The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi ladies. Sorry its bfn bellarine :( i tested today too & it was bfn again. Fingers crossed that yours is a late implanter & you do get a late bfp if not then hopefully we will get out christmas bfp. We will be buddies again in next cycle cause we ovulated same day & due on same day ;) xxx

Oooh i gonna have a look at your diary pinkbutterfly & liseys, yes that would be a good idea to post in my journal ;) hahaha. xxx

Were off to see a firework display tonight! anyone else off to see any displays ?

Hi ladies. Hope you're all well. :)

Looks like I'll be in my 2ww sooner than I thought!

Get cracking cupcake!

Ladies I hope you get your bfps soon!xxx
Thanks Sunbeam. :)

We've stuck to SMEP so far so DTD on CDs 8, 10, and today. Will do it again tomorrow and Monday I think. :)

Fx this is the month.
thanks girls :) xxxx

yes star il def be ur buddy when we get our xmas bfp's :) xxxx

ooooo cupcake those opk's look good!! goodluck hunny xxxxx
Thanks Bellarina.

Looking forward to your Xmas bfp! We can all celebrate together. :)
Seriously? You too?!! What in the heck is going on, we weren't due to ovulate for a week!

Maybe it's the moon or something??

Seriously though if my cycle wants to be shorter so it's less time to wait I'm all for that!!!
Hi Ladies.
Goodluck Cupcakes & Leesey. xxx

Bellarine have you tested again today ? I tested yesterday & it was still bfn, no af yet! had period pains at the firework display last night then they went, in bed last night i had really bad ovary pain & i started to think i was having a eptopic but then i would still get a hcg surge if i was so that thought quickly went to the back of my mind. Not had any pain since thank god but it was really bad aching pain & it lasted for quite some time too. Might drink some green tea in abit to see if i can get this af ready, the quicker its here the better.

Hey Star, sorry to hear ur getting AF pains..i agree with u in terms of wanting af to get here as i was same last cycle wen i knew deep down i wasnt pg i just wanted to get af over with to try agan asap.
How many dpo are you? are u still in with a chance at a bfp? i really hope so.

Yes i did test again today (this afternoon so not with fmu) and i dont know why i did it or what i expected but it was bfn again so more that likely im not gonna be lucky this cycle.

Just hope we get our bfp by xmas xxxxxxxx
Hi Girls. How is everyone getting on ? Opks any positives yet ? Anyone near offical hpt test day ?

Rooting for you all in the 2ww ( Bring on the November & December :bfp: ) You hear me Santa ... rotfl!!


Bellarine sorry its still bfn :hugs:, same here hunni. NO af though! had that ewcm you had you know, last night! today i had loads of creamy cm i could actually feel it ( felt wet ) thought af had arrived & insted it was loads of creamy cm.

Another evil trick that monther nature is playing,:shakehead: so of course i done another test & still bfn. According to my ticker i should of started af 2 days ago & for a 32 day cycle its today. Still waiting :clock: tried the special potion :stir: (Green Tea ) :coffee:
Not worked grrr.

iv heard on here some girls dont get a bfp on a hpt for a while hun and have to go to gp for bloods to confirm so maybe thats the case for you i dunno??

iv been same last few days with the CM and today in particular i had cramping and felt wet down below and thought af got me but hadnt...soooo confusing isnt it, just want to know either way so i can get on with it. I cant believe how well you are coping as this is only my 3rd cycle trying and already going stir crazy so kudos to you hun xxxx
I have tested before with hpts & got positives when i have been pregnant before so i am sure i am not one of them people who needs a beta blood test to confirm pg although right now i would give anything to be lol!!

Its horrible isnt it hunni, its draining & soo not easy, although i come across as am doing ever so well, am not, i have my moments, i get upset, angry, frustrated, but theres nothing you can do when your doing all you can anyway.

The only other option for me is adoption because i am not 100% guarenteed ivf will work & its 5 grand its alot to fork out if its not successfull. I spoke with my fertility doctor about it & he said it fails more than it works for people so that made my mind up there & then.

I just poked up at my cervix to see if i can help in anyway pmsl!! loads of creamy cm still. Its weird the way we both ovulated same day, both have the same symptoms, both testing bfn & both got no af yet. Isnt it lol. Mental tortoure it is hun. I swear we are getting our christmas bfp cause i am gonna kick santas arss if we dont lol. xxx
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iv said to DH that if it doesnt work for us conceiving naturally i would consider adopting, as i really want to bea mummy. before we started ttc he wasnt keen on the idea, but he doesnt dispute it now as i know he wants to be a dad just as much.

i know its crazy how in psynch we are hun, everything exactly the same! u gonna test again? im holding out till saturday now as il be cd36 then (as last2 cycles have been 36 days and 37 days).

yeh im up for kicking santas ass if we dontget a xmas bfp hun, we'll jump him just as hs ass gets down the chimney lol xxx
yeh im up for kicking santas ass if we dontget a xmas bfp hun, we'll jump him just as hs ass gets down the chimney lol
:rotfl: He wont be getting any cookies & milk or carrots for them raindeers either :lol:

No am not gonna test again hun, IF my af aint arrived by the weekend then i will have too but run out of hpts & wont be buying any more now. Thats nice that you both have talked about adoption. :) xxx

Pinkbutterfly, Sorry i couldnt make 7pm in your diary :rotfl: i had to go out. Never mind hahaha. ;) xx
well we'll make a deal that if af hasnt got either of us by sat we will test sat morning yeh? deal? *offers hand out to shake on it*

lol xxxxxx
I just come on my period, but i am happy that she is here now, so i can move forward & get back in the 2ww. I was happy to see her in weird kinda way cause i thought it was gonna drag out but cycle is still 32 days so am pleased. Fingers crossed for a lucky christmas bfp now, heres hoping & praying hey. xxx
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awe iv lost my testing buddy (for now anyway as no doubt i wont be far behind u wth af)

love ur positivity hun, glad she has come sooner rather than later so u can get back on it. lots of hugs as altho i dont know u i feel i do and if ur anything like me ur prob feeling disappointed deep down xxxx
I am disapointed hun :( but just glad she is here now as i knew the hpts where deffo correct & it was the waiting game waiting for af to arrive. I am still in my normal 32 day cycle too so i will ovulate on cd 17 again this month ( hopefully ) aww hun i hope you do get a late bfp but if not we can be ttc buddies again & we will be tri buddies ( i know we will ) ;) xxx
Sorry to hear she got you Star.

I felt the same when I got mine last month. It's refreshing to know you can have a new start. And nice when you aren't waiting long (the month before I was 6 days late and knew it was bfn so it was very annoying!)

Treat yourself to a glass of wine, or some coffee, or a rollercoaster or something.

It's Xmas bfp for you!!!

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