The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi everyone,

I bought the CBFM and am on my 2nd month using it....fingers crossed this month is my lucky month!

I'm on CD6 atm, and my last cycle was 31 days. I don't know if this is my usual length of my cycle cuz I have been on the pill for the past 6 years and only just came off in Sept. I love using the CBFM, makes everything feel loads more in control of what's going on, but I also dread the 2WW and the let down of getting my period.

Is there anyone else around the same as me, I'd love to hear from anyone in the same position as me! Much as I love my husband he foesn't really 'get' all this, and I have decided not to tell people we are trying cuz I want to keep it private....but then that means I don't have anyone to talk to about all this!!
HI mouse9210

Iv been using the CBFM for one month now and im getting AF pains so not very hopeful this month but to be honest as i wasnt sure when my OV days was going to be me and my OH didnt really prepare to much this month so didnt bd on best days so we are more hopeful for next month!

How did you find the first month using it, i found it a bit weird as was on 2 bars from cd8-cd19 where I went to 3 bars for 2 days than back to 2 bars for one day. Though it was a bit weird I was on 2 bars for so long but i know it is ready you on the first month so thought it just might be getting to know me?

Yeah I think most OH find it all a bit weird, my OH just thinks we should bd and let it happen but I am a planner. x

P.S Just noticed that you are a newbie so WELCOME! :) x
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I've read that it takes a month or two for it to get to know your body, so I'm hoping that this month is more accurate and I will get what I want....

I had to use all 20 test sticks last month, and I was on high for 15 days - from CD10-CD24. I didn't get a peak, so I guessed I might be OV around CD15 - which seemed to be about the 'average' so seemed like my best chance!

I started getting my hopes up on CD28, but then on CD31 there was my period. Stupid really to think I might get lucky on my first month but you read all the time about people who do and I hoped I'd be one of them.

I'm starting to get hopeful again that this month will be the one!

My OH is great but doesn't really have a clue about 'womens stuff' and so we're working on a 'need to know basis' - i.e., when it's time to BD!!

Not sure when I should expect the CBFM to ask for another test? It asked me on CD6 last cycle but it didn't ask today??
Hi everyone,

I bought the CBFM and am on my 2nd month using it....fingers crossed this month is my lucky month!

I'm on CD6 atm, and my last cycle was 31 days. I don't know if this is my usual length of my cycle cuz I have been on the pill for the past 6 years and only just came off in Sept. I love using the CBFM, makes everything feel loads more in control of what's going on, but I also dread the 2WW and the let down of getting my period.

Is there anyone else around the same as me, I'd love to hear from anyone in the same position as me! Much as I love my husband he foesn't really 'get' all this, and I have decided not to tell people we are trying cuz I want to keep it private....but then that means I don't have anyone to talk to about all this!!


I am the same as pinkbutterfly, first month of using it. I am 3 days away from AF, have lots of preg symtoms but not a positive test yet.
I only had one high day, then two peaks and then low again. I know it can take a while to understand cycles so I will see how it goes.
My OH is the same...he just thinks it will happen but I am a super control freak and have to know I am doing all I can to help things along.
Hope its 2nd month lucky for you :dust:xx
Hi Lisey27,
I'm a total control freak too! I have to know dates etc and CBFM is such a help! I also downloaded the 'WomanLog' app to my phone and I input on that my high days so I can keep track. Otherwise there is no way I'd remember what days I was low/high etc! I just like to know, but I must look at it about 20 times a day - I feel like as AF approaches I start to dread it and look forward to it!

Ever since I came off the pill I've noticed that my moods are all over the place - I am so stroppy for no reason and it's doing my head in! My OH is sick of it too - but I don't think he really gets that it is my hormones and not 'me'!

Fingers crossed for you this month! Sounds hopeful!!
I've read that it takes a month or two for it to get to know your body, so I'm hoping that this month is more accurate and I will get what I want....

I had to use all 20 test sticks last month, and I was on high for 15 days - from CD10-CD24. I didn't get a peak, so I guessed I might be OV around CD15 - which seemed to be about the 'average' so seemed like my best chance!

I started getting my hopes up on CD28, but then on CD31 there was my period. Stupid really to think I might get lucky on my first month but you read all the time about people who do and I hoped I'd be one of them.

I'm starting to get hopeful again that this month will be the one!

My OH is great but doesn't really have a clue about 'womens stuff' and so we're working on a 'need to know basis' - i.e., when it's time to BD!!

Not sure when I should expect the CBFM to ask for another test? It asked me on CD6 last cycle but it didn't ask today??
LOL Yeah think my OH would just like to know when he needs to visit the bedroom LOL! He does nod his head a act like he is interested when im talking about EWCM and L phase days but think really he is thinking YUCK, I didnt think my women even done a poo! Men hey they are funny!

Was it day six when it asked you last month to do a test or day 8...I cant remember Lisey can you remember if monitor asks you to do first test on cd6 or 8?

Maybe it worked out all the information stored and it knows you OV later in your cycle so thats why its not going to ask you to do a test until a later day if that makes sense?

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LOL that's sooo true! I tried explaining the whole cycle etc to him, but his eyes glazed over and so now I tell him just the bare facts...hopeless! Although, when I get AF last week he was super supportive cuz he knew I was upset. I guess he actually isn't really that interested in the 'ins and outs' (lol) of the cycle, just the bits that concern him!

Yeah last cycle it was CD6 it asked for the first test and then it asked for 20 in a row...CD6 today and no test so I don't know if that's normal or not? Probably is and I'm just being a total control freak!!!!

