The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Bellarine. You ovulated same day as me so you should of started Af monday just gone. If you was due on this weekend then that means you never ovulated the day you said you have & ovulated 2 weeks ago ??

I think this is a bit presumptious!

If you done a first responce pregnancy test then there test easrly as 5 days before Af & would give you a accurate result.

Many people have reported that the First Response tests aren't actually as accurate as they claim. Superdrug ones are much more sensitive, as are the internet cheapies (although some people don't like them). I got a negative on a First Response test when I had a positive on a Morrisons and a IC.

I think it's just best to remember that not every woman is the same, and what happens to some will not necessarily work for others, whether it's ovulation or hpts, let's embrace our uniqueness and not make any assumptions!! xx

Leesey, i am well aware that not every woman is the same OK.
I am going by the positive opk that bellarine had which was the same time as i did, there for it dont take a ( Genious ) to work out that she is well over her test date.

First reponce are Very sensitive they detect pregnancy 5 days before your period is due. The only time this will give you a false result is if you have ovulated later in the cycle and NOT when you thought you did. I.e if you are 1 week over your test date then am pretty sure first reponce would give you a ( accurate ) result.

Bellarine. Just replied your inbox hunni. Fingers & toes crossed for you babe. xxx

Pinkbutterfly. How are you getting on hun ? xx

2 more days to till i stop the tamoxifen this month. Then roll on cd14 when i have my scan & my trigger shot ( hopefully ) :)
Hey Star :)

Im going good thanks, went out last night and had a few drinks as prob the last time this month i will feel comfortable doing so as not 100% when I am going to OV so rather be careful and stay away from it, even though prob being a bit to careful as iv read (not sure if true or not) that alcohol doesnt effect the baby in the very very early stages i.e before your period is late but rather be a little careful if you know what i mean :)

You so deserve your health BFP Star, when your little one arrives he/she (they ;)) are going to be such precious little darlings :) x
Hey Star :)

Im going good thanks, went out last night and had a few drinks as prob the last time this month i will feel comfortable doing so as not 100% when I am going to OV so rather be careful and stay away from it, even though prob being a bit to careful as iv read (not sure if true or not) that alcohol doesnt effect the baby in the very very early stages i.e before your period is late but rather be a little careful if you know what i mean :)

You so deserve your health BFP Star, when your little one arrives he/she (they ;)) are going to be such precious little darlings :) x
I got a negative on a First Response test when I had a positive on a Morrisons and a IC.

First reponce are Very sensitive they detect pregnancy 5 days before your period is due. The only time this will give you a false result is if you have ovulated later in the cycle and NOT when you thought you did.

Star I appreciate your response but please don't try to imply I'm not telling the truth or that I'm mistaken in some way. I said I got a negative on a FRER on 14DPO, and that's what happened. I got all my other lines on 12DPO onwards, and my FRER was negative 2 days after this.
And I'm not the only one to find FRERs useless, I do quite a lot of reading up on the different tests.

I'm not going to argue about it, I'm just sharing my experiences and opinions. My experiences and opinions won't apply to everyone, but I share them nonetheless in case it applies to someone who's looking for answers.

I am going by the positive opk that bellarine had which was the same time as i did, there for it dont take a ( Genious ) to work out that she is well over her test date.
Again this is quite insulting, saying it doesn't take a genius to work it out. I may not be a genius but I do know that it's only polite if someone thinks they're due on a certain day not to tell them they're wrong.

I'm not saying that you're not being helpful Star, but sometimes it's nice to not be so blunt about telling people how or what to do, perhaps making suggestions rather than instructions.

Sorry if this has upset anyone, but I just find that this supportive thread should be just that and I don't feel that telling people they're wrong about their own cycles is that supportive. Again this is just my opinion, and not everyone (or perhaps anyone!!) will agree with me.
Leesey. If your looking for a argument then go & look else where cause i am not going to bite to your sarcasim. Am sure if bellarine thought i was being harsh in any shape & form she would speak for herself. Bellarine is a friend of mine on here & i only have her best interests i am not giving people false information, at all. However about the first reponce then maybe your best taking that matter up with them.

End of conversation.
i agree with leesey reference the frer's, I had a negative on this test the same day as my 1-2 weeks on a digi. Not saying they don't work for other people, just my experience with them. In my opinion I would recommend the tesco own brand tests, got my bfp on these tests around 10/11 dpo i think.

got my fx for u bellarina, and hope the witch doesnt show this weekend :dust: xx
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Leesey. If your looking for a argument then go & look else where cause i am not going to bite to your sarcasim. Am sure if bellarine thought i was being harsh in any shape & form she would speak for herself. Bellarine is a friend of mine on here & i only have her best interests i am not giving people false information, at all. However about the first reponce then maybe your best taking that matter up with them.

End of conversation.

Her name is BellarinA.
I apologise to everyone here for the tone of the thread becoming negative, that was not my intention.
Leesey. If your looking for a argument then go & look else where cause i am not going to bite to your sarcasim. Am sure if bellarine thought i was being harsh in any shape & form she would speak for herself. Bellarine is a friend of mine on here & i only have her best interests i am not giving people false information, at all. However about the first reponce then maybe your best taking that matter up with them.

End of conversation.

Her name is BellarinA.

Oh grow up!! Please stop posting here we no longer want to listen to it thank you.

Kanga, if a person was 1 week over her period then am sure first responce would work, that was what i was implying.
What miu/mil are frer? Does anybody know? I've looked on their website and can't find the answer x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
it is most likely that a frer would pick up something if u were a week late, i didn't realise we were talking of testing that late :)

I just find that with the lines being so thin, and not much dye, the lines never look that great from them. xx
What miu/mil are frer? Does anybody know? I've looked on their website and can't find the answer x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S

according to annie's thread in am i pregnant, she says they are 12.5miu xx
Ah I see, thanks kanga. Where can you buy 10miu/ml? Are they super drug own? xxx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
i'm not sure. Annie's thread 'pregnancy test sensitivity' is still on the first page of am i pregnant section. It might say in there. I would recommend tesco own tho :D xx
omg im so impatient i wish this 2ww was over it feels like 12 years already and im olny 2-3 days in lol
cos a poo poo what you looking at testy tests for have you been fruity and not said??? dam i knew i should have stayed in the bushes a bit longer but my night goggles kept fogging up
PMSL! amy rose, Rooting for you hunni. The days will fly by, Goodluck xx
thanks star im refusing to ss i normally occupy myself by creating many ailments and symptoms that i convince myself and everyone else i must be pregnant. but im being sooooooooooooo good so far (yeh yeh 2 days in pffft)
i might even go extra crazy and not poas every time i wee this month (i am ashamed to say i often use 3 tests at a time!)
what cd are you now hun? i know i know i just forget lmao xxx
Well, we did have a small incident this morning but I don't think I am anywhere near my ov day. I've had no ewcm, done no opks and am quite late in my cycle x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Lol as if I'm ever randy ;)
He was y'know and I said can you y'know at the end if you're going to y'know, oh you know what I mean xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S

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