The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Me too but trying to stay calm for the next couple of months :) x
Oh my god another bfp - bloody love it. Congrats Tina - am so pleased for you ladies getting your bfps. Were you due to start clomid xx
Ah congrats Tina! I'll update the main page in the morning. :) x

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Aw that's good hun. I'm ok, started my healthy eating, cut out milk so having chamomile tea, a small slice of wholemeal toast with butter (my only helping today) and a side of 8 strawberries! Im feeling a bit crampy, we BDed last night so fx ov is on the way! X

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the healthy eating sounds good! How many OPK's are you gonna try and do today? x
I don't need to pee so was going to try and wait til 1pm then do another if I could by half 4 but I'm not sure yet. :think: x

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I cant stop peeing!! I usually pee quite abit anyway but this is something else!! lol x
I have such a good feeling about your cycle hun. Are you a bit more relaxed now? x
Lol do you? Ha yeah I am so relaxed now I feel like I've been tranquillised lol! We BDed last night, :yay: I'm hoping my ov tests start looking good soon, I'm cd14 today. :) x

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remember mine were really really crap and then it suddenly came out of the blue!! Yes of course i have a good feeling :) You just needed that first cycle to get things moving :)

I have an appointment with my gp on monday - so will find out my day 21 results then! Not that its important now! x
It'd be interesting though, Kay's being 700 odd, Lara's being 200 etc.. Then there's that lady on another site who got pregnant with twins with a result of just 9!

I still don't feel much about this cycle... Not really positive but not negative. Just... Numb lol! x
Thats how i was - written it off!! Oh how i cursed having to do that last cycle of 50mg lol! My mum thinks i'm gonna have a girl because thats all my family have lol!! I'm convinced theres gonna be two! lol x
OH's mum went to a fortune teller a couple of years ago who said i'd have twins. Plus obviously the clomid increases the chances slightly! so i just have a feeling!!

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