on the price of the monitors!!!

Also, I tend to have 31 day cycles do I'm pretty sure I'll ov around 20th which is OH's bday. I do usually get ov pains anyway but will be on the lookout for anything else!!!!

Do you think you can 'just know' when you're pregnant as well? (I don't, but just curious about others past experiences!!)

Baby dust to all!!! :dust:
Butterfly/star - I'm not using any monitors/opks right now. We're loosely following SMEP so we're just BDing every other day and then when I get ov symptoms we'll notch it up to every day for 3 days. As this is our first month im still trying to understand my body a bit better. Also, having just moved house I wasnt too keen on the price of the monitors!!!

Also, I tend to have 31 day cycles do I'm pretty sure I'll ov around 20th which is OH's bday. I do usually get ov pains anyway but will be on the lookout for anything else!!!!

Do you think you can 'just know' when you're pregnant as well? (I don't, but just curious about others past experiences!!)

Baby dust to all!!! :dust:

Hi Jolly,

I think you can just know, but not everyone will of course and I am sure it can be different with each pregnancy...I knew with both my pregnancys and with my son I was on the pill and defo not trying so wasnt looking for signs.
Thats a good day to Ov on...bday and baby making all in one night :dust:xx
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Don't know if it is a good or bad sign or a sign at all. Have had bubbling under my belly button but just above pubic bone Tuesday and Wednesday nothing today just a lot of creamy cm. think I am 3dpo. but could be 2.

Do some people have weird signs this early?
Hi ladies.

Fi, Sorry to hear that, is it heavy today yeah ? it's good your getting a scan on the 15th so they can see whats going on in there. When you say you have a growth in your uterus is that the cyst you said you have, do you mean that or somthing else ? Fibroids can cause periods to be heavy & irregular as do endometeries < spelt that wrong but you know what i mean. X

Jolly, if your cycle's are 31 days then you wouldnt ovulate on the 20th it would be the 16th/17th day of your cycle. I have a 32 day cycle each month & ovulate cd17 but last month that 2 positive opks on cd17 & 18. So for sure you dont ovulate on cd 20 its between cd17/18. So make sure you cover cd15 skip a day then bed cd17 & 18 ;) X

Janey, Lots of cm is really good at 3dpo ;) X
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Bellarina, Sorry its still bfn, you dont have to wait long now 1 more day till you see gp. I dont know if she will give you somthing to start your AF again ( i know they can ) but maybe she will suggest doing a beta blood test. Just hope you get some help cause if your not pregnant these long cycles arnt good, did you ever try the ( agnus catnus ) ? xx

Amy, aww bless your little boy, you must be a proud mummy ;) X

Emma, Did you do another opk, what was it like yesterday/lastnight ? X
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Cd10 today for me eek. Cant belive how fast the days as gone ( scan on monday ) wahoo.
I had some twinges from my right ovary today :) growing follicles ( i hope ) xx
Hi ladies.

Fi, Sorry to hear that, is it heavy today yeah ? it's good your getting a scan on the 15th so they can see whats going on in there. When you say you have a growth in your uterus is that the cyst you said you have, do you mean that or somthing else ? Fibroids can cause periods to be heavy & irregular as do endometeries < spelt that wrong but you know what i mean. X

Its very heavy today, just like a period, i feel a bit faint though, probably because i have bled so much in the last few weeks

I have to go to the doctor this afternoon for a blood test.

The growth is on my ovary, not in my uterus, its definitely a cyst.

I just hope this sparks them into giving me some answers about things.
Hi all

2 or 3dpo today.

No symptoms to report. My boobs are tender but have been since day of OV so I suspect that is just a fluke. I am so excited and nervous at the same time about this cycle xx
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Hi ladies.

Fi .. your gonna run low on iron with all the bleeding you have had in a short space of 4wks ( No wonder ) your feeling faint. Hope they get to the bottom of it & find out whats going on, you will need some iron too. X

Lisey .. 3dpo for you ( i think ) ;) Sore boobie's hey, ... xxx
The chart below shows the most common very early signs and symptoms experienced on 3 days past ovulation (pregnant vs non-pregnant women).
Thanks for the chart star :) Only 5% for tender breasts, I doubt its related to preg symptoms-prob just hurt for no reason xxx
I was not going to but did a cheeky test
not alot to see tbh but it's early days good luck everyone x
Bellarina, Sorry its still bfn, you dont have to wait long now 1 more day till you see gp. I dont know if she will give you somthing to start your AF again ( i know they can ) but maybe she will suggest doing a beta blood test. Just hope you get some help cause if your not pregnant these long cycles arnt good, did you ever try the ( agnus catnus ) ? xx

Amy, aww bless your little boy, you must be a proud mummy ;) X

Emma, Did you do another opk, what was it like yesterday/lastnight ? X

Hi Star,

Yes I did an OPK last night and it was a faint one. Also rechecked the night befores OPK and it definetly wasn't as dark as the ones I had on the Saturday so fx I did ovulate Sunday.

Hi ladies.

Fi, Sorry to hear that, is it heavy today yeah ? it's good your getting a scan on the 15th so they can see whats going on in there. When you say you have a growth in your uterus is that the cyst you said you have, do you mean that or somthing else ? Fibroids can cause periods to be heavy & irregular as do endometeries < spelt that wrong but you know what i mean. X

Its very heavy today, just like a period, i feel a bit faint though, probably because i have bled so much in the last few weeks

I have to go to the doctor this afternoon for a blood test.

The growth is on my ovary, not in my uterus, its definitely a cyst.

I just hope this sparks them into giving me some answers about things.

Ah sorry to hear you're out Fi, hope you get some answers very soon :hugs: xxx
Amy, is that a faint line on that hpt ? i know there is one on your opk ... still early days yet! so hang on in there ( fingers crossed )

Emma, Sounds like you did ovulate sunday then hun wahooo. ( Goodluck )

Lisey, I never had any symptoms untill at least 10dpo with all my pregnancy's & the most commen symptom was needing to urinate loads & lots of creamy cm plus hard cervix :)

Off to tesco's girls so catch you's all later xxx

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