I've just had a good read through all the posts from the last few days as i didn't get much chance over the weekend and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the newbies and catch up....
So I'm officially out this month but not gonna moan about it, I only stopped my pill early August and this last cycle was my first ovulation so didn't expect it to happen this soon anyway. I admire you
Star for sticking at it like you have, you seem to always sound postive but you're bound to have your negative days. Chin up, it will happen for you, I'm keeping everything crossed for you! When you get your BFP i think we should have a virtual party for you
Lisey, sorry for the BFN - its funny how one day you convince yourself you're pregnant and other feel totally unpregnant, but keep thinking positive, the witch hasn't got you yet.
StephCC91 - hoping that you get another line and that it was just that it was too diluted the last time! Fingers x'd
Pinkbutterfly, I know you aren't holding out for a bfp this month but you are close to testing day aren't you or are you just gonna wait until you're late?
I see a lot of you are using the CBFM. I'm just charting temps and checking CM at the moment, which has been really good, it been great to confirm that i actually ovulated on day 26 this month, so it looks like my body is working ok... but I'm curious now about trying the monitor too.... What exactly do you have to do with it each day?