The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Yep I have sth similar just Dosent hbe numbers only 3 settings.
I am probably doing sth terribly wrong there to hurt so much...
I wouldn't think it's you hun might be just different needles to me. X
2 h after meal it was 5.5 so I suppose that's good right?
That's excellent hope :D well within the good range :D well done!! Xx
Awww fabulous!!! I am a little relieved now! though I did eat minimum carbohydrates. After I get a couple of days of good readings I will try to increase my carbs a little so I don't produce ketones and I will see how it will go?
That sounds like a plan because you will need some carbs.. But yeah increase gradually to see what you body can tolerate! I found my body tolerated some things better than others!!

With regards to it hurting, it shouldn't? What mm lancet are you using!? I ask for the thinnest tiniest ones lmao they didn't hurt at all. Mine were 0.2mm 33 gauge x
Hmmm I don't know?? Runs to check...

I ate carbs just all of them they were from non starchy vegetables like green beans, spinach, mushroom. I also had a slice of low carb bread, cheese, yogurt so not that bad
Oh cool so not too bad then :D you did well to have that reading! There's something quite satisfying to find something that works well and keeps your levels down :) xx
It says nth about how big those needles are :( I will go to the pharmacy to ask tomorrow.
I've had a baked potato and beans for tea reading is 11.7
My body sucks! Hope I'm so jealous you have had a fab reading x
Amy stay away from potatoes and of you crave one try some fried chips instead (not too many lol) the fat helps is absorption of glucose.

I did Atkins diet for 2 years before so I am quite familiar with what Dosent spike your sugars.

You can also try sweet potatoes, you should get better readings with that.

I will stay away from potatoes, carrots, peas, corn etc for now I think. Maybe I will try to add then eventually together with some fat and protein.
I have done atkins before so im familiar with or too. I just worry if I don't eat some form of carbs I'm doing harm to. I have high readings even with my protein meals x
I worry about that too so I am going to increase them a little but I think I will still skip the starch vegetables? I will try tomorrow some whole meal pastas for a side dish and see if that works ok.

Of Amy :( sorry to hear that. I suppose sometimes Dosent work out so good? Can't they increase your insulin of you are still having high readings?
My dietician told me to eat baked potatoes but I will steer clear from now on I have a vast list of foods that are not working. Funnily enough I can eat a small amount of mac cheese and my readings come down to the 9s
Ive had my insulin upped quite a few times but still havent found the balance that works for me yet. The hospital are happy with the way I am eating and see how frustrated I am. I have actually lost weight over the past few weeks but my little Madame is still growing off the scale. I think I'm just one of the unlucky ones. If anything I have a whole new respect for people with diabetes x
:hug: you are doing fabulous :love:
I am pretty sure that I will be told to eat baked potatoes too but potatoes always spiked my blood sugars before.
I suppose some people react different to different things?
Butternut squash is also a starchy vegetable but I was somehow totally fine with it while with the potatoes I wasn't :(
I may try that again btw.
Also rice I do good in small quantities but it's not enough to satisfy me. I do far better with quinoa.
Oats I can't even think about them...or any other cereal..
Raw carrots are ok for me but baked ones or boiled nope nope.
I do ok with apples and berries and melon but not with other fruits. I can't tolerate fruit juice at all :( and that's too bad cause I love it :(
I suppose we will have to just stay clear from what Dosent suit us?
At what centile your LO is ? My little chunk is at the 91 centile already :(
Any other advice your doctor gave you with food? I just have to try different things I think until my appointment...

What are you planning for breakfast tomorrow?
I was thinking egg on toast (with low carb bread) feta cheese and tomato.
Good morning girls.
I had better luck with that needle this morning. Maybe I am getting the hang of this...
I have a whole new respect for diabetic people and both of you that you are/were doing that for so long...

First measuring this morning 4.8 so I suppose that's within the limits. It will take a while to get used to have those in mmol as I was used in mg in my country Lol and the values are totally different...

Breakfast today was toast (low carb bread) with egg, a slice of cheese, ham, tomato and feta.

Jaxx did your glucose levels went back to normal after birth?

Amy how are you doing today sweet girl?
hey Hope!

Unfortunately, I'm now borderline type 2. They did say I could have been borderline before pregnancy and it obviously flared uP in pregnancy!

AR - I was one of the unlucky ones too :( I was backwards and forwards to hospital, on the phone to dietician and diabetic nurse etc ... It took a fair few weeks to find out what agreed with me. I lost weight too, in fact when I walked out the hospital I was pretty much my ore pregnancy weight!! I found I could tolerate no more than 35g carbs per meal xx
I am sorry to hear that Jaxx :( hopefully is only diet managed now?
Are you still take your measurements occasionally to check?
I suppose the lucky part on you is that it has been discovered early in your life and can take measures to make it all right, instead of finding out at your 50s that you have diabetes when there is damage done already ifykwim.

I wonder If my princess will stop gaining excessive weight now??

Oh and I have one more question. Can I use the same finger in 2 h or I have to use a different finger every time?
You can use the same finger, I alternated every mealtime! It's only to stop your skin from going hard!!

I'm not measuring my levels anymore as the doctor is refusin to prescribe me the strips for my monitor ;( and they cost about 7 pound for 10 strips from the pharmacy which will soon add up and I can't afford it :( xxx
I bought them too :( bloody expensive they are :(
You can always pop at the gp once per 3 months maybe to check your first in the morning glucose?

My fingers already look awful after the whole bunch of yesterday tries :( this morning I got it right with one shot so hopefully it will be ok.

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