The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi leesey. I dont know why your doctor has told you there is no other meds he can give you to help. Its prob because they are to stingy or he is having you on, then again my nhs doctor did not even know what gestone was, now that did make me laugh.

My private doctor prescribed me the steriods, as i found my nhs doctor to be quite crap to be honest. I had mentioned the steriods lots of times to my nhs doctor who was against giving me them.
However onec he knew i had a 2nd opinion i.e went private, & i told him i was to take the steriods when next pg prescribed by my private doctor he agreed to giving me them. ( Daft that isnt it )

My private dr liked me to take them from cd10 to help with implantation & jump to 20mg onec bfp, but the side effects of steriods are high sugar levels which i am hypoglycemia dibetic so i have to take pacific meds from my endocrinolgist i.e dibetas dr when using these & have routine bloods etc. The other side effect is weight gain, so i chose not to take them at cd10 because i could be taking them for a long time i.e as i have been ttc for ages now. So i am to take them onec pregnant.

If you take a look on the internet do a search on steriods to help implantion or steriods to help chemical pregnancys, you will find lots of posts & posts from other forums where ladies are taking this drug to help them too.

I think you may have a fight on your hands to get the steriods from your doctor if he is NHS based, but worth mentioning & there called ( prednsilone ) Here is a link that has some info about the possible fact it could be due to chromosome abnormalties. ( Link not endorsed by pregnancy )

This dont mean either of you have this abnormalty, it happens in pregnancy & its no ones fault. No one will ever know if this is the case, so no one can say it is or is not due to chromosome abnormility of the embryos.

Also sperm can play a part in chemical pregnancys, even though they fertilise the egg there can still be a issue with the sperm, just another fact what could also be the case. Read this ( Link not endorsed by pregnancy )

Have you ever been tested for a blood clotting disorder or did they just prescribe you asprin to help due to the chemical pregnancys ? One can still have a blood clotting disorder even if asprin never worked. It could mean you need more meds if you did have a clotting issue, like asprin with fragmin, like i have. My meds never worked for me, i still went onto lose another pregnancy, hence i had a positive apc clotting test yrs back & borderline lupas while pg but all is normal now ( i think ) i still have to cover all aspects when pg though & take both meds mentioned above.

Having a sperm test done & asking for progesterone support is a good idea. About the sperm tests, its just to cover all aspects really isnt it, just to be sure. Never say never about not having this or that, if you have not been tested for either. I was suprised when i tested positive for things i certaintly didnt think i had & i never thought i would have them but i did.

Goodluck. X
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Hey girls

Officially smack bang in the middle of 2ww ... getting nervous about testing. Just ordered som FRER's just in case I decide to test early which I'm not planning on, but you know ... maybe!

I don't feel pregnant at all .. but having never been pregnant, I dont really know what it feels like.

Symtoms (which may or may not be pregnancy related)

Twinges in lower abdomen
Sore back
Creamy CM??? (not sure if this is a symptom or not)
My taste buds are broken, yesterday a mince pie tasted horrible, and the day before I spat out a bacon roll ... hope thats a sign.

Back to work today so next few days will fly in, 10 hour shifts accompanied with hours of studying will make time fly by.

losts of :dust: for everyone waiting with me
well i am testing thursday but no symptoms, heartburn has gone ( not that that is a good symtpom anyway ) oh well I am not out yet, any9one else testing this week?
Hello all,

I'm testing on Thursday. Think I'm out though, was seriously symptom spotting all last week and apart from the constant twinges in my abdomen and the sore nips I feel dandy!!

Almost want the witch to come so I can start planning next month!!!

:dust: to all

Jolly xxx
ooo lynette and jolly ill keep my fingers crossed for you both for thurs
i think im ov weds or thurs or tomorrow so cant keep my legs crossed for you teehee
but will keep everything else crossed ---except my eyes or dh wont want to bd!!!!
ha ha ha
3 more sleeps girls!!!
my temp has dipped again today but is still higher than it usualy secretly hoping im not going to come on but i think i am :( ohh well got persona to use next month, just hope my cycle doesnt go past 38 days! xxx
I'll maybe test on Thursday .. . i'll only be 10dpo ... but a few have had their :bfp: then and I just wanna know!

So I'll be testing from Thursday anywho ... ordered some FRER's today too ... lol!

Good luck lyn and jolly! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

p.s. my nips are definitely sore! Like seriously .. and I never get that!

very very bloated and gassy ... god help the person sitting with me for 10 hours tonight!
Goodluck to them testing soon :) I am 8dpo today & prob gonna test on wednesday which will be 10dpo. I have a appointment at the doctors this afternoon due to me being ill, they reckon i could have a chest infection so will more than likely need antibiotics, thing is you cant have them when pg & i am to early to test right now. I am going to tell my doctor later, but i think all antibiotics can effect early pregnancy. Might have to not take them for 2 days till i test on ( wednesday ) which means a another 2 days of dying :( cough is horrendess now, really bad. Poor me lol.

