The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Lol as if I'm ever randy ;)
He was y'know and I said can you y'know at the end if you're going to y'know, oh you know what I mean xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S


I said the exact same thing to my hubby. Except I told him to warn me so I could get some Conceive Plus in my Y'know. ;)

Aren't we romantic!!!
I've had 2 positive OPKs today so looks like I will get a shorter cycle this month, yaaaay! Only thing is, OH has hurt his back and we need to BD tonight as haven't since Tuesday this week. He said he will give it a go later so fx! x
If my first positive OPK was this afternoon, when is it likely that I will ovulate? Tomorrow or Monday? x
If my first positive OPK was this afternoon, when is it likely that I will ovulate? Tomorrow or Monday? x

Hiya hun. They say 12 to 24hrs after a positive test :) Last month i had 2 days of positive opks. Aww if your dh can bed tonight with this sore back bless him then you will be covered but if able tomorrow sex too :) Goodluck hun xx
If my first positive OPK was this afternoon, when is it likely that I will ovulate? Tomorrow or Monday? x

Hiya hun. They say 12 to 24hrs after a positive test :) Last month i had 2 days of positive opks. Aww if your dh can bed tonight with this sore back bless him then you will be covered but if able tomorrow sex too :) Goodluck hun xx

Thanks Star, managed to BD tonight bless him! Will try my luck tomorrow aswell! x
If my first positive OPK was this afternoon, when is it likely that I will ovulate? Tomorrow or Monday? x

Hiya hun. They say 12 to 24hrs after a positive test :) Last month i had 2 days of positive opks. Aww if your dh can bed tonight with this sore back bless him then you will be covered but if able tomorrow sex too :) Goodluck hun xx

Star, I always get two days of positives, I never know when to count ov day as. Would you count 12-24 from the first or second?! xx
Ohhhh Really quite painful crampy cramps today!

2DPO (i think)

Had to come home because its just a bit sore!

Anyone had this?
Hi Girls

Havent been on here properly since fri (attempted to come on yest using new mobile phone .... im a real technophobe so never had one that does internet so taking some getting used to!)

I feel absolutely terrible that my posts have caused arguments/disagreements, so il write a long one now to clear things up :) as i know u all have my best interests at heart really :)

I am now sat here armed with my TTC charts/sheets of paper so here goes....

I came off the pill on 23/7/2011 and that cycle (cycle 1) was 36 days long

My next cycle (cycle 2) was then 37 days long

I am on cycle 3 now.
AF was CD 1 - 6
CD 15 & 16 I had CM so :bd:both days
CD 16 I had a positive OPk (I have a pic of it on a previous thread as it was a whopper!!)
CD 17 we :bd: twice as going by pos opk that would be my ovulation day
CD 19 then had a rise in temperature, ovulation cramps, and ewcm

Therefore I know I definately ovulated on either CD17 or 19 so we BD'd CD 19 just incase.

We also BD'd CD 23 & 30

I assumed by ovulating early that my cycle would be shorter but this has not been the case. Therefore I think i have a slightly longer luteal phase than average.

I have done Tesco pregnancy tests on CD 29, 30, 34, & today CD37

All of these tests have been :bfn: so i think its just a matter of waiting for the wicked :witch: to arrive.

If she hasnt arrived by wednesday then il test again but i dont think itl do much good.

If my last 2 cycles are anything to go by i should have af by today but who knows, maybe pill has messed my cycles/body up more than i thought

Anyway girls, please dont argue on my account anymore as you are all so lovely and kind and I dont want things to feel awkward

Babydust to all :dust::dust:xxxxxx

Sorry you got a BFN today hun! But no witch so still keeping my FX for you! Hopefully we can chance your :( into a big :) xx
Thank you sweety :) i just hope that if im defo not pg that witch comes soon so i can get back to trying xxx
Fingers crossed Bellarina! Hopefully your pregnancy hormone is just not strong enough to be detected yet and that your are pg! Stay away wicked :witch:

Do you think day 18 could have been your OV day as the temp normally rises the day after OV?
It's all confusing with so many signs to go by isn't it? Do you do your charting on paper? I do mine on and it works out the OV day for you.
Hi bellarina,

Its a good sign that no witch, how many DPO are you? I am getting confused with everyones dates and numbers :shock: I get confused with my own even :) xx
hey girls,

Lisey, im either 20dpo or 18dpo

TimTam, yeh i do it on paper by the side of my bed as i know il forget to do it otherwise lol yeh i did wonder if my hcg levels arent very high yet

Iv just done the housework as usually doing things like that bring AF on so will just have to wait and see. maybe bubs is just hiding from me lol unlikey tho xxxx
hey girls,

Lisey, im either 20dpo or 18dpo

TimTam, yeh i do it on paper by the side of my bed as i know il forget to do it otherwise lol yeh i did wonder if my hcg levels arent very high yet

Iv just done the housework as usually doing things like that bring AF on so will just have to wait and see. maybe bubs is just hiding from me lol unlikey tho xxxx

I hope you have a shy one in there...its positive that no witch after 18-20dpo. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you :) xxx
thank you hun, if nothing by wednesday il test again though ned to go and buy more as run out lol, though i think iv been pretty good testing only 4 times lol xx
thank you hun, if nothing by wednesday il test again though ned to go and buy more as run out lol, though i think iv been pretty good testing only 4 times lol xx

That is very good indeed. You deserve to test again after being so good :whistle: xx
lol stop encouraging me DH already thinks i test too much and i say if only you saw how often the other girls on the forum test lol xx
Hey ladies hope your enjoying your Sunday im crippled with af type pains So I'm just taking it easy.

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