The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi ladies. :)

I'm only CD7 of my 4th month TTC.

So still a week until my 2ww.

Looking forward to getting to know you all. Xxx
I've just had a good read through all the posts from the last few days as i didn't get much chance over the weekend and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the newbies and catch up....

So I'm officially out this month but not gonna moan about it, I only stopped my pill early August and this last cycle was my first ovulation so didn't expect it to happen this soon anyway. I admire you Star for sticking at it like you have, you seem to always sound postive but you're bound to have your negative days. Chin up, it will happen for you, I'm keeping everything crossed for you! When you get your BFP i think we should have a virtual party for you :)

Lisey, sorry for the BFN - its funny how one day you convince yourself you're pregnant and other feel totally unpregnant, but keep thinking positive, the witch hasn't got you yet.

StephCC91 - hoping that you get another line and that it was just that it was too diluted the last time! Fingers x'd

Pinkbutterfly, I know you aren't holding out for a bfp this month but you are close to testing day aren't you or are you just gonna wait until you're late?

I see a lot of you are using the CBFM. I'm just charting temps and checking CM at the moment, which has been really good, it been great to confirm that i actually ovulated on day 26 this month, so it looks like my body is working ok... but I'm curious now about trying the monitor too.... What exactly do you have to do with it each day?
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I've just had a good read through all the posts from the last few days as i didn't get much chance over the weekend and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the newbies and catch up....

So I'm officially out this month but not gonna moan about it, I only stopped my pill early August and this last cycle was my first ovulation so didn't expect it to happen this soon anyway. I admire you Star for sticking at it like you have, you seem to always sound postive but you're bound to have your negative days. Chin up, it will happen for you, I'm keeping everything crossed for you! When you get your BFP i think we should have a virtual party for you :)

Lisey, sorry for the BFN - its funny how one day you convince yourself you're pregnant and other feel totally unpregnant, but keep thinking positive, the witch hasn't got you yet.

StephCC91 - hoping that you get another line and that it was just that it was too diluted the last time! Fingers x'd

Pinkbutterfly, I know you aren't holding out for a bfp this month but you are close to testing day aren't you or are you just gonna wait until you're late?

I see a lot of you are using the CBFM. I'm just charting temps and checking CM at the moment, which has been really good, it been great to confirm that i actually ovulated on day 26 this month, so it looks like my body is working ok... but I'm curious now about trying the monitor too.... What exactly do you have to do with it each day?

Yes, I will attend the virtual party :merry:(I will replace the alcohol with water though, lol)

Thanks timtam, still 2 days so theres a bit of hope still!! :)

The monitor is really good, you have to test first thing in the morning. You have to switch it on each day, you have a 6 hour window to test within, so if you switched it on on first day at 8am you could test from 5 until 11am.
At day 6 it will ask for a test. So use the test, insert it into the monitor each day. It will show you when you have low days, high days and peak days which gives a good indicator of fertile days leading up to Ovulation. I have read so many positive experiences with it so thought it was worth a try.
I hope my explanation made sense. :) xx
Hello ladies. I am on cd18, not sure when I ov but reckon I am in 2ww now. Due to test on the 11th when af is due. This is cycle 6 ttc. Symptoms so far are sore bb's and spots but get that every month regardless so not taking too much notice of that. Also have a super fun uti but don't think that's a pg symptom! Still, fx for bfps all round.

Hello ladies. I am on cd18, not sure when I ov but reckon I am in 2ww now. Due to test on the 11th when af is due. This is cycle 6 ttc. Symptoms so far are sore bb's and spots but get that every month regardless so not taking too much notice of that. Also have a super fun uti but don't think that's a pg symptom! Still, fx for bfps all round.


Hi Emily

Good luck for the 11th...11/11/11-thats got to be lucky :dust:
I got a UTI early on too, hopefully it is a sign. My best friend that is 7 weeks also got a terrible UTI in her 2WW xx
I see a lot of you are using the CBFM. I'm just charting temps and checking CM at the moment, which has been really good, it been great to confirm that i actually ovulated on day 26 this month, so it looks like my body is working ok... but I'm curious now about trying the monitor too.... What exactly do you have to do with it each day?

