The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Baby brain already - no hope for u nicky :D

I was only pulling ur leg I'm not emo xx
Super chuffed for u nic xxxxx
Maybe I'll get some 3rd cycle charm too xx only time will tell xxx
Whereabouts are you in your cycle now hun?? Im sure you will be joining me very soon :) x
Cd 25 - clomid has made my cycles bang on 27 days so af is due Sunday :(
Will continue to ignore it and if no sign by mo day I'll test xx
It's hard to keep up with everyone lol, who is where in their cycle? X

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I'm cd13 and had some sharp feelings last night, fx ov is on the way! X

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Cd 19 no positive opk but chart and temp puts Ov at Monday. Not sure if that's right though. So if I did Ov then 3dpo today x
No I've stopped now. The hospital said do the progesterone 7 days before expected period which is Monday so will see what happens then. Xx
I want to take you all with me :) I just got excited cos my ticker changed to 4 weeks + 1!! eeek!

Miss J how are you feeling today??

DW - You will be my bump buddy too :) xx
Missj hope you've been getting busy missy :wink:

Ld1978 hopefully you did ov on Monday! Your bloods will confirm it. Hope you've been getting jiggy this week too :)

DW FX for you for Monday xxxx
Thanks Kay Kay I hope do too!! We bd every other day from day 6 to day 16 on Monday. How are you feeling xx
We've BDed 3 times so far this cycle and 2 of those were on the same day, cd8! Lol! I'm cd13 today, going to try and hold my pee a bit longer and do my ov test later. X

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I feel twinges in my lower left side today, feeling a bit more hopeful! Also I got 4 tests at Asda for £2! Never heard of them before, they are called Clear Response? Twin packs were £1 so I got two lol. Now I have about 50-55 cheapies, 4 FRs, 2 digis and 4 clear response tests lol! I'm well stocked up ha ha! X

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Here's the tests I bought, I'll use them before FRs this time. X


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It's dried a bit darker but defo negative. My positives showed up before the control line last cycle so going to keep going with them. Still not used any digi tests but it's early yet! X

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