The Gestational Diabetes support thread

I have had my appointment brought forward to tomorrow (sorry that's just made me think of Annie lol)
They said they dont want to leave me until next week i have to say the GD team are amazing I am nervous though as I think it's injections for me now but anything is better then these tablets x
Hunni the injections really aren't that bad. From someone who hates needles and is totally disorganised I coped really well with it. I guess it's a case of having to! If I had to do it not pregnant not sure I'd be so strict!!

Please let us know how you get on, and I'm here if you need anything xx
Thanks Hun im picturing my face trying to inject myself its gonna be the first time my cum face has been used in AGES Pmsl x
Hun, I am terrified of injections (not needles, I am fine with having blood taken, just don't like stuff going in), I nearly broke my OH hand on Sunday when I had to have y Anti-D, but I managed fine with my insulin, the needles are so tiny and thin and as your injecting yourself you're in complete control, plus the amounts your injecting are usually tiny too. I am rather forgetful, so I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to inject (I have one for my daughters nighttime insulin too), you'll be fine xx
Thanks sunshine I think once I get the first out of the way I will be ok I was the same when I had to test my bloods but once I did it once the rest were easy. X
So I had my appointment and I'm now on 3 injections a day. It's quite alot to take in but I'm sure I will learn as I go. I even managed to inject myself which I'm dead proud of god how sad do I sound lol
Not at all hun. So sorry to hear you're on the injections :( are you on a mixed rapid and long lasting? Well done for doing your first injection :D that's the worst over with :D xxx
I could be a lot worse off no point in me moaning about it although i will try and milk a bit of sympathy from al in the form of new extremly high heels haha

I'm on the rapid for now but they said if I am having hypos they will look into changing it. My fasting one is ok but the nurse said if it creeps up anymore they will give me a top up one for the morning (this is where I glazed over can you tell lol)
You were right it wasn't as bad it was more so the thought of doing it. Now I'm more worried about hypos my little brain is in shock from all the info but I suppose it's just trial and error until I'm used to it
Hypos aren't that bad I would say though make sure you have someone on hand to take the kids if you have one it takes a while to recover from one and it's not nice when you hae kids around whining in ya ear lol

You'll be fine, once you have a hypo you'll know the warning signs and how you feel upto the lead up of it xxxx
Thanks Hun you really have helped me no end with all of this I would have been lost without you :hugs: xxx
Hey AR how's it going with it all? Hope you've settled into it a bit xxxx
Hi Hun I'm ok doing great with injecting it isn't bothering me at all I'm quite surprised at myself. I did have a hypo first thing this morning well I woke up feeling poo and my sugars were only 2.9 but I sorted it easy enough but it did knock the good out of me for a few hours.
I'm still having high readings after meals I don't know if it's because thy started me on a low dose or what because I'm really being careful of what I eat. I might switch to mainly protein to see if it helps. I have to call the diabetic nurse tomorrow to see how I'm getting on so I will say it to her. Had you any problems getting your readings down at the start? I was pees off because I expected to be fixed haha
Off topic but my god how cute does Stanley look today? He's so handsome x
yes I had problems at first mainly because I was on a fixed dose of mixed insulin! Once I went to separate ones I was able to adjust the amount depending on what I ate but that took a while to get used to it :) I also found that I could t have anymore than 45g carbs per meal otherwise my readings would go crazy lol but you will find your limit ! I'm so proud of you for getting over the fear of Injecting :) its not nice! And also now youve had your first hypo and you know how awful you feel you should be able to spot when ones on the way xxxxx
Aw thanks Hun it makes your bloody head spin doesn't it!
I don't think I'm tolerating carbs at all but I have been keeping a diary and I have a meeting with the dietician thursday so I'm hoping she will set me up an eating plan because I'm terrified I will do more harm then good. Baby is already at the higher end of normal I'm hoping she hasn't gone over on my scan this week. I hate thinking I'm hurting her poor little mite. X
I know the pyschological aspect of it is so hard! Fingers crossed she's growing steadily! They did say Stanley was big and even A week before my due date they said 10lb but he was a dinky 7lb4 so fingers crossed they may be slightly out! xxxx
Still struggling with getting my readings down i has my insulin increased for the 4th time and my readings are sill above 13 I don't know where I'm going wrong because I'm being so strict and trying really hard I may aswell be injecting water for all the good it's doing
Moan over I promise lol
I think i am joining you here...
The bean is measuring at 90 centile and already 2180 kg...also glucose in my urine and due for further testing tomorrow....
Someone to stop me from panicking....
Going to make me a tea and off I go to read all this thread ...
Hey Hope. Honestly I'm sure as you are aware even IF you are diagnosed then with proper care and diet changes you and baby should be fine :D fingers crossed you are not though! Are you having a glucose tolerance test tomorrow!?

AR - how did your wedding go? You looked absolutely beautiful hun, hope you escaped a hypo :( I would go back to your dietician and discuss it with them, I was back there every week till I found what worked for me! Did you say you are on a fixed dose? Is it mixed? If so, maybe you might be better suited to the single one that you can alter depending on what you eat?? you'll get there hun xxxx
Right missy first of all don't panic. I am still learning as I go and have really valued the help and support I have got from jax. If you do have GD the majority of the time it can be diet controlled. The only thing you will have to get used to at the start is checking your blood sugars which I normally first thing I'm the morning then am hour after every meal. It's honestly not as scary as you would imagine it to be.
I'm just one of the unlucky ones who can't control it by diet and had awful aide affects to the metformin so am now insulin dependent which is still proven to be a pain.
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will help as best I can x
Jaxx I know but the idea of pushing out a big baby scares the bejesus out if me...
It's more than sure diabetes...just the test to confirm it tomorrow. I started a low carbohydrate diet already ...
It was glucose +4 and ketones +2 that with a big baby and I doubt I even need the test lol

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