The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Yes Hun, they said my levels were so high that I had to go straight on insulin! One at each mealtime and one in the evening! And you know, the needles are only 5mm long, they are tiny and if like my you got plenty of meat on your legs you won't even feel it lol and trust me I'm a wimp with needles! And a carb restricted diet :( wasn't nice BUT as you said its for the good of the baby! Stanley was only 7lb4oz and was not affected at all!! You'll be find and you know where I am hun xxx
Oh I have plenty chunk on my bones lol
Thanks Hun your a star you have actually made me feel loads better about it x
Good :D I was shit scared when I got called up to my appointment! Do you have a glucose monitor?? If so, the injections are no more scary than the pin prick lol when I went in for my appt she told me to pull my trousers down a little, she pinched my fat in my leg lol and told me to look away, other than a teensy pin prick feeling I felt nothing!!! honestly don't panic :D xxxx
Hahhaha I know I'm like a rabbit caught in head lights! Yeh I have the glucose monitor and I still close my eyes everytime I press the button I have even been such a wimp I have got Rose to click it a few times lol my readings are between 10 and 15.5 after my meals it was 12.3 tonight even after the metaformin. How high were your readings? Make me feel better hahaha x
To begin with they were between 15-19 and that would be a simple pork chop and potatoes so was not normal! With the insulin I was getting down to 5-6 which was great :) had a few hypos though which were not pleasant but they will explain all that!! :) my main problem was my fasting reading, it was always around 8ish so I had to have a background insulin aswell that was the fourth shot of the day lol

What were your GTT results? X
My fasting one isn't to bad it's 6-7 god I feel like an old woman I will be wearing incontinence pants next Pmsl x
Hahaha you'll be fine! Just remember to watch the carbs your eating that will help! Obvs you need them for energy but not worth overdoing it :D xxx
How is everyone doing?
My GTT test was canceled due to the amount I've been throwing up.

I have no idea if I should reduce the amount of metformin I'm taking or not since I can hardly eat :S

Don't see the mw for another 2 weeks.
I'm still in the early days, but my MW confirmed I will need the GTT at 28 weeks as my BMI is high and because dad has been type 1 for over 20 years :(

I've grown up knowing about insulin, hypos and blood sugar so it's quite normal for me, I'm just dreading the needles if it comes to it!
I have also been told that I will need the tedt at 28weeks due ro beingo over weight and I am terrifird about it. I really am trying to eat heathly but I throw up alot and after all I want is aomething aweet. Like ice cream or chocolate cake.
I dont know what the symptoms are so dont know what to look for
That was me - I was so good before getting pregnant, on slimming world and everything. But then the morning sickness came, and all I could eat was crap!!! And then before my GTT it was that heatwave so I was living on Lolly Ices - I swear that was my downfall!!!!

I've been quite lucky with it - although I have Gestational Diabetes, I've started eating healthy again and it's diet controlled. I only need to do my blood sugar in the morning before breakfast, and the highest its been is 5.3 (they like it between 3 and 6). Also going by my growth scan and measurements, baby is perfectly fine and heading along the 50 percentile line.

In a way I'm glad I got it, as it's given me a kick up the bum to be healthier and not using the whole "I'm having that massive dessert - I've got an excuse, I'm pregnant".
ive got it too,im 33 weeks and still on diet control,my fasting blood is always under 5 and they are well contolled and ive learnt the foods that cause mine to be high such as white bread,white rice,white pasta and chinese lol
I'm almost a week In on my met and its awful I feel really sick on it and have really bad side effects. oh is worried it's doing more harm then good and my bloods are still very high. I have to call the hospital on Thursday to see what the next plan of action is.
I was going to say AR you heed to speak to your diabetic team:( that doesn't sound good :( hope you get it sorted hun xx
I was leaving it off as they said I could have side effects but these seem really extreme. I was going to message you today something popped into my head earlier what's a hypo and why do you get them? I think you mentioned them before I take a few days for the penny to drop I'm a bit slow lol x
Hypos happen when your sugar levels dropped to low. I know you defo can get them when on insulin, your level will drop to below 4. Not sure bout metformin? although I would have thought if your not eating much and also taking the metformin it could make you feel quite poorly as you'd sugar level would be quite low as your not taking any food in? I would go and speak to them because its a hard enough thing to desk with hun let alone of its making you I'll :( xx
I only ever went to 3.2 once I am just worried that if I go on to insulin next week before I get married It will bloody happen when I'm about to say I do lol
I'm going to give them a call tomorrow thanks my little chicken x
Just keep checking your sugars regularly and carry some Jelly babies at all times. You probably feel sick even on the Metformin as your blood sugars are lower than your blood sugars are used to. I was like it when I first went on metformin, and if my insulin actually worked when I was on that. Keep in touch with your diabetic nurse too, good luck x
Ooooo yeah Met makes you so sick but once on the right dose and everything balances out you loose the bad effects and notice the good.

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