The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

I'm currently testing on the 13th :D I have just done a VERY positive OPK so i am assuming it will drop down again tomorrow and show that i have ovulated ;)

have a bit of back pain... hope i dont come on again in the next couple of days, that would SUCK!
Hi girls. Tested early with a first reponce this evening & got a big fat negative. Had that gut feeling it was another bfn, just goes to show all the silly symptoms means nothing. I am gutted but now i just cant wait till af shows so we can try again. I am hoping because my ovulation will fall over the christmas that the whole xmas spirit will help me get pg i.e not thinking about it too much as i have this month. xx
Good luck to all in this thread. Let the two week torture begin!! xx
Star that's just naughty - you still have 6 days until you officially test!!!

Although I'm a fine one to talk - been testing since 6dpo and I'm now 9dpo!!! Still getting those BFNs, still getting (imaginary?) symptoms!!!

Latest addition to my ever growing list are, in addition to continuous stomach cramps since ov:
Yellowy snotty cm (TMI? I thought it ws gross and freaked out until I googled it and found, guess what, it's symptom!!!!)
Then this evening that had turned into a rusty coloured brown cm - never noticed it before so it's definitely new for me - either it's implantation or I need antibiotics for something lol!!!!
Properly checked out my boobies and I've got great big veins on them, again never noticed before but that's not to say they aren't there every month before af.

Lastly, CLOUDY WEEEEE!!!! Again, I freaked out and googled it, and guess what...IT'S A SYMPTOM!!! hahahh!!!! To be honest, I've had lot of junk food and not much water so it is probably dehydration.

So you see, my list is growing despite my desperation to avoid symptom spotting - I just can't help myself!!! :)

FX for everyone else - anyone else got any new and slightly weird symptoms?

Jolly xxx
I know girls i am a naughty test early poas addict :whistle: lol!!
I am hoping i am still in with a chance but there 12ml them first reponce tests & there quite sensitive. Heres hoping for a late bfp then ( everything crossed )

Jolly, I have CLOUDY!! urine too eeeek. I am deffo not dehydrated though, drink litres of volvic water daily, thats all i drink. All these symptoms drive you mad dont they. I still getting twinges from my left side tonight & fell asleep had a 20 minute power nap which reminded me of somthing is use to do when pregnant. But then i get a bfn. Hope its a late bfp for you & me hun.

Good luck to all you ladies, rooting for your BFPS. xx
Star my bfp was a late one I got bfn at 11dpo I was napping I think it was one of my only symptoms x
Naughty :poas: star! :) I don't believe you are out yet! Everything crossed for you!x
I know girls i am a naughty test early poas addict :whistle: lol!!
I am hoping i am still in with a chance but there 12ml them first reponce tests & there quite sensitive. Heres hoping for a late bfp then ( everything crossed )

Jolly, I have CLOUDY!! urine too eeeek. I am deffo not dehydrated though, drink litres of volvic water daily, thats all i drink. All these symptoms drive you mad dont they. I still getting twinges from my left side tonight & fell asleep had a 20 minute power nap which reminded me of somthing is use to do when pregnant. But then i get a bfn. Hope its a late bfp for you & me hun.

Good luck to all you ladies, rooting for your BFPS. xx

Oh yay!!! Star and Jolly have their own cloudy wee gang! ;-)

I have thrush!

I dont think i am due to ovulate until tomorrow but i dunno if that is a sign that we got enough sperm up there lol!
oooo star does this mean u are testing on saturday? im testing saturday so in the time iv had 1 cycle uv had 2 so we are technically poas buddies again lol xxx
I got a bfn today, only 10dpo so ill test until af shows up which i think will be soon as got mega heavy feeling down below and just feel like i want to turn so i can feel less bloated!
fx af stays away for you carr an shy bfp comes instead xx
Hey there ladies, well I have been trying since Feb with one lucky break that came to nothing unfortunately.
Have been told my luteal phase is too short so therefore prob have low progesterone. Am on a natural progesterone cream and been told to double the dose. We tried last fri/sun/mon as I have a temp monitor that said that was our "green" days.
So now just have to wait and wait and wait.... Or so it seems lol!
Would be great to have someone to chat to as I'm pretty much in this alone...
Lisa Lee xxx:)
You're not alone Lisa, we're all in this together and youve come to the right place- welcome and fx for your bfp!!!

Jolly xxx

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