The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Lisey, thats a good question. I myself have always experianced inplantation from the left side & like you i have also heard too many ladies say they experiance the same on there left side. Then could it just be that we all ovulated from the left side ?? I know for sure that the pod area i.e landing space, is situated on the left side, so i think this is why people feel it more from there ( Left side ).

I have researched this before because i have also experianced pain from the right side & often wonded IF implantation could happen on the right side, posts on google from other people say this is possible that you can implant on the right side but really how can that be if the pod area is on the left side ( dont make sence ) none of it, does it. Cause when you go for your scan your baby is in the middle ( kind of )

Tomorrow i am going to ask one of the fertility nurses who does my scan, they should know, cause i would love to know the truth about this one.

Thanks Bellarina i will update here & in my journal how tomorrow goes for me :) How are you ? have you come on yet, how did you get on at your doctors hun ? xx

Welcome Carr87, sure you join in :) Goodluck hun, hope you get your christmas BFP. Post here with any symptoms you have if any during your 2ww so we can compare :) xx
Lisey, thats a good question. I myself have always experianced inplantation from the left side & like you i have also heard too many ladies say they experiance the same on there left side. Then could it just be that we all ovulated from the left side ?? I know for sure that the pod area i.e landing space, is situated on the left side, so i think this is why people feel it more from there ( Left side ).

I have researched this before because i have also experianced pain from the right side & often wonded IF implantation could happen on the right side, posts on google from other people say this is possible that you can implant on the right side but really how can that be if the pod area is on the left side ( dont make sence ) none of it, does it. Cause when you go for your scan your baby is in the middle ( kind of )

Tomorrow i am going to ask one of the fertility nurses who does my scan, they should know, cause i would love to know the truth about this one.


That would be great if you asked and we got some answers. Its strange cos since I got into bed I started to get a few twinges/slight stabby feeling in left side :shock: I had forgotten about this question but maybe it was in my mind and i am imagining it? doesnt feel imaginary tho, lol! xx

Of course you can join us Carr87, hope you get your BFP :dance: xx
Eeek lisey, fingers crossed. Was it like a sharp pulling feeling ?
I found this before & again here it says that implantation will happen on what side you ovulated from, so will deffo ask tomorrow :)

Read this ..

Some women will experience light cramping as the egg implants into the uterine lining. This cramping can feel more or less extreme than PMS. For many women it is located on either the left or right side; possibly due to side of the uterus the fertilized egg implants on.

Some women experience the cramping more in the evening than during the day. Some have it for a few hours only while others will experience it for days.

Overall, these cramps can distinguish themselves from menstrual cramps as they come sooner than PMS cramps would. It can also be a sign of pregnancy if you generally do not suffer from menstrual cramps.
How is everyone doing? I seem to keep getting tantalisingly close to having a 2ww and then it all coming down lol

hope everyone is good xx
How is everyone doing? I seem to keep getting tantalisingly close to having a 2ww and then it all coming down lol

hope everyone is good xx

hey hun, im nowhere near a 2ww, well unless u count the fact im still in my 2ww like 3 weeks later lol, cd43 is drawing to an end... so nealry cd 44 now :(

how r u hun xxx
hey hun, im nowhere near a 2ww, well unless u count the fact im still in my 2ww like 3 weeks later lol, cd43 is drawing to an end... so nealry cd 44 now :(

how r u hun xxx
How annoying, i was 36 days lat month and that was far to long :(

Hope its a good sign though! I know you have been doing tests but some ppl never get a positive when pregnant so you never know..... FX hey! :) x
Hi Fi aww. Did you manage to get your scan move forward ? You aint posted in my journal for ages, was starting to wonder if you was ok ? xx

Bellarina, you still not come on yet, aww hun. Like i said above what did the doctor say ? did she do a beta test ? xx
i'm okay... just nothing much to report Star m'dearest xx plus have been uber busy with crazy walking boy-child and alsorts of stuff going on!

managed to have really really nice sex today 'not on a schedual' i forgot it could be that wonderful :) bless my man, hes a saint really :D

will go check out your journal now missis x
Aww its nice to have sex for sex if that makes sence & not for the sake of needing the sperm isnt it. LOL!

