The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Other animals could well have it I guess. Maybe worse as they ovulate a lot more eggs at once.

I think humans just have the ability to overthink things and moan. Lol! I know I certainly do!
Bellarina. Have you consided having a hcg beta ? x

Hi Star

Yeh I think im gonna ask the dr to take a blood test incase (thats provided af doesnt show up in meantime) still gonna go to my appt even if af does arrive tho as i would hav thought fter coming off pill cycles would start off longer and get shorter, not the other way around, so gonna ask a few qs etc and see what she says anyway

Absolutely loved reading this thread!!! First month TTC and only on CD12 but my ovaries started to hurt just reading abouot your symptoms LOL!!!

Look forward to my first 2ww around about 23/11!!!
Halfway there and bugger all to report x

That could be a good sign Amy, my best friend who is pregnant said she didn't have any symptoms, just got cramping pains when AF was due but no AF arrived and got BFP on her HPT! FX for you. xxx
Hey all!

Wow been away for a few days and iv got soooo much to catch up on! Im not in my 2WW yet as only on cd12 (showing high on CBFM) but wanted to wish everyone lots and lots of luck!

Hey all!

Wow been away for a few days and iv got soooo much to catch up on! Im not in my 2WW yet as only on cd12 (showing high on CBFM) but wanted to wish everyone lots and lots of luck!


Hey pink butterfly - looks like we'll be in our 2ww at the same time!! Better get busy!!!! :dust:

Jolly x
Hey pink butterfly - looks like we'll be in our 2ww at the same time!! Better get busy!!!! :dust:

Jolly x
Hey Jolly81

Well im hoping that im going to get my peak on monitor over the next couple of days but didnt get my peak last month until cd19 and 20 so im a bit confused what is going on at the moment. Are you using the monitor? x
Essjaypea. Welcome to the thread hun :) Are you using opks or a fertility monitor ? What was your cycle last month .. 24 ? What day do you ovulate on in a 24 day cycle cd 8/9 ? Have you always had cycles of 24 days. You should try some vitamin B hun, they help to make your cycles longer. xx[/QUOTE]

Hey lovely,

I ov'd on cd12 (had smiley face cd 11 & cd12 then gone on cd13). I've always had quite short cycles when not on BCP, which I was a bit worried about at first, but my LP is 13 days so still a safe enough time (fx).

I've been taking Pregnacare which has vit B12 and says is good to take for conception too. Do you think that'd have an effect on my cycle? xxxxx
( Janey78) Thanks Star33 so do you think my 1dpo is still tomorrow? or was it today. its so confusing

Hi Janey, Yes i would consider 1dpo today hun Goodluck in the 2ww ;) xx

Absolutely loved reading this thread!!! First month TTC and only on CD12 but my ovaries started to hurt just reading abouot your symptoms LOL!!!

Look forward to my first 2ww around about 23/11!!!

Hi Jolly81 :wave: welcome to the mad house :lol:. Cd 12 hurting ovarys, sound like there getting ready to ovulate, are you using any fertility opks or monitor ? xx

( Bellarina )
Hi Star

Yeh I think im gonna ask the dr to take a blood test incase (thats provided af doesnt show up in meantime) still gonna go to my appt even if af does arrive tho as i would hav thought fter coming off pill cycles would start off longer and get shorter, not the other way around, so gonna ask a few qs etc and see what she says anyway


Hi bellarina fingers crossed hun. Let us all know how you got on at the doctors, how long till your appointment ? xx

Halfway there and bugger all to report x

Amy rose, i had no symptoms when i was pregnant with my son, i was shocked i was even pregnant, cause any other time i had been pregnant i felt every twinge from implantation etc. Sadley i lost my son during pregnancy but no symptoms dont neccesserily mean no pregnancy, stay positive. Goodluck :) x

No symptoms at all today...

not even a twinge of one!

Fi, same as as what i just wrote above, No symptoms dont mean No bfp, hang in there goodluck :) x

PinkB. Hopefully your peak should come any day now ( fingers crossed ) xx

Hey lovely,

I ov'd on cd12 (had smiley face cd 11 & cd12 then gone on cd13). I've always had quite short cycles when not on BCP, which I was a bit worried about at first, but my LP is 13 days so still a safe enough time (fx).

I've been taking Pregnacare which has vit B12 and says is good to take for conception too. Do you think that'd have an effect on my cycle? xxxxx

Hi Essjay pea. I was just wondering if you say you had a smiley face on cd11 & cd12 then your 2nd day of a smiley face would be your peak in lh surge which would mean that you maybe ovulated early hrs that evening or following day i.e 24hrs later & your smiley face would be gone like you said making that day 1dpo. So that would make your Lp IF you had 2 days of smiley faces possible 12days long. Which is a tad short but they say anything under 10 is consided as short, however i still think a lp should be between 13 to 14 days, its not a minor problem if your lp is 12 days & no less but maybe taking some vit B seperate than having them in your pregnacare might help make your cycles that bit longer. You can buy a vitamin B supplement really cheap. Pregnacare is good to take but am not sure it will have enough vit b12 or b6 in ( best to take seperate ) but still take your pregnancare too. A vitb supplement has all the vit b in so you dont need to buy b6 or b12 just get the vit b supplement ( if you do decided ) to buy them ;) xxx

