SOMETiMeS and only sometimes (I was told) the if you are insulin dependant there is a slight risk of the babies blood sugars running low when they are born. I think it's because their little bodies produce high levels of insulin to cope with our glucose and when they are not dependant on us they have extra insulin which fight their level down! BUT if it is managed well in the pregnancy and the birth it should be fine!
I'll explain what happened to me :
I was diagnosed at 29 weeks... Was told that diet controlled wasn't enough so I went on Insulin 4 x daily. I was told in one of my subsequent appt that when I was induced (early because of big birth weight) I would be having an insulin and glucose drip during labour, which effectively keeps your sugar level at a constant!!
I was induced at 38+3 and was asked to take my sugar levels at regular intervals. But with only a 2h49m labour they didn't have the time to get the drips in lol
There was none of the rushing baby off to scbu which I had in my head, they encouraged me to bf straightaway to help babies body kick start regulation of his levels... He was given a heel prick test to test his sugars which came back ok. we had to have 3 normal readings I think over 12 hours for us to be discharged. That was it. Came home and had the biggest bar or chocolate and bottle of coke
I think they have to explain every eventuality and it can scare the crap out out of you BUT half the time its not so bad! I spoke to another two ladies who although their labours weren't as quick lol their babies were the same! I wasn't intending to BF for various reasons and as I had big probs with my first but I did it for Stanley.
I am genuinely so sad that you guys are going through this, I really am but I just wanted to offers side. Hope it hasn't scared you xxxx