Gestational diabetes

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Anyone got/had this?

Going to docs in the morning, my recent hozzie stay they said I have a fungal infection called Candida which can be the first sign of gestational diabetes...I have a family history of diabetes-my mum is insulin dependant, so was my gran and so is OH dad.

I am not worried too much, just intrested to know how it could affect the reminder of my pregnancy, and I believe babies born to mums with GD have BIG babies, so might get induced early??

I need to see what the next step is, glucose tolarance test I belive, anyone had one, whats it like??

Sorry for so many questons...Want to be prepared when I see doc
tomorrow as had lots of problems with my midwife since 28 week bloods so I am hoping for answers from my GP tomorrow :pray:

Will post in Ask Mum section too...
Hi hun,my mum is also an insulin dependant diabetic. I had to have a GT test because of this. It involves not eating from the evening before,you then have your bloods taken to see what your levels are after fasting and you are then given a glucose drink,you then wait 2 hours and have your bloods taken again to see how your body has handled the sugar,it's really not too bad. If you did have gestational diabetes there is a good chance that they could control it through diet alone and that it would dissapear after the baby is born and yes you probably would be induced early as the babies tend to be bigger,my mum was induced at 37 weeks with both me and my brother,good luck hun sure you will be fine :hug: xx
glucose drink - :puke:

nastiest thing i have ever drunk! But i didn't get a choice of flavours like some hospitals do.
I had the drink - it was like lucozade not too bad really.. worse part was the incompetent midwife who couldn't take the second blood sample and aimed for a nerve in my wrist!!!! :shock:

I had to fast from midnight, go into hospital at 8, have a blood test, drink the drink, then hang around for 2 hours ( not eating anything) and then have a second blood test.
Havent had to have this myself babes (touchwood lol) but wishing you all the best and yes, an xmas baby (or just before) would be awesome!!! :hug:
My sister had one of these, she was told that the glucose drink was pretty nasty so if she wanted she could bring a bottle of lucozade instead, as long as it was unopened they'd let her use that instead.
i have to got for the gtt next wednesday as my and brother are both type1 dibetics and my 2 grandads my aunt my dad and my oh dad are all type 2 dibetics so i am blaming all of thouse people for me havibg to have this horrible bloody test.
I found the leaflet they sent me for mine:

says it effects around 3-4% of pregnancies
factors which are known to make some woemn more likely to develop GD
Glucose in your urine
Previous baby over 8lb 13oz
previous GD
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Previous still birth
family histroy

Why is the test necessary?
High blood sugar can cause:
The baby to be bigger and average
extra fluid around baby
increased risk of problems for baby at birth
Long term health issues for mum, but GD usually goes away after the baby is born.

There is more, but it is more about what happens. if you want me to send a copy over, let me know luv!

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