Hi ladies.
BFN again today, with a first reponce 12ml test early as 6 days & 10ml One step which has been accurate for me in the past & given me a positive at 8dpo.
I dont feel any hope at all, my urine was orange in this mornings wee & i know thats because it has blood in it, i know it so well from testing for so long. My 1st morning urine goes rusty iron brew colour when getting closer to af if bfn, apparently its that colour when there is blood init ( af preparing itself ) it should be yellow if pg.
Amy, what test was you using before you got your 11dpo bfp ? xx
Tittam, thanks hun but i dont there is any hope for me this month hun xx
Fi, Thrush was talked about in this thread not so long ago & it was a pg symptom
Jolly, sadley the cloudy urine isnt good for me, i also read into that last night! & it can be of 3 things, 1 due to hcg in pg & 1 due to somthing being with L, white blood cells & the latter being to much acid. It said if its white blood cells then if you pur vinager in your sample & it turns the cloudy to clear then its nothing to worry about & of course if did it & it went clear which was fascinating lol. xx
Bellarina, aww hun cant belive your still in your 2ww sweetie. I know i think where just meant to be cycle buddies arnt we hehehe. Fingers crossed. xx
Carr, what test was you using hun ? xx

welcome to the mad house lol! when are you told to take your progesterone ? Your taking the cream after you ovulated yeah ? If you take progesterone before you ovulate, then it will intreact with ovulation & make your ovarys think you have already ovulated due to the progesterone rise, which happens ( After ) ovulation. I have been using progesterone but in a cyclogest, precscribed from doctor. I take them due to past pg losses, & i have to take them after i ovulated so it dont interfear with my ovulation. Goodluck hun. xx