I love it when it just happens & its not in schedual like ( tonights smep day ) hehehe. I hope this month is the (ONE) for you hun. Fingers crossed. X
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How is everyone doing? I seem to keep getting tantalisingly close to having a 2ww and then it all coming down lol

hope everyone is good xx

hey hun, im nowhere near a 2ww, well unless u count the fact im still in my 2ww like 3 weeks later lol, cd43 is drawing to an end... so nealry cd 44 now :(

how r u hun xxx

awww we can be 'fuck knows what our cycles are doing' buddies if you like lol!

i am okay :) enjoying life despite the obvious ;) Hope your okay xx
Eeek lisey, fingers crossed. Was it like a sharp pulling feeling ?
I found this before & again here it says that implantation will happen on what side you ovulated from, so will deffo ask tomorrow :)

Read this ..

Some women will experience light cramping as the egg implants into the uterine lining. This cramping can feel more or less extreme than PMS. For many women it is located on either the left or right side; possibly due to side of the uterus the fertilized egg implants on.

Some women experience the cramping more in the evening than during the day. Some have it for a few hours only while others will experience it for days.

Overall, these cramps can distinguish themselves from menstrual cramps as they come sooner than PMS cramps would. It can also be a sign of pregnancy if you generally do not suffer from menstrual cramps.

OMG-star, I am a little bit excited cos its the evening and it says you tend to feel it more in the eve, lol! I had some achey feeling in tum last night but diff to tonight. It is sharpish, yeah!!
I do get PMS cramps tho but not usually this early and it doesnt feel at all like PMS cramping. Oh my goodness, thanks so much for finding that info star! xx I am sure I Ov'd from the right side this time confusing! xx
Bellarina and dragonfly; hope your cycles sort themselves out soon! its not fair how our bodies can be sometimes.
It is definately nice for sex to be for sex and not sperm, I poor OH gets his orders "I need you tonight btw" LOL! poor soul, must feel used! He doesnt complain tho, LOL! xx
Dragonfly - that sounds like a good idea im up for that. Since coming off pill iv had 36 days & 37 days...this cycle neverending lol

star i wroye a seperate thread titled drs appt as wrote quite a bit. Dr didnt do anthing just basicallytold me its early days etc etc

thanks to all u girlies for ur support xxx
Lisey - what cd are you?

I THINK I'm 1dpo (hooray into the 2ww!!!) although haven't tested and this is all guess work this month. Bought some opks last night for next month as it's been too difficult without.

Point is, I'm already feeling pains which are probably still ov pains, but one minute it feels like it's the right side and the next it's on the left. V odd and i know for a fact my ovaries and womb are all healthy etc. so why can I feel it in both sides? It's definitely stronger on left side. I guess my real question is isn't twins caused by multiple eggs being fertilised? If so, would those eggs come from the same ovary?

Am I talking nonsense?!! I think I may be over thinking this one lol!!!!
ahhhh nooooo ot would appear im out of the 2ww for now, i dont think iv ovulated yet as my temp has gone down again this am and iv got more ewcm, much more stretchable tho! im now on cd 26 so is it worth bd'n and more? im out of opk's 2! i really thought i had my positive on friday as i had negatives after that. i did drink some wine friday night, could that have caused my rise in temp saturday morning?! feeling so gutted today xxx
Hi Carr

Im not sure about the wine, but i reckon worth bding just to cover all bases so to speak!!
dont be gutted ur not out till the witch arrives!!!!
Im due af thursday but had some pink tinged cm when i went to the loo a while ago. I am classing myself as out
I'm due af wed. Did another test this morn bfn, was convinced this was my mnth as I had slight bleeding 7dpo...never mind, try try and try again!
Lisey - what cd are you?

I THINK I'm 1dpo (hooray into the 2ww!!!) although haven't tested and this is all guess work this month. Bought some opks last night for next month as it's been too difficult without.

Point is, I'm already feeling pains which are probably still ov pains, but one minute it feels like it's the right side and the next it's on the left. V odd and i know for a fact my ovaries and womb are all healthy etc. so why can I feel it in both sides? It's definitely stronger on left side. I guess my real question is isn't twins caused by multiple eggs being fertilised? If so, would those eggs come from the same ovary?

Am I talking nonsense?!! I think I may be over thinking this one lol!!!!


I am 6dpo today :dance: and CD21 (i think or poss 20)
I am having the same thing at the moment, I just wrote about it in my journal as I need some answers, LOL! I didnt even think of twins :shock: YIKES!! I the eggs would be released from opposite sides but someone may correct me on that!
You are not talking nonsense at all, I am an over-thinker too so I understand, lol! xx
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