Hey TimTam

I cant really compare the CBFM to Opk as never used Opk - The CBFM works in the same way but instead on peeing on the stick and trying to work out if there is a line or if the line is darker than the day before ect. all you do is put the stick in the monitor and it tells you if you are on Low Fertility (by showing 1 bar) High Fertility (by showing 2 bars) or Peak Fertility (by showing 3 bars).

It shows 2 bars when it detects a surge of estrogen what is associated with the appearance of EWCM (this can be upto 5 days before you get a peak surge)

It shows 3 bars when it detects the LH surge when you are about to release an egg.

It also (apparently) remembers your cycle each month, its really easy to use. You have to do your test on the morning it ask for it to be done and in a 6 hour window from when you set it (so if you set it for 9am on your first month you will have to test between 6am-11am each morning)

ummmmm think thats about it, have I covered most of it Linsey??? Any other questions let me know and I will try and let you know (well will look in the instruction book) LOL x
11 is my lucky number too, so it's gotta be a good sign! Hmm, maybe a uti is a good sign too, fx!
Have any of you ladies seen the FertileFocus microscope thingy?

Wish I had one but can't keep spending on TTC stuff!!
Have a google for it!

It's a tiny microscope that you put a little bit of saliva on first thing in the morning.

When you're fertile your saliva looks really different to when you aren't.

Also apparently sperm is awesome to look at through it too!
Ooooh, what is it? I like buying ttc stuff!! Xx is it something that will make my OH think I'm more of a loon than he already thinks I am? lol xx
Have a google for it!

It's a tiny microscope that you put a little bit of saliva on first thing in the morning.

When you're fertile your saliva looks really different to when you aren't.

Also apparently sperm is awesome to look at through it too!

Oh, I want it, I want to look at the sperm, not sure how the OH would feel about giving me a sample so I can inspect though, lol xx
Hi ladies.

I have had some weird twings today & while i was in town today shopping i was getting proper hot flushes & i bought some christmas cards & when i went to my mums & dads straight from town i was showing them my cards i bought & started to read the lovely verse that was in the card i got for my brother & only got half way through i started choking up crying :cry::shock: :blush: Had to give the card to my mum to finish off reading. Hormones are everywhere today! start of the witch :witch: making her way to me i reckon. Also my tummy has been bloated looking which happens just before af arrives.

Tittam Sorry hunni af arrived, & thank you so much for you lovely words about me in your post, your support here has been great! rooting for a bfp for you hun :friends:xx

Lisey & the rest of the girls thanks for the great support :hugs:

Bellearina my cycle buddy hows it going for you hun ? Of course am still testing with you at the weekend :friends:

Hi to the newbies :wave: Look forward getting to know you lot ;)

Goodluck ladies :2ww::dust::dust::dust::dust:
welcome to the 2ww newbies to the thread and fx for you all sorry the wiicked witch got you hun but try and be positive that you'll get ur bfp in time for father xmas :) xx

Star, sounds like u still have ur symptoms!! cant wait to test with you hun and get our bfp's together (always the optimist lol)

went to DH's gramps funeral today and out for mums birthday meal tonight so not really had a chance to think about my symptoms so they couldnt have been that obvious.
Im getting a bit fed up of evrryone asking me when im having a baby tho!
went to watch DH play rugby sat and some of the blokes wer asking if i wanted a drink and i said no as i was driving (and ttc but they dont tknow that shhh) and their automatic response " preganant are you". then today at the funeral DH's family and friends are all asking when we are making them aunties uncles etc....I just feel like screaming "look a bloody stork doesnt just bring one the morning after you pray for one, iv gotta get this bloody pill out of my system and we are trying our dam hardest" but of course you just smile along and say "nooo not pregnant just being designated driver", or "nooo not thinking about that yet!"
think hormones are making memore senstive than usual :(

lots of love and babydust after my rant at you all lol sorry girls had to vent and DH will just think im overly sensitive if i offfload on him xxxx
Awww Bell, sorry for your OH. I think when you're preoccupied and not thinking about symptoms is when you get the best surprise...maybe your 'hormones' are a good sign but I guess time will tell. I've pretty much been out of the game but still hoping. Bloated like nobodies business but that is probably just AF and ALL her baggage :) xxxx

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