The Gestational Diabetes support thread

And when I went for my scan they said Stanley was big 10lb+ but he was 7lb4.5oz :D xx
Aww bless you Hun :( good for you for starting a change in diet already :) fingers crossed then that you will just be able to control it with diet xxx
It was amazing thanks hun
I got a bit shaky in the morning but sorted it easily.
I have been on to the diabetic nurse today and she upped my doses again and has now given me the freedom to up it myself if i think I need to. I have totally changes how I eat and am on a protein diet it seemed to work for a day but shot back up again. My morning numbers are creeping up too. I have to call them again Friday and am back at clinic next week. I don't know what more I can do so I'm hoping the put me on a different insulin that will work better maybe a slow release. Here's hoping it works x
I was on a slow release at night to help my fasting reading then I had a rapid one for mealtimes, that really helped as I had the freedom to up it! I put it up too much though once that wasn't pleasant lol just make sure you do it when you are literally say at the table cus a couple if times I've jabbed and got held up with my food :/ lol xx
Yep that happened to me not nice at all. it's hard when your getting the kiddies fed and trying to manage yourself to. your fab to have done it alone x
Off for the glucose test in a couple of h...
I spent the whole night worrying and crying...
I apparently somehow blame myself for getting diabetes and that is diagnosed too late and the bean is already at the 90 centile of weight :(
Anyway lower carb diet is going ok, how the hell I forgot to push for a diabetes test earlier I don't know!!! I am a doctor for Gods shake :( I knew that I was at higher risk for that because of Bmi and I forgot completely to ask for a test...
The stupid think is I don't even mind eating less carbohydrates :(
I could have spare that poor baby bean of all that added risk :(
Anyway rant over...

Amy I commented on your other thread too but I wanted to tell you one more time how gorgeous and happy you looked and to wish you a happy married life and safely arrival of your little monkey :love:
Right test is done first value 6,2...
Fully waiting a whooping over 10 value for the second one...
Aww Hun 6.2 is just over the norm isn't it? Mine was 8.4 fasting lol and 15.9 after!!! Good luck hun. Let us know how you get on xx
Aw thank you hope :hugs:
And now for a kick up the bum
It's not your fault you are in noway to blame for getting GD
I was shocked when I got it as I had 6 pregnancies without it.
Even if you were tested earlier you might have been fine and got it later on. If you do have it your doing your best to control it and as a mummy that's all you can do.
Don't be hard on yourself hun xxx
Well said AR :D you should in no way bland yourself hun it's just something that can happen xxxx
Thank you girls :love:
Well the 2 h is 12,2 so yep not so good but I was expecting it really...
I have no idea If that's not too high to be managed only with diet, we will see...
So I will get an appointment with the diabetes team and scans for the bean every 2 weeks.
Nobody exactly wanted to explain me what all that will mean for the beans delivery so of any of you knows feel free to enlighten me...
Also does that mean that the bean will have to go to special care after delivery?
Worried sick is not enough to describe what I feel...
Aw Hun :hugs:
When I had my first meeting with the diabetic team all the ladies there were being put on diet controlled and one or two had readings over 15. I think they start at that and then explore other routes like metformin then insulin when the others fail but I think it depends on how long you have left and what will make the most difference on the time given.
I have been told I will be induced early but how early depends on how baby is doing and how big she is getting. I also have the added factor at the moment that she is transverse so a c section could be on the cards. You are at higher risk of eclampsia with GD so look out for swelling of the hands face and feet that doesn't go down. your baby is going to be so closely monitored you have nothing to worry about. X
SOMETiMeS and only sometimes (I was told) the if you are insulin dependant there is a slight risk of the babies blood sugars running low when they are born. I think it's because their little bodies produce high levels of insulin to cope with our glucose and when they are not dependant on us they have extra insulin which fight their level down! BUT if it is managed well in the pregnancy and the birth it should be fine!

I'll explain what happened to me :

I was diagnosed at 29 weeks... Was told that diet controlled wasn't enough so I went on Insulin 4 x daily. I was told in one of my subsequent appt that when I was induced (early because of big birth weight) I would be having an insulin and glucose drip during labour, which effectively keeps your sugar level at a constant!!

I was induced at 38+3 and was asked to take my sugar levels at regular intervals. But with only a 2h49m labour they didn't have the time to get the drips in lol

There was none of the rushing baby off to scbu which I had in my head, they encouraged me to bf straightaway to help babies body kick start regulation of his levels... He was given a heel prick test to test his sugars which came back ok. we had to have 3 normal readings I think over 12 hours for us to be discharged. That was it. Came home and had the biggest bar or chocolate and bottle of coke :)

I think they have to explain every eventuality and it can scare the crap out out of you BUT half the time its not so bad! I spoke to another two ladies who although their labours weren't as quick lol their babies were the same! I wasn't intending to BF for various reasons and as I had big probs with my first but I did it for Stanley.

I am genuinely so sad that you guys are going through this, I really am but I just wanted to offers side. Hope it hasn't scared you xxxx
Thank you girls.:love:
Jaxx you didn't scare me at all. I hope the bean can cope well :(
I think I am just overwhelmed an so so sad that I completely neglected to chase a glucose test earlier so 4 weeks passed and meantime the bean got a little chunk already.
I will never forgive myself if sth happens to her :(
Don't blame yourself hun. They obviously didn't think there was need for one before?? Have you shown glucose in your urine before?? Do not blame yourself please :( you are doing the best now to make it all ok. Your daughter is very lucky to have a mummy that cares... Some people would carry on regardless sad but it's true :( xxx
Actually jaxx that's really reassuring to know al is worrying himself sick that she will be poorly I have told him it's not always the case but it's great to know it's a case of a heal prick to check her levels I didn't know that. X
Hope I have been trying to control my sugars for 5 weeks now and they are still high despite making every effort to get them down in my heart I'm blaming myself but my head tells me I can't honestly do anymore then I'm doing. My nurse has told me some have a harder time then others and when your doing all you can dont beat yourself up.
I have added high blood pressure and high risk of bleeding after the birth so have the worry of that too. It is scary but I'm trying to trust my medical team to keep us safe x
Amyrose so sorry you have such a hard time :( I have high bp too :( it never judt rains right???
On how many carbohydrates are you?
My appointment will not be until next week apparently so I want to get going until then at least. Started yesterday with 180. But maybe I need 150 me thinks?
Jaxx no glucose in urine before...
You and your boy did fabulous :love:
I'm following a diet very similar to the Atkins at the moment mostly protein as I haven't been tolerating any carbs. When I was on diet controlled I was told to stick to things like pasta whole wheat cereal porridge baked potatoes beans loads veg balsamati rice. 3 portions of carbs are allows per meal and a portion is the size of the palm of your hand. Protein rich food shouldn't affect your sugars so you can eat those . If you drink fruit juice drink a small glass a day and have it with a meal to avoid a sugar surge. limit fresh fruit to as it has natural sugars in it x
Thank you Amy!
I decided to be proactive until I get that diabetic appointment. Buying a glucose monitor tomorrow.
Also I am going to try an 150 total carbs diet spaced during the day in 3 meals and 3 snacks. Keeping the carbs during morning quite low.
Having protein and fat at every meal to slow down glucose absorption, no juice and berries only for fruit together with some cottage cheese to help with better sugar tolerance.

I feel a little calmer now having sort of a plan and I hope when i get hat appointment to have already what to show to the diabetic team so a decision can be made immediately and not waiting for one more week...
Oups hitting sent too soon...
A question I have I was planning testing first on the morning and then 2 h after each meal is that ok?

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