The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi ladies. Bellerine i done a early 10ml sensitive test today, as when i have been bfp i have had a bfp faint line by 8dpo & it should of well implanted now, & of course it was a big fat BFN!! not even a smidge of a line. All the twinges i have been getting has to of been my af getting ready to drop her self on me very soon. I am still gonna test on saturday but couldnt resist the urge due to the twinges all day yesterday! totally peed off cause i knew i wasnt gonna get my bfp its the norm for me now. Grrrr. xxx
Star I have everything crossed for you. I just feel blah, nothing new with that around AF time but still hoping :) xx
Thanks Tara. Fingers crossed for your bfp this month hunni xx
Hi Star, sorry ur early test was bfn, but ur not out till wicked witch arrives so think positive hun :) im determined not to test until saturdayas if i get bfp i wanna be able to go and tell the family straight away with dh, whereas if i do it on a weekeday iv gotta try and keep it to myself all day lol thats the only reason tho.

Thanks Tara keep positive that ul get ur bfp soon

much love girlies xxxx
ps. been complaining of backache all day today (though its top of back and i have a slipped disc at base of back..but isnt this symptom usually for lower back pain?)...and noticed its on my ticker for symptom today. in agony with it feels like it needs a good crack, and i cant take ibuprofen just in case im pg so having to suffer (i would say in silence but i have you girls to moan to lol) xxxxx
LOL, moan away, that's what we are here for :friends:xx Sorry to hear you are in pain though, would paracetamol help at all??xx
Bellarine paracetomol is safe but deffo stay away from the iburophen. Backache is on your ticker sounds promising eek. I feel soo tired tonight hope thats a pg symptom haha i am fighting to stay awake cause i dont want to miss bigbrother lol.

Omg i just done one of these tickers & look how many times i have poas & used opks, baby danced & been ttc & how much money i have used on ttc stuff etc etc. :shock:

oh my goodness that ticker is insane!! when you see it broken down like that in black and white (or pink white and brown lol) its quite scary.

Iv only been ttc since july but pretty mch my whole life has revolved arond ttc im a woman on a mission lol

wish it was testing day hate this wait!!

Isnt it scary when you see it in writing like that. It makes me sad to see how long i have been ttc & how many tests i have used & not got a bfp all that money wasted. I changed my ticker to one of yours cause it shows what symptoms i should be having & funny enough i have had backache tonight. Are these signs of af or are these symptoms what we should be experiancing if pregnant ? I know i cant wait till saturday is here but then again i can cause i know i am gonna be proper depressed when i come on af. xxx
awe think positively hun, we will be well within our rights when we do get bfn's but until then turn that frown upside down.

altho do you notice how so many of these pregnancy symptoms are in fact af symptoms also, just to be extra cruel to our already paranoid fragile states of mind! xxx
I know its mental touture this 2ww isnt it lol. Cant take it any more, i got some ovary pain ( weird ) am suggesting thats the corpus lutem from the egg collapsing & dropping progesterone level ready for that ugly witch to rear her head argghhh! There should be a not gonna symptom spot blinkie shouldnt they lol. xxx
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that would be good! but then again would we use it lol we torture ourselves for a whole 14 days of the month....thats 6 months of a year hanging round waiting and looking for symptoms...insane, but hell thats what ttc is all about eh lol

last 5-10 mins iv had a weird sicky feeling in my stomach, feel a bit gross so may go to bed in a bit xxxxx
I have felt like that for 2 days but i am not considering that as a pregnancy symptom for me, i will be suprised if it was. I always feel a little sick & bloated before i am due on, thats why i aint looking futher into the feeling sick part. Hope it is a good sign for you though hun ( fingers crossed ) Night hun speak tomorrow. xx
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u can count on it, im on here all the time it seems lol

night hun xxx
Hi ladies :)

The :witch: got me today...I am armed and ready for this month :) I hope November is a lucky month :) xx
Hi ladies :)

The :witch: got me today...I am armed and ready for this month :) I hope November is a lucky month :) xx

Oh no! Sorry hun, will have to uncross my fingers and toes now until your in your 2WW next month! :( x
awe sorry to hear that lisey :( ul get ur bfp soon though im sure xxxx
Thanks ladies,

I am ok, looking forward to trying this month. xx :) :dance:
Hi ladies.

Lisey just posted in your thread, sorry she got you hun, rooting for your november bfp ( Hugs ) ;) xx

Pinkbutterfly how are you getting on, when do you test ?

Bellerina are you tempted to test yet ? lol!!

Who's testing soon ?

So ladies i am 98% sure i am not pregnant. I have 2 days till test day & i used another test early hpt today & BFN! had period pains & bloating & all the normal af symptoms. Was so upset today speaking with my mum & dad, just cant get my head round why i cant get caught! i am ovulating, & doing everything possible, & having no such luck. :(
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