Hi Girls
Havent been on here properly since fri (attempted to come on yest using new mobile phone .... im a real technophobe so never had one that does internet so taking some getting used to!)
I feel absolutely terrible that my posts have caused arguments/disagreements, so il write a long one now to clear things up

as i know u all have my best interests at heart really
I am now sat here armed with my TTC charts/sheets of paper so here goes....
I came off the pill on 23/7/2011 and that cycle (cycle 1) was 36 days long
My next cycle (cycle 2) was then 37 days long
I am on cycle 3 now.
AF was CD 1 - 6
CD 15 & 16 I had CM so

both days
CD 16 I had a positive OPk (I have a pic of it on a previous thread as it was a whopper!!)
CD 17 we

twice as going by pos opk that would be my ovulation day
CD 19 then had a rise in temperature, ovulation cramps, and ewcm
Therefore I know I definately ovulated on either CD17 or 19 so we BD'd CD 19 just incase.
We also BD'd CD 23 & 30
I assumed by ovulating early that my cycle would be shorter but this has not been the case. Therefore I think i have a slightly longer luteal phase than average.
I have done Tesco pregnancy tests on CD 29, 30, 34, & today CD37
All of these tests have been

so i think its just a matter of waiting for the wicked

to arrive.
If she hasnt arrived by wednesday then il test again but i dont think itl do much good.
If my last 2 cycles are anything to go by i should have af by today but who knows, maybe pill has messed my cycles/body up more than i thought
Anyway girls, please dont argue on my account anymore as you are all so lovely and kind and I dont want things to feel awkward
Babydust to all