Symptom 8dpo, none stop needing to pee, had to get up twice in the night to pee, creamy cm, NO twinges, all quite in there. No hope really but who know's ( Fingers crossed for more xmas BFPS ) xxxxxx
got my fingers and toes crossed for u star! at least FF is picking up my ovulation day today, solly me i forgot to include my + opk last week! its putting me at 10dpo today but im still unsure of the actual tempted to test
Hi carr, i use to temp for a long time & i found it at the beginning fab but then it was stressing. Your temp can change due to a number of things, being too hot too cold, due to a cough, so when you see up & down temps your not sure if this is 100% accurate. I am going to see what happens with you, because i want to see your chart at the end of the outcome. I have a inclin due to your low temps & you saying you always have low temps when charting, that you could need some progesterone. Charting temps can pick up if you are not producing enough progesterone, & thats why i want to see your chart at the end before i say you do or not.

As i mentioned though yesterday that you can find charts on the ff site where ladies had low temps & was still pg, so stay positive, goodluck hunni. xxx
Hi carr, i use to temp for a long time & i found it at the beginning fab but then it was stressing. Your temp can change due to a number of things, being too hot too cold, due to a cough, so when you see up & down temps your not sure if this is 100% accurate. I am going to see what happens with you, because i want to see your chart at the end of the outcome. I have a inclin due to your low temps & you saying you always have low temps when charting, that you could need some progesterone. Charting temps can pick up if you are not producing enough progesterone, & thats why i want to see your chart at the end before i say you do or not.

As i mentioned though yesterday that you can find charts on the ff site where ladies had low temps & was still pg, so stay positive, goodluck hunni. xxx

after reading about low temps i had thought that this may be the case for really appreciate it if you would have a look once af arrives. how was cycles with low temps will i have to have before being able to approach my gp? xxx
Morning ladies

Well ... I'm having some definite twinges down there! Had them about midnight last night and again just now. Not sure what it means, its more worrying than anything else, and I don't think the pains should be as sharp as this ?

Lots of creamy cm, and yesterday I got a bout of nausea for a wee while, then was perfectly fine ... had the shakes and everything.
oooo girlies
i can join u now been dying to for last 2 weeks
im 1 dpo its gonna be a loooooonnngg two weeks eh?!
no symptoms ...shocking i know!.....i had cramp yesterday which may have been ov pain?
who knows last cycle i had gas, nausea and sensitive nips ...and then bfn so not gonna get hopes up too much!
welli am testing soon and last night in bed i had a sharp stabbing pain about 2 inches up from my left hip right in my side, is this my ovary ( sorry for sounding thick lol ) i hope it was a bubs nesting down, other than that no sore boobs, no fatigue, no nothing even all my CM has gone and my sex drive with it :(
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oooo girlies
i can join u now been dying to for last 2 weeks
im 1 dpo its gonna be a loooooonnngg two weeks eh?!
no symptoms ...shocking i know!.....i had cramp yesterday which may have been ov pain?
who knows last cycle i had gas, nausea and sensitive nips ...and then bfn so not gonna get hopes up too much!

I sooo am not going to symptom spot this time. Like you I had smptoms last time and all I got was a BFN. Think the only symptom I'm looking out for is a missed AF!

Although I also had cramp yesterday but I think it's just stomach ache! xx
I had loads of symptoms my last cycle and got BFN, this cycle I didn't have many symptoms and got BFP. Good luck ladies :dust: xxx
Hi ladies.

Carr, i will take a look at your chart when needs be but low temps are not a problem for some people so chin up cause you could be BFP, that was a lovely temp dip remember ;) xx

Tweetyfoo, sounds good hun, got everything crossed for you. xx

Mrsw84, Wahoo to being in the 2ww, hope this is your month. xx

Lynette, Thats so weird cause i had a very sharp pain in the middle of the night last night too, eeek. xx

Indreams, wahoo to being in the 2ww, hope this is your month. Ditto ... i have had so many twinges & symptoms that make you think bfp & its been bfn, i try not to build my hopes up, its hard not too isnt it. I am terrible though, always test early around 3-4 days before af is due. I dont know why, i think its just cause i dont want to be kept in the dark i.e if af is late, then i would think i was pg. Saying that, i am a poas addict, cant help myself LOL. xx

Emma, They say it happens when you least expect it, & one time i had no symptoms & thought not pg but i was. I want that to happen again so badley lol ... cant cope anymore, starting to hate this ttc, especially the 2ww's. xx

Afm. Cant stop weeing, up 4 times in the middle of the night to pee, which is insain. Still lots of cm but its now clear cm :/ & had a very sharp pain that woke me in the middle of the night & i had to turn over, it was from my lower left side. Like i said above, always get these type of torturing symptoms that make you think your pg, when its af preparing its self :( ( Mother nature i DONT want my af this month till 9 mths time please )
Please command my wish, sincercely STAR33. ;)


Goodluck ladies. xxx
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Hands up of you're going a bit loopy during this 2ww?!

I keep looking out for symptoms, having some classic symptoms, then having none whatsoever!!! Everytime I google it, I've even googled having no symptoms and I've come to the following conclusion:

2ww will drive you nuts!!! Lol!!!

Honestly, I don't see how there's anyway any of us will tell during this time because if you feel something it's a symptom, and if you don't feel anything that too can be a symptom???! Argh!!!!

Phew! Needed to let that out!!!!

Do I sound mental? I feel it! Definitely going to have to re-strategise next month because this I've been my own worst enemy this mOnth!!

Right, that's better :)


You lovely ladies are the only thing keeping me from spontaneously combusting ;-) xxx
Hey fi when you testing?
im supposedly on 15th but on the other thread it seems im a loner in testing that day on 1dpo so maybe i could test on the same day as you

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