The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Should be 8 DPO today, had some horrible cramping pains last night and this morning which seemed to have eased off this afternoon. Also been feeling quite gassy inside. I do keep thinking that we haven't managed to get our BFP this month for some reason, hoping I'm wrong!

Bellarina and Fi - really hope you girls don't have to wait too much longer for your cycles to get back to normal.

:dust: to all you lovely ladies!

Sorry, tmi but when me and OH BD yesterday, I had a little bit of brown on the tissue when I wiped afterwards. Is this likely to be a bit of bleeding from BD? It was a bit painful at the beginning even with using Conceive Plus.

Hi ladies. I updated my diary so will update here.

Scan today confirmed i ovulated recently from my right ovary, i felt pain early hrs sunday morning but from my left side, & the nurse showed me the follicle from the right ovary that had collapsed which means ovulation happened recently. So we bed friday & sunday evening, & my cervix is still high soft & open so according to the nurse i have covered myself as she says sperm lives for 72hrs. So heres hoping hey ( Fingers crossed ) ...... tomorrow i will class myself as 1dpo, gonna be having a 28day cycle this month insted of 32 eek. :dance:

Emma. Brown blood is old blood so it's not Af, could be a late implantation bleed & if you been aroused then it could of brought that bit of blood down. ( Fingers crossed hun ) pregnancy pains have been mistaken for AF pains in thousands of ladies hun. xx
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Lisey - what cd are you?

I THINK I'm 1dpo (hooray into the 2ww!!!) although haven't tested and this is all guess work this month. Bought some opks last night for next month as it's been too difficult without.

Point is, I'm already feeling pains which are probably still ov pains, but one minute it feels like it's the right side and the next it's on the left. V odd and i know for a fact my ovaries and womb are all healthy etc. so why can I feel it in both sides? It's definitely stronger on left side. I guess my real question is isn't twins caused by multiple eggs being fertilised? If so, would those eggs come from the same ovary?

Am I talking nonsense?!! I think I may be over thinking this one lol!!!!

I had ovary pain from my left ovary this month & the nurse said today i ovulated from my right ovary. I think it could be down to hormones maybe or pain from other follicles growing. Lisey is right! if you are going to produce 2 eggs it would come from both ovarys not just one, & would happen 24hrs after the 1st ovulation. Although twins arnt always made by 2 different eggs, 1 egg can split into two making twins :) xx
ahhhh nooooo ot would appear im out of the 2ww for now, i dont think iv ovulated yet as my temp has gone down again this am and iv got more ewcm, much more stretchable tho! im now on cd 26 so is it worth bd'n and more? im out of opk's 2! i really thought i had my positive on friday as i had negatives after that. i did drink some wine friday night, could that have caused my rise in temp saturday morning?! feeling so gutted today xxx

Your temp can rise because you have been intoxicated the night before. Also can rise if your ill or your house is hot. The fact you had ewcm which was more stretchable is deffo fertile mucas & i would continue to baby dance just to be sure you are covered hun. Are you not using opks ? xxx
Im due af thursday but had some pink tinged cm when i went to the loo a while ago. I am classing myself as out

Dont say your out till AF does arrive. Pink tinged cm can be a implantation bleed, it various in colour pink tinged or brown, your still in the 2ww till a test or af tells you other wise. Hope this is your month hun. xx
I'm due af wed. Did another test this morn bfn, was convinced this was my mnth as I had slight bleeding 7dpo...never mind, try try and try again!

Hope its a late bfp for you hun. ( Fingers crossed ) If af does arrive then i am wishing you the very best for your next 2ww.
I had a bfn this morning to Hun so that's why I am sure I'm out I have no tests left and don't think I will buy more until af is well and truly late

Exciting stuff for you though I have my fingers well and truly crossed xxx
Aww you never know hun, it could just be a late implanter so your hcg might not be high enough to detect on a hpt ( just yet ) fingers crossed. Thanks hun, i hope i have some luck this month i could do with some been ttc for aaaages. xxx
Hi ladies. I updated my diary so will update here.

Scan today confirmed i ovulated recently from my right ovary, i felt pain early hrs sunday morning but from my left side, & the nurse showed me the follicle from the right ovary that had collapsed which means ovulation happened recently. So we bed friday & sunday evening, & my cervix is still high soft & open so according to the nurse i have covered myself as she says sperm lives for 72hrs. So heres hoping hey ( Fingers crossed ) ...... tomorrow i will class myself as 1dpo, gonna be having a 28day cycle this month insted of 32 eek. :dance:

Emma. Brown blood is old blood so it's not Af, could be a late implantation bleed & if you been aroused then it could of brought that bit of blood down. ( Fingers crossed hun ) pregnancy pains have been mistaken for AF pains in thousands of ladies hun. xx

So pleased for you Star. :dust:

I really hope it is implantation bleeding, could really do with some good news this week! x
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Hi ladies. I updated my diary so will update here.

Scan today confirmed i ovulated recently from my right ovary, i felt pain early hrs sunday morning but from my left side, & the nurse showed me the follicle from the right ovary that had collapsed which means ovulation happened recently. So we bed friday & sunday evening, & my cervix is still high soft & open so according to the nurse i have covered myself as she says sperm lives for 72hrs. So heres hoping hey ( Fingers crossed ) ...... tomorrow i will class myself as 1dpo, gonna be having a 28day cycle this month insted of 32 eek. :dance:

Hey Star glad today went well and u have some positive answers now. FX u get ur bfp this cycle xxx
nice to hear that you had some positive news star, i shall be keeping evrything x'd for you xxx
Aww thanks girls lots of luck to you ladies too :) xxxxxxx
I still have cramps in lower right abdomen. I know it's prob waaaay too early, but I'm not even sure if this is normal for me or not?

Anyone else had cramps this early and come out with bfp? Also I'm super super emotional and teary!!! I promised myself I was going to be good as gold and not symptom spot in my first cycle...but here we go!!!!!

Jolly xxxx
Today I still feel bloated and heavy in lower abdomen, and had 20 mins of occasional stabbing pains in left side, think I'm 8 dpi but not 100% - no air bubble below belly button yet today but seems to happen more after food so will sees at happens after lunch ... Ordered some htps from Amazon yesterday but determined not to test till Sunday prov witchhas stayed away !
FXs for you all, BFP's for Christmas !!!
Lots of watery CM for me today, not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing? Still getting on and off cramping pains and had a stitch pain that last only a couple of minutes this morning when I was in bed. x
My bfp is still teasing me if the witch turns up now I will be having a major paddy
How is everyone today xxx
eep i am in my 2ww and not to sure what i should be looking for symptom wise, lots of watery cm last night but its thicker today been :bd: lots so FX
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Hi ladies.

Wow all these symptoms sounds ( Fabulous ) :) I think where gonna be getting some xmas BFPS this month Eeeeeeek.

Stabbing pains & watery cm etc, LOVE IT ;)

Today i have woken up poorley, i kind of new i was getting sick cause had a cough the last few days.
My throat is sore, cough, nose & ears are a little blocked, so got some kind of flu/cold virus. Took some paracetomol today which you can have while ttc or pg.

My symptoms are Lots of watery creamy cm, Peeing for england, feeling tired no strength which could be down to me being ill ( maybe ) other than that thats it. 2/3dpo today eeeeek.

GOODLUCK LADIES belive belive belive ( hugs ) xxxxxxx

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