The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

ooo thanks lisey. it was only a small amount in my underwear but it really confused me as id always thought it was only around ov time u got it to help spermies attach. but on another thread the girls have said they had it before the bfp so im feeling hopeful...tho il be gutted it bfn now not that i wouldnt have been anyway regardless xxx
Bellarina thats good news that its closed :) & if others have had the ewcm before bfp thats exciting too rooting for you hunni hope you get your bfp xxx

Pinkbutterfly 1000mg hun, i wouldnt let you overdose LOL! i know what am talking about hehehe. xxx

I had a proper sharp pain before that made me jump. I just want af to hurry up now, its horrible waiting for it when you know your not pg isnt it. I also sent a email to my dr explaining that i should be having ultrasound scans while on these fertility meds, & booked dh in for a sperm sample his last one being last july! that was normal but things change dont they so best to cover all aspects isnt it. xx
Hi ladies. CD10 for me today.

Small amount of EWCM starting and super faint OPK. So fingers crossed its all going to go on time this month.

BDing tonight as per SMEP.

So sleepy already though. Yaaawn.
Hi ladies. CD10 for me today.

Small amount of EWCM starting and super faint OPK. So fingers crossed its all going to go on time this month.

BDing tonight as per SMEP.

So sleepy already though. Yaaawn.

Wakey wakey...its baby making time :dance: xx
Star - i dont blame you hun is best to cover all angles and dr's opften need prompting with this stuff.u wonder how they passed their exams to be GP's sometimes!

Cupcake - get on it hun and good luck u catch ur egg :)

Pinkbutterfly 1000mg hun, i wouldnt let you overdose LOL! i know what am talking about hehehe. xxx

LOL wouldnt be able to leave the house if I overdosed on EWCM! YUCK LOL x

Thanks hun will start taking the EPO 1000000000000mg ;) when AF shows her ugly face and think im guna go for that Agnus Cathus stuff to regulate my periods as the last 4 have been from 21 days to 42 days!

Do you think I should take the extra B6 vit tablets also, dont think I need them aswell as L phase is ok....if anything to long coz AF still hasnt started?

sorry to ask you this over and over again but you know all the answers! LOL

wish I could give you some advice hun but im sure whatever i say you have already thought or heard about it! The only thing I can suggest is for you to use the clear blue fertility monitor as it tells you upto 6 days before you reach your 2 peak days but im sure you already know all about this! - hope you find the answers soon on how to get that lucky bean in your belly soon and when it does happen (AND IT WILL) i wish you a very healthy and happy 9 months as you deserve it hun! xx
well girls feeling a bit gross today, got a banging headache and feel bit unsettled in my stomach (wouldnt say nauseous per say just icky)

hope its worth it tomorrow
how are all you other 2ww'ers doing :) xxxx
well girls feeling a bit gross today, got a banging headache and feel bit unsettled in my stomach (wouldnt say nauseous per say just icky)

hope its worth it tomorrow
how are all you other 2ww'ers doing :) xxxx

oooh, good luck for tomorrow :dust: xx
Im out girlies! Witch got me today, feel totally ok about it. Think if i was pregnant I would of been more worried as had so much pain this month for so long!

Took Stars advice (as we all do!) and went to Holland & Barrett - got some Agnus Castus to regulate my periods as this month was 36 days whats for to long when you are waiting for you BFP and also got some Evening Primerose Oil to help with the EWCM IM SORTED! lol

Lisey - I had pains all morning but was out and about, went toilet at 11.30 and saw some blood - my window for this month was between 5.30 - 11.30 so not sure if should count this as day 1 or set monitor for day 1....i think tomorrow I should set monitor as day 2? Do you think that is right?

Bellarina - Good luck for testing tomorrow! :) x
Im out girlies! Witch got me today, feel totally ok about it. Think if i was pregnant I would of been more worried as had so much pain this month for so long!

Took Stars advice (as we all do!) and went to Holland & Barrett - got some Agnus Castus to regulate my periods as this month was 36 days whats for to long when you are waiting for you BFP and also got some Evening Primerose Oil to help with the EWCM IM SORTED! lol

Lisey - I had pains all morning but was out and about, went toilet at 11.30 and saw some blood - my window for this month was between 5.30 - 11.30 so not sure if should count this as day 1 or set monitor for day 1....i think tomorrow I should set monitor as day 2? Do you think that is right?

Bellarina - Good luck for testing tomorrow! :) x

Hiya, I would count today as 1 and set the monitor as day 2 tomorrow. Have you come on full flow or only lightly? Just because I know you should count full flow as day 1.
Sounds like you are all sorted for this month, hopefully we all get Nov/Dec BFP's :dust:xx
Hiya, I would count today as 1 and set the monitor as day 2 tomorrow. Have you come on full flow or only lightly? Just because I know you should count full flow as day 1.
Sounds like you are all sorted for this month, hopefully we all get Nov/Dec BFP's :dust:xx
mmmmm not sure how to answer, is a lot when wipe but at the moment not flowing if that makes sense.

