The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

good luck missj hopefully youll ov sooner and not get af :p thats my plan for you anyway x x

nicky: twins aarrgghh i have a 7 month old and am glad there was only one!! pheww lol
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Lol thanks Minxie. :)

I keep saying I'm due AF but I should start thinking positive and say I'm due my BFP! x
Atta girl!!!! we are going to be celebrating your bfp very very soon!!! xx
Negative opk. Going to go back in the thread and compare to last cycle if I can. X


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
hey hun i just noticed ur anniversary on ur july testing thread is 8th july.....thats the same as me!! itl be our first this year
Oh my anniversary is actually the 10th.. I put it forward because I know I'll cave. :oooo:

nicky ur due date is the date i ov with lacie's egg lol :) you didnt need to kknow that though lol
I definitely feel crampy.. Well on and off anyway! Come on positive ov test! :clock: x
We BDed last night so we should be ok. Not sure about tonight cos we're out til late. x
Ov test earlier at 4pm was negative, fainter than the earlier one too. Hmm! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Oh miss j :-( I'm at work feeling as rough as anything!! Not going to moan tho cos it's all gonna be so worth it! X
Going to have to see what tomorrow's ov test is like...holding on to the fact last cycle's positives didn't show up til cd18. :pray: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Surges can happen quick miss j. I never got a positive but have a definite temp rise so praying I ov and missed it. Bloods Monday will tell. Do you still feel crampy xx
Come on now Miss J - back to positive thoughts again :) It will happen xx

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