The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

LOL twins are in my OH family but think they have to be on the womens side, the lady who lives opposite has got twin girls and she is pregnant again with twins (they dont know sex as waiting).

Yeah good idea I will keep a note of cycle days, in so much pain now just taken some pain killers and just waiting for them to kick in. Not seeing OH tonight so got no one to moan at.....poor me! LOL x

Think its Ballerina for testing next - we will have to keep our FX for her! x
LOL twins are in my OH family but think they have to be on the womens side, the lady who lives opposite has got twin girls and she is pregnant again with twins (they dont know sex as waiting).

Yeah good idea I will keep a note of cycle days, in so much pain now just taken some pain killers and just waiting for them to kick in. Not seeing OH tonight so got no one to moan at.....poor me! LOL x

Think its Ballerina for testing next - we will have to keep our FX for her! x

You can moan at us if you want :) I told my OH to stay away today cos I am a little emotional (for no reason....crazy PMT)
I think the twins do have to be on the womans side. I have half sisters that are identical twins (from dad) and four sets of twin cousins all on my mums side. Thats crazy, two sets of twins...the chances of that must be slim to none but how nice is that, perfect family amount in just two pregnancies.

Yes Bellarina is tomorrow, I think Star is too? Good luck ladies xxxxx
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Im the opposite, when im like this even though all i do is moan I want more attention - I become a baby! LOL

Well my OH mum went to a medium (iv never done that, to scary!) and she was told that her next grandchildren will be twins! double eeeekkkk! Dont know if I believe all that stuff but still when she told me i was like GULP!

Have you got your own journal page, i will have to set one up - maybe a little later when pain killers kick in!!! HURRY UP! lol X
Im the opposite, when im like this even though all i do is moan I want more attention - I become a baby! LOL

Well my OH mum went to a medium (iv never done that, to scary!) and she was told that her next grandchildren will be twins! double eeeekkkk! Dont know if I believe all that stuff but still when she told me i was like GULP!

Have you got your own journal page, i will have to set one up - maybe a little later when pain killers kick in!!! HURRY UP! lol X

Oh my goodness, I am not sure about the whole medium thing but who knows??? :shock: I would be too scared to go to one too, I am a big wimp :oooo:
I havent got a journal, I may do one. xx
Yeah am interested in stuff like that but not sure if good idea or not.....and like you TOTAL wimp! LOL

Yeah lets do journals, its a good idea coz then you can talk about nothing and stupid stuff instead on threads - even though nice to have threads like this one as you are chatting to everyone rather than just ppl who have wrote on your thread....LOL stupid stuff like this!!! LOL must be the pain!:dohh::rofl: x
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awe thank you resisting the urge to test tonight as i know il feel like crap if its bfn so gonna do it tomorrow morning xxx
Will your OH be there? owwww fx for you hun FXFXFXFXFX!

How nice would it be if you tested, got your BFP and recorded it! :) You would prob have to do a re-take though as you couldnt record each time you done a test and got BFN :( how sad would that be! x
yeh dh is gonna be with me :)

feeling nervous as i have a feeling its gonna be a bfn and im gonna be disappointed. I dont know whether i actually have symptoms or whether its wishful thinking / pill stil getting out of my system.

I had symptoms last month then witch arrived so dunno what to think really xxx
yeh dh is gonna be with me :)

feeling nervous as i have a feeling its gonna be a bfn and im gonna be disappointed. I dont know whether i actually have symptoms or whether its wishful thinking / pill stil getting out of my system.

I had symptoms last month then witch arrived so dunno what to think really xxx

Well you havent mentioned that it feels like AF is coming so that is a good sign :) not long to go. I am sooooooo excited!! :dust:xx
No it hasnt felt like af...altho my last 2 cycles have been 34-37 days long...but this cycle i OV'd CD 17 so im assuming its a shorter cycle and judging by 2 week wait mon would be when af is due but i dunno :(

i dont think im gonna be able to sleep a wink tonight lol i think about stuff too much, I was a nightmare leading up to my wedding!

I know what you mean Bellarina, im even dreaming that im talking about L phase, EWCM and stuff like that on this forum during the night.....I wake up and think STOP IT YOUR IN BED SLEEPING! LOL X
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yeh i talk in my sleep alot but touch wood dh hasnt said iv mentioned cm lol
cervical mucus (the phrase) grosses him out lol

Cant blame him, it kinda freaked me out when I first read about it! LOL x
Hi ladies. Sorry i aint posted today been so busy, still no signs of my af but tested again this morning & still BFN. Just want to get this cycle out the way now & start again, where i get the strength from i dont know.

Pinkbutterfly thanks for you lovely post bless ya. I done the opks didnt i & they where really good got some very dark positives, i posted pictures of them in my diary. Honestly dont know why i am not catching! cause i cover all aspects. Sorry you come on hunni, hope we are in for a good suprise & we get our christmas bfp.

About the vit B i wouldnt take it now hun cause your cycle was long this month hun so i would only take it if you had short cycles or scatty blood flow i.e spotting & not a good flow of blood. xxx

Bellarine. GOODLUCK!! for tomorrow hunni, fingers toes crossed for you hope its bfp babe. xxx

All the girls testing opks hope you get your surge very soon fingers crossed & fingers crossed for them still in the 2ww ( BFPS ) all around hopefully!!

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hey star iv missed u today my testing buddy!!!

sorry its still coming up negative hunny :( u gonna test tomrrow or not?

lots of hugs xxx
Hey Star

Was about to send you a message into your inbox to see how you was! Saying that maybe I should start writing on your journal to see how you are instead. :)

Iv got a journal now, so I will stop high jacking other ppls posts now (like you told me to stop doing before) ;) LOL

Lisey has got one also :)

p.s im not a total Aaron fan now, you have converted me (a little) LOL

FX you will get your BFP very soon hun as its defo not fair to make you wait any longer! x
hey girls well i tested this morning and it was a bfn :( maybe il try again on wed xxxx
Sorry to hear that hun but still guna keep my FX for you....roll on Wednesday!!! No witches allowed!!!! X
Sorry to hear that but I'm with pinkbutterfly-I have FX for you, theres still time for that BFP!! xx
Oh sorry Bellarina, but you're not out yet. Fingers x'd!

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