Yep Nov is our month hun! FX!!!!! ;) x

Good luck to everyone! xxxx
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I consider it full flow when there is a fair amount on wiping or on the pad/tampon etc. If its more than just spotting I would say consider it day 1 today xx :)
I consider it full flow when there is a fair amount on wiping or on the pad/tampon etc. If its more than just spotting I would say consider it day 1 today xx :)
Thanks hun! Feeling quite excited and relieved that i have finally come on! Just hope this months cycle isnt as long....or better still I dont come on at all YIPPEEE!

Do you think I need to take the B6 tablets I got last week? If they are only really for the L phase I dont need to and might aswell just still with the pregnacare tablets with the Agnus Castus and EPO? x
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I consider it full flow when there is a fair amount on wiping or on the pad/tampon etc. If its more than just spotting I would say consider it day 1 today xx :)
Thanks hun! Feeling quite excited and relieved that i have finally come on! Just hope this months cycle is as long....or better still I dont come on at all YIPPEEE!

Do you think I need to take the B6 tablets I got last week? If they are only really for the L phase I dont need to and might aswell just still with the pregnacare tablets with the Agnus Castus and EPO? x

I know what you mean, I feel really excited about this month too :dance: its always better once you come on cos can just get on with it, so to speak :whistle:
Yes I hope this is our last period for 9 long months!! I dont know anything at all about B6 tabs but if they are to make luteal phase longer then I wouldn't say you need it as yours was 15 or 16 days wasnt it? which is a good time xx
Yeah you prob right, will do some research to see if worth taking but L phase is fine (16 days) so dont need it for that so if they are not useful for any other purpose i might aswell get rid of them......

If this is the case and anyone else wants them let me know and i will post them to you! x

What day are you on now lisey, owww your ticker says day 3 and your cycle is shorter than mine so you first to get your BFP out of us two!

Who else is still to test in this 2WW? Ballerina and Star....anyone else??? x
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Yeah you prob right, will do some research to see if worth taking but L phase is fine (16 days) so dont need it for that so if they are not useful for any other purpose i might aswell get rid of them......

If this is the case and anyone else wants them let me know and i will post them to you! x

What day are you on now lisey, owww your ticker says day 3 and your cycle is shorter than mine so you first to get your BFP out of us two!

Who else is still to test in this 2WW? Ballerina and Star....anyone else??? x

Yeah I am on day 3 now. I was counting my cycle wrong before like I mentioned, I thought I was a 28 day but I am 27. My luteal phase is still 14 days so I dont mind it at all! i am thinking of trying the SMEP thing this month (sperm meets egg plan). After watching the great sperm race documentary, I think it makes more sense. :)

Bellarina and Star are the only ones I can think there anyone else??
I have my fingers crossed for you ladies, I think we need to boost the population a bit more :dance: lots of BFP's needed xxx
Yeah I am on day 3 now. I was counting my cycle wrong before like I mentioned, I thought I was a 28 day but I am 27. My luteal phase is still 14 days so I dont mind it at all! i am thinking of trying the SMEP thing this month (sperm meets egg plan). After watching the great sperm race documentary, I think it makes more sense. :)

Bellarina and Star are the only ones I can think there anyone else??
I have my fingers crossed for you ladies, I think we need to boost the population a bit more :dance: lots of BFP's needed xxx
Yeah could be a good plan, with that and the monitor we cant go wrong :)

I will have to google it to find out what days you need to do the baby dance owwwww so excited! Feel so much better now, plz plz plz dont have a long cycle this month as can not wait 36 days again to find out if i am pregnant!!!! x
I have a feeling we will get our BFP's around the same time, we both started the monitor same month, had same peak days and AF has arrived just a few days apart. Its got to be a sign :) I am into all that stuff, signs and fate etc...could be a load of rubbish but I am a believer, lol!

There is a thread on here about SMEP, I think its cupcakemummy's thread, someone explains in there, the correct days. I am gonna do the 8th, 10th and 12th day and over both peak days. I think that will be enough. I hope so anyway xx
How cool would that be! I think we should both have twins aswell, a little girl and a little boy eeeekkkk! LOL

Not sure whats going to happen this month for me as it takes 3-6 months for the Agnus Castus tablets to kick in so my cycle length could be anything!

Just glad i know my L phase if ok :)

Cool will have a look at the thread but sounds a good plan as ppl say you should bd every 2-3 days and each day on peak days so FX x
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How cool would that be! I think we should both have twins aswell, a little girl and a little boy eeeekkkk! LOL

Not sure whats going to happen this month for me as it takes 3-6 months for the Agnus Castus tablets to kick in so my cycle length could be anything!

Just glad i know my L phase if ok :)

Cool will have a look at the thread but sounds a good plan as ppl say you should bd every 2-3 days and each day on peak days so FX x

LOL twins :shock: haha!! they do run in my family too YIKES!!
well you are equipped with EPO, AC and the monitor so you will have as good a chance as any, your cycle length shouldnt affect whether you can get pregnant or not, just a little longer to find out. :)
Maybe you should write down each month how many days your cycle has been cos I have heard of some people that have two diff cycle lengths, for example; could be 28 days when egg is released from right side and could be 32 days for left side. I know it sounds strange but a doctor on tv was saying about it. So you might see a pattern. xx

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