The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

missj i think thy might have been the test i got a possitive with lacie on i got two for 4 wuid in a pack were they on offer?? good luck missj x x
Ok girls need some advice...what do evap lines look like??? Due to start my clomid nxt week..felt a bit funny this mornin so did a test....i cant decide if its posative or evap lines???? Ive done 2 tests now....the test line is pink are evap lines gray????
Hi girls, I'm doing fine today thanks. No pmt which is a good sign and no AF type feelings (I don't usually get cramps until the day of AF anyway). But I am fully expecting AF tomoro nonetheless so don't get your hopes up for me :shakehead:

I will be disappointed but as Gloria Gaynor would say I Will Survive! lol
Tina are you on Tapatalk? Or uploading from a camera? Pink lines sound good, were they in the time limit? X

Kay, I've got my fx for you hun!! X

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missj i think thy might have been the test i got a possitive with lacie on i got two for 4 wuid in a pack were they on offer?? good luck missj x x

I'm not sure if they were on offer hun, I snapped them up cos they were so cheap lol! 50p for one test lol! X

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Im on my phone today. Dont kno what tapatalk, they were within time limit and there faint but pink xx
I'm at work trying to keep this a secret! Its sooo hard!!!

Miss j keep going!! X
Whats the best early pregnancy test?? Digital but what brand xx
Why am I on Clomid? - Consultant found cysts on ovaries and said I wasn't ovulating but everything else (bloods, HSG etc) looked good and DH's semen analysis was great so only issue being OV, I was given Clomid to boost it.

How much am I on? - Consultant started me on 100mg which he said is for 6 cycles if we need it but he seemed very positive and said he doesn't expect to see us again which I felt was really encouraging but also a bit scary!!

Hi girls
My gynaecologist prescribed me with 3 cycles of 50 mg clomid so here goes

When do you take it? - I will need to take mine on CD2 til CD6.

Any side effects? - I dont know yet as havent started it, but i hope not.

Did it help OV? - No idea yet

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - This is the aim as wev been ttc for 11 mths now and im only on cycle 7 as cycles are so long and irregular. Im currently on cd 27 and havent ovd yet so going to give it another week and if no af and a bfn im going to take the talets iv been prescribed to bring af on so i can begin the clomid. FX

Was Clomid a success for you? - We'll see!! :pray:
I did a digi and it says im pregnant!!! Clear blue says 1 - 2 weeks which apparently means 3 - 4 weeks!!! Im over the moon!!! Xxx
Thanks guys!!! Will try get.a picture on, im only due on in 4 proper shocked!!! Yey me!! Thanks nicky, thanks itisbabytime, im over the moon!!! Xxx
Bellarina ive not started the clomid yet!!
Yea nicky its anazing!! Im.soooo excited !!! Xx

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