The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Sorry to invade just read your posts I am so sorry to hear this blue flower, but you must think positively, have you looked to see if nhs will pay for off!? My brothers wife suffered with bowel cancer and has a chromosome missing so she does. Or produce eggs, and can never have her own baby. She had to go through so much treatment for years, and inject herself daily. Nhs paid for her first ivf, her auntie donated her eggs for her, and although she didn't make the baby herself, she still had a normal pregnancy but a c section. She had to pay for the second ivf but she has two beautiful boys, never give up hope, it may be a few months wait but the end result will be worth it. Like I said she had to wait years as the cancer had to post pone it too but she is healthy now. It may seem bleak at the moment but it's not all bad news, you can do this! Good luck ladies fx for everyone! Xxxx

The 18 week wait for the op is NHS and to get it privately would cost more than IVF! I'm too old for NHS IVF unfortunately.
I think I've resigned myself to the long wait now, there's nothing I can do to speed it up! Thank you for the hopeful story!
Thank you ladies good idea re the not telling him its ovulation time, although its more me who has the rubbish sex drive at the moment, he always manages to perform! Just wish I was more up for it (other than just wanting it to concieve)

Lou x
Have you tried reading a saucy book or something?! There's a thread on here with some suggestions somewhere! I know I need something to make it a bit more exciting sometimes!
I am now on CD1 without having to take provera which means the clomid must have done something last cycle but probably really late on. I only found out today that I'm being moved onto femara instead and I will have to discount this cycle as the go won't get the letter in time to prescribe it meaning ill probably have to take provera in 42 days to induce my next cycle. I was happy with this but I do have a massive new stock of clomid as i had just picked up my repeat prescription and now I'm having "what ifs" going through my head - what if I take it tomorrow and its the cycle that finally works? Don't know whether to leave it or not, any advice ladies?x
Thanks Blueflower, that's what I decided to do and took my first lot this morning x
Makes sense to use what you have rather than miss out! Good luck!
hey all how are you? I had to let you lovely ladies know that I just got my bfp on a clearblue digi
Yay yummymummy! Sorry to hear things aren't going well for all of you. I do pop in and read the posts but looking at stuff on my phone makes me feel sick so not on here much at all xx
Congratulations yummymummy! I still pop in and see how everyone's clomid journey is going. Good luck!!
Does anyone still use this? Or is there going to be another one??

I'm starting clomid soon and like this idea. Would like to be on one! :-) x

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