Afm. 5 days till my scan eeek. :dance:

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Following on from my positive OPKs on Saturday (I've still been testing as I know you can sometimes get positive OPKs again in your cycle if the egg wasn't released), I have had faint lines on Sunday and Monday and then did one at 10pm last night and got a reasonably dark line but it was a lot thinner, does anyone know what this means? Is it because I tested late at night? x
Hi emma. Sounds like your ovarys have tried to ovulate but then couldnt ( for some reason ) then they have tried to ovulate again i.e if you have had another positive surge a few days after a + surge. If it was really dark then i would of baby dance to cover yourself, did you ?. ( IF ) you was to have 2 ovulations it would only happen 24hrs after the 1st ovulation so it wont be 2 ovulations, i.e 2 eggs produced, it will be like you have said tried to ovulate & its not quite happend. It wont be because you tested late at night, if you have ovulated then your surge comes down, it only reaches its peak to pop the egg i.e thats when you get your darker + opk. xx

Also people can get constant + opks with pcos polycistic ovarys, LH levels are naturally higher, so a person who suffers from this will continue to test positive with opks everytime they use them.
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Star I thought I ovd twice this month 24hrs apart do you think its possible? X
Yes hun it is possible. If you ovulate twice in 1 mth it happens 24hrs after the 1st ovulation. I have ovulated two eggs before & had this identified on ultrasound scan & even they said it ( Always ) happens 24hrs apart.

Last month i had two days of strong dark opks & that could of been two ovulations that month or just my ovarys gearing up to ovulate but never quite made it, then tried again the following day. When you have 2 dark opks 2 days in a row, you never know if its 2 ovulations or just your ovarys never ovulated the correct day & trying again. ( only time will tell ) Goodluck hun xx
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The last week of the 2ww is the worst im so impatient! Lol x
Hi emma. Sounds like your ovarys have tried to ovulate but then couldnt ( for some reason ) then they have tried to ovulate again i.e if you have had another positive surge a few days after a + surge. If it was really dark then i would of baby dance to cover yourself, did you ?. ( IF ) you was to have 2 ovulations it would only happen 24hrs after the 1st ovulation so it wont be 2 ovulations, i.e 2 eggs produced, it will be like you have said tried to ovulate & its not quite happend. It wont be because you tested late at night, if you have ovulated then your surge comes down, it only reaches its peak to pop the egg i.e thats when you get your darker + opk. xx

Also people can get constant + opks with pcos polycistic ovarys, LH levels are naturally higher, so a person who suffers from this will continue to test positive with opks everytime they use them.

Hi Star

I will check again when I get home, I think although the OPK was quite dark it wasn't as dark as the OPKs I had on Saturday and the line was also a lot thinner? Is there any reason for it being thinner that you know of? The OPKs on Saturday were darker than the control line and dropped dramatically to a hardly visible line on Sunday afternoon. We didn't BD last night as had an argument, we last BD on Saturday and Sunday nights. I will test again when I get home.

I have had a dull pain on the right side for the past half hour don't think it means anything just thought I would say lol x
Emma, if your opks was darker before this recent dark one then i would consider them your proper positive. However if that was on sat you would prob ovulate sunday or possible monday the latest. So last night could of just been a bit of the surge if its been really high surge then maybe its took longer to come down as it may do with some people. If its thin on a opk & not a thick line, it dont matter ... as long as its the same colour as the ctrl line or darker than, then thats consided a positive. It should really be negative by now, if not then like we talked about above, it could be your ovarys are trying to ovulate & you never & there trying to now. A opk can be positive when you are pg but this wouldnt pick up till your at least 8/9dpo onec implantation has happend. x
Emma, if your opks was darker before this recent dark one then i would consider them your proper positive. However if that was on sat you would prob ovulate sunday or possible monday the latest. So last night could of just been a bit of the surge if its been really high surge then maybe its took longer to come down as it may do with some people. If its thin on a opk & not a thick line, it dont matter ... as long as its the same colour as the ctrl line or darker than, then thats consided a positive. It should really be negative by now, if not then like we talked about above, it could be your ovarys are trying to ovulate & you never & there trying to now. A opk can be positive when you are pg but this wouldnt pick up till your at least 8/9dpo onec implantation has happend. x

Thanks Star, will try and post a picture of the OPK later and will also test again. I'm just hoping I did ovulate Sunday/Monday when I got my positives on Saturday as I don't want another long cycle this month. The OPKs on Saturday were darker than any I've had this cycle and last cycle, I would go as far to say that they was darker than the control line. I don't have pcos. If for any reason I have only just ovulated based on last nights OPK, then the baby dancing on Saturday and Sunday nights should just about be okay shouldn't it? Could also try for making up BD tonight if my OH is apologetic for upsetting me last night! x

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