LOL that's sooo true! I tried explaining the whole cycle etc to him, but his eyes glazed over and so now I tell him just the bare facts...hopeless! Although, when I get AF last week he was super supportive cuz he knew I was upset. I guess he actually isn't really that interested in the 'ins and outs' (lol) of the cycle, just the bits that concern him!

Yeah last cycle it was CD6 it asked for the first test and then it asked for 20 in a row...CD6 today and no test so I don't know if that's normal or not? Probably is and I'm just being a total control freak!!!!

No I would be the same but I think it is prob because it knows you OV later in the cycle so dont need to do your first test so early....well I hope so! Does it mention it in the manual, I cant remember it saying this - just that he will ask you for a test from day 6 so bit weird but sure that is the reason :)

Yeah think iv told me OH to much, think if i carry on he is going to put me into a mental hospital so best do what you are doing and just tell him what concerns him - All he has got to do is take the conception vitamins ones a day and bd me when I tell him...think he is ok with that! :) LOL

LOL that's sooo true! I tried explaining the whole cycle etc to him, but his eyes glazed over and so now I tell him just the bare facts...hopeless! Although, when I get AF last week he was super supportive cuz he knew I was upset. I guess he actually isn't really that interested in the 'ins and outs' (lol) of the cycle, just the bits that concern him!

Yeah last cycle it was CD6 it asked for the first test and then it asked for 20 in a row...CD6 today and no test so I don't know if that's normal or not? Probably is and I'm just being a total control freak!!!!

No I would be the same but I think it is prob because it knows you OV later in the cycle so dont need to do your first test so early....well I hope so! Does it mention it in the manual, I cant remember it saying this - just that he will ask you for a test from day 6 so bit weird but sure that is the reason :)

Yeah think iv told me OH to much, think if i carry on he is going to put me into a mental hospital so best do what you are doing and just tell him what concerns him - All he has got to do is take the conception vitamins ones a day and bd me when I tell him...think he is ok with that! :) LOL


FMU is first morning urine :) it takes ages to get used to all the abbreviations, I still dont know loads of them :whistle:

Mine asked on day 6, maybe have a look in the manual, did you press the m button to indicate a new cycle has started? xx

FMU is first morning urine :) it takes ages to get used to all the abbreviations, I still dont know loads of them :whistle:

Mine asked on day 6, maybe have a look in the manual, did you press the m button to indicate a new cycle has started? xx
Oh right got ya! :) Dam it, you can still give it a couple of days hun as your symptoms are good :) maybe you are going to be one of those ppl who are pregnant for 9 months but it doesnt show as a positive on a test - FX and Toes extra crossed for ya! x
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FMU is first morning urine :) it takes ages to get used to all the abbreviations, I still dont know loads of them :whistle:

Mine asked on day 6, maybe have a look in the manual, did you press the m button to indicate a new cycle has started? xx
Oh right got ya! :) Dam it, you can still give it a couple of days hun as your symptoms are good :) maybe you are going to be one of those ppl who are pregnant for 9 months but it doesnt show as a positive on a test - FX and Toes extra crossed for ya! x

LOL!! better not be! i want to see that positive result. i text my best friend earlier (who is 7weeks pregnant) and she reminded me that hers didnt show early and that it didnt show really until 3 days late so theres still time.
My boobs are so so sore today, more than usual for AF so thats giving some hope :pray:xx
hi mouse, my hormones areall th place too. was so stressed having a tiff wth dh last night i had to physically walk away from him as felt like palpitations in my hest and blood pressure rising, which i never get, also bawled my eyes out to him. dont feel like myself at all since coming off pill in july.

still getting my cramps today...had the 3 days in a row now! trying not to build hopes up tho as did last month after getting loads of symptoms (more than this month) and af got me so dont wanna get excited and be disapointed xxx
Hi girls & welcome to our newbie mouse9210 :)

So today i have felt nothing no twinges sod all & i am 6dpo, really think its a bfn for me this month. I dont know why i even had any hope of getting my bfp, i been ttc for 2yrs 6mths so what makes this month any different. I know its gonna be bfn so i aint getting my hopes up any more :(

awe star be positive hun, but ur right, i agree sometimes its best to think the worst and not be disappointed than think ur pg and get bfn...but we are human hun and we are gonna let our hearts rule our head. u still gotta be my testing buddy on weekend!!!
i know its been a while ttc for you but you cant give up now, be positive and turn that frown upside down it WILL happen believe me.

i have a saying, positive thinking creates positive energy xxx
Star i really feel for u i been trying for a year now and still no joy for me either x i thing being positive is what its all about it will be so much more special when u do get what uv been hoping for x

with regard to tww; im only 2 dpo and have a bruised feeling in my tummy not haf this before i know its too early for anything exciting but wondered what on earth it could be?


best of luck to all of you very deserving ladies waiting for good news this month xxxx
Ps verrrrry sore bbs today too! Far too early for usual not normally sore until 5 days before af for me?! Little anxious but excited as i am every month! X
Hi girls & welcome to our newbie mouse9210 :)

So today i have felt nothing no twinges sod all & i am 6dpo, really think its a bfn for me this month. I dont know why i even had any hope of getting my bfp, i been ttc for 2yrs 6mths so what makes this month any different. I know its gonna be bfn so i aint getting my hopes up any more :(


Star, theres still time for those twinges and pains, remember, some women don't even get any pains or signs of implantation.
I have my fingers firmly crossed fo you xx :)
Ps verrrrry sore bbs today too! Far too early for usual not normally sore until 5 days before af for me?! Little anxious but excited as i am every month! X

Thats a good sign, wishing you loads of luck :dust:xx

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