The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Morning girls.

Last day of SMEP today. I can't believe we managed to do it all!

Feeling quite positive still. I'm sure I'll get less and less so as the 2ww goes on.

Also, this month I won't be counting anything as a symptom. As I've had them all the last two months and had bfns.
lots of hugs to you star and we WILL be tri buddies eventually lol

well done cupcake, smep can be tiring as i did it cycle 1. debating doing it next cycle if not pg this cycle. hope you caught ur eggxxxx
Hi ladies. What's smep cupcake ? ( sorry to sound thick ) lol. Goodluck hun xxx
Bellarine have you tested today hun ? xxx
i havent tested today no, im being good lol wont test till saturday....fri at very earliest.

SMEP is sperm meets egg plan hun. some people do it to increase chances of catching ov time....basically you start using opk's at cd 10 and you bd every other day until you get a pos opk. when you get a pos opk you bd that night and the following 2 nights, skip a night and bd the next night.

its good as it gives you structure, but can also be quite tiring. its good if you dont know what day you ov too xxx
I think i been doing that smep for 2yrs + months lol!! i use opks from cd 10 & bed every other day then bed day of + opk day after + opk miss a day & bed the following day then wait to test. I even do the pillow trick but i might give that a miss this month cause its clearly not working! Your way ovr your test day you should be doing another test never mind waiting till the weekend thats days away Lol! ( TEST ) hehehe xxx
i know but dad is away on a course until weekend and i wanna tell parents together...wont be able to hold it in if it is pos and dad will be gutted if he finds out last lol

yeh iv been doing pillow under hips/bum every time we bd too hasnt worked yet tho lol xxx
Hi ladies.
Bellarine has she arrived yet ? if not then you got to poas what you can do if its positive then just wait till the weekend when your dad is home to tell your parents together & maybe give them a babys dummy wrapped up hehehe then when they say whats this say your gonna be grandparents where expecting :) The last time i was pg i found out 8wks before christmas we kept it to ourselfs & i had a private early scan then on xmas day i handed my mum a little chest inside it was a glass dummy! & i put the scan picture inside the lid, the baby was so small but you could see a little thing hehehe, she was crying when she opened it. I loved that day i will never forget how lovely that moment was. Fingers crossed hun hope your bfp. xxx

So today i am on cd 2 & i started my tamoxifen for the 2nd cycle, today. I am booked in for scan on cd14 21st november & i am going to be having a hcg trigger injection too eeek.

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oooo glad to hear things are moving along nicely for you hun.

really hope it works for you and you get to give ur bfp as another xmas pressie for ur family.

problem is i know if i get a bfp i wont be able to hide it, my mum and brother will know straight away (i have a very expressive face apparently lol or so im told)

Il see what i can do, may do one in the morning or something lol

oooo glad to hear things are moving along nicely for you hun.

really hope it works for you and you get to give ur bfp as another xmas pressie for ur family.

problem is i know if i get a bfp i wont be able to hide it, my mum and brother will know straight away (i have a very expressive face apparently lol or so im told)

Il see what i can do, may do one in the morning or something lol

FX Bellerina! :)

My OH is watching me type and Iv told him to bugger off but he keeps looking over my shoulder! The git! LOL
lol men make out theyr not interested but they are really.

lol troo troo....tho my DH plays rugby so so when all the games were n the other week it proved more difficult to BD on nights when there was an early game lol xx
Hi ladies. Bellarine sorry it was bfn today hunni :(

Morning ladies. :)

Almost the weekend!

I like a weekend as they go by fast! So before I know it it'll be Monday and I'll be 7dpo. Much better than 4dpo!
well girls backache is mega bad today and getting loads of CM (dont know if this is a symptom of af or pg???)
also does temp raise when af is on her way? coz mine hasnt and im sure it did last cycle??

im technically not due af till sunday/monday so possibly very very slim chance of still getting bfp tho unlikely as feeling the cramps today :( xxxx
Bellarine. You ovulated same day as me so you should of started Af monday just gone. If you was due on this weekend then that means you never ovulated the day you said you have & ovulated 2 weeks ago ??

Your temp can rise when you are pregnant or sick! Progesterone keeps your temp high & progesterone is produced when pregnant. Have you ever charted before ? When a person is pregnant there temps will rise to 37 & can go 37.2 they stay elevated right through pregnancy. But if your sick such as flu etc then your temp will rise. Cm i had loads of this after bfns, started to convince myself i had a late bfp. If you done a first responce pregnancy test then there test easrly as 5 days before Af & would give you a accurate result.

Am sure you ovulated the same time as me though didnt you ? Which would make you not due on this weekend & due on last weekend. What test did you use the last time you tested ? Its horrible when your af is late, i posted in a thread of yours last night, is it normal for you to have long cycles ? xxx

Cupcake. Goodluck hun. Its exciting wants you hit 7dpo cause its around then that the embryo if pg will implant. Eeek. xxx
Bellarine. You ovulated same day as me so you should of started Af monday just gone. If you was due on this weekend then that means you never ovulated the day you said you have & ovulated 2 weeks ago ??

I think this is a bit presumptious!

If you done a first responce pregnancy test then there test easrly as 5 days before Af & would give you a accurate result.

Many people have reported that the First Response tests aren't actually as accurate as they claim. Superdrug ones are much more sensitive, as are the internet cheapies (although some people don't like them). I got a negative on a First Response test when I had a positive on a Morrisons and a IC.

I think it's just best to remember that not every woman is the same, and what happens to some will not necessarily work for others, whether it's ovulation or hpts, let's embrace our uniqueness and not make any assumptions!! xx
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my cycles since coming of the pill in july have been 36 and 37 on CD35 today ...still no af.

I tested last saturday and thursday just gone using tesco HPT's both came up negative.

I know i either ovulated CD 17 (because had a very definate posituve opk on cd 16)...or CD 19 (as temp rose and had alot of ewcm) during those days me and DH BD'd.

I think iv just gotta play the waiting game now. body may still be a bit messed up from being on pill for 10 years.

Thanks girls xxxxx
Hey Bellerina!

How are you today? Well i hope you are going to be playing the waiting game for a long long time....say 9 months! LOL

Hopefully Star is right and you was due last weekend this month therefore could be a good sign! FX your little bean is getting nice and snug as we speak (or type